- If there is a heart which you think in even who as for magic the [tsu] [te] which can be used, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/neopla2008/entry-11054331698.html The [chi] it shakes quickly…Any which that hand which is extended mutually grasps not only the bill, you drive, the feeling which is shared it is via [Chi] il en secoue rapidement… que cette main qui est prolongée mutuellement saisit non seulement la facture, vous conduisent, le sentiment par l'intermédiaire dont lui est partagé est
- But topic consideration the feeling which receives mock examination (laughing)
http://ameblo.jp/amane-mimase-yumeiro/entry-10429594709.html When the [chi] it shakes quickly, as for the person where the Awazi island comes out, being agreeable without fail, the ↑ which has [ru] self-confidence being agreeable without fail, as for being a [ru] self-confidence as for ←←← English where is just that ...... Quand [chi] il secoue rapidement, en tant que pour la personne où l'île d'Awazi sort, étant agréable sans faute, le ↑ qui a la confiance en soi [RU] être agréable sans faute, quant à être confiance en soi d'a [RU] quant à l'anglais de ←←← où est juste ce ......
- The [u] the [hi], the [ge] which is done - it is less crowded, the ♡
http://miff.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-02 However the [chi] it shakes you laughed quickly, you recommend to the person who requests laughing purely by all means, a liberal translation Toutefois [chi] il secoue vous avez ri rapidement, vous recommandez à la personne qui demande rire purement certainement
- 今月の新刊
http://azureskydiary.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/978/ The [chi] it shakes quickly, the kana where the just a little picture changes? But the [a] - the three-sided crest tasty air does [Chi] il secoue rapidement, le kana où juste de la petite image change ? Mais [a] - l'air savoureux de crête three-sided fait
- うーん。
http://ameblo.jp/shtsn9tiger/entry-10233732339.html Whether it will go to the buying which the [chi] quickly is shaken,… S'il ira aux achats que [le chi] rapidement est secoué,…
Chihayafuru , Manga,