- If it is not necessary to dream, it is not necessary to be discouraged. You must be cautious, the fact that on the other hand probably is joy and sorrow.
http://thomas-aquinas.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-f266.html Administration alternation and east Japanese large earthquake disaster to the Democratic party, it is accident of the Fukushima first nuclear plant from the Liberal Democratic Party Alternación y desastre grande al este japonés al partido Democratic, de la administración del terremoto es accidente de la primera central nuclear de Fukushima del partido Democratic liberal
- Prime Minister Noda, “'Japan it changes' with administration alternation,” that it was deception, you state loudly
http://henkaku-kisetu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-40d1.html Because the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party are “barely the difference” only, and like this speaking that, that you probably will do together, it calls Porque el partido Democratic liberal y el partido Democratic son “apenas la diferencia” solamente, y como esto que habla eso, ese usted hará probablemente junto, él llama
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/doro-bune/entry-11013475759.html The Liberal Democratic Party bureaucratic leaving and politician main leadership of the Democratic party happiness of the citizen is the feeling which is far, a liberal translation El irse burocrático liberal y el político del partido Democratic dirección principal de la felicidad del partido Democratic del ciudadano es la sensación que es lejana
- Wit of old man, a liberal translation
http://shinanomichi.at.webry.info/201109/article_3.html There is no either valve of reflection in the Liberal Democratic Party and as for the rice cake which is drawn in the picture of the Democratic party there is no either expectation where you can eat, as for the leader which lacks nature there is no either wit which appoints the Koga Shigeru discernment person differing from the roller roller, also confidence from the world lost, a liberal translation No hay cualquier válvula de la reflexión en el partido Democratic liberal y en cuanto a la torta de arroz que se dibuja en el cuadro del partido Democratic no hay cualquier expectativa donde usted puede comer, en cuanto al líder que carece la naturaleza allí no es ninguÌn cualquier ingenio que designa a la persona del discernimiento de Koga Shigeru que diferencia del rodillo del rodillo, también confianza del mundo perdido
- As for method of using the terminology of after all this one you think that it is strange.
http://ameblo.jp/lm145962/entry-10945348547.html You do not adhere to our people and the opposition axis of the ruling and opposition parties of democracy, Usted no se adhiere a nuestra gente y al eje de la oposición de los partidos del acto y de oposición de democracia,
http://jiro-dokudan.cocolog-nifty.com/jiro/2011/09/6911-3703.html The Liberal Democratic Party and to become shakily excessively, that because you say whether then, one time, it tries doing with “administration alternation” in Japan, the fact that it is born is the Democratic party administration, a liberal translation El partido Democratic liberal y convertirse tambaleante excesivamente, eso porque usted dice si entonces, una vez, él intenta hacer con la “alternación de la administración” en Japón, el hecho de que nace es la administración del partido Democratic
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gyosei0321/53489847.html At the Liberal Democratic Party without being possible, being possible to only the Democratic party, that is groping the alternative source of energy of the nuclear plant En el partido Democratic liberal sin ser posible, siendo posible solamente al partido Democratic, que está andando a tientas la fuente de energía alternativa de la central nuclear
Democratic administration, Politics ,