- Not good ... Dounimo not u0026quot;expect a new racing ・ Central Wingu0026quot; 2010-02-20
http://you-max.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/2010-02-20-c2ac.html The Kyoto 11r Kyoto commemoration (on g 4ⅱ In lawn) *⑬[buenabisuta] ○⑦Dream journey -②Sunrise MAX △⑪As for tow Shaw sirocco favorite, Arima commemoration 2⑬. It won⑦With loaf quantitative difference does not change, but this time you see as the reversal ant in presence of the loaf quantitative result and difference of the Kyoto result. As for opposition, that⑦ Чествование Киото 11r Киото (на g 4ⅱ В лужайке) *⑬○ [buenabisuta]⑦Мечт путешествие -②△ МАКС восхода солнца⑪Как для фаворита sirocco Shaw кудели, чествование 2 Arima⑬. Оно выиграл⑦С хлебцем количественная разница не изменяет, только это время вы видите как муравей реверсирования в присутсвии результата хлебца количественных и разницы результата Киото. Как для противовключения, то⑦
- 当たらない競馬予想:日本ダービー - 夢編倶楽部 何でも掲示板 NEO
http://loritakaidou.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-01-1 Kyoto 10r [antaresusutekusu] (gⅲ) 3 daily doubles⑤You expect to 15 point wild consecutive championship victory of wild speed ~1.4 6.8 11.15 or more! Tokyo 11r [hurorarusutekusu] (gⅱ) 3 daily doubles⑯As for 15 point we of [deiajina] ~2.4 7.8 10.12 or more the ~ which dislikes the Hoshino opening! 277: < Deletion >: < Deletion > < deletion > 278: Umatarou: 2009/05/02 (Saturday) 14:35: 24 Kyoto 11r emperor prize spring (gⅰ) * Screen hero⑯ ○ [asakusakingusu]⑰ - [montekurisuesu]⑮ △ sunrise MAX① Ã [hokutosurutan]⑨ [zennogutsudoutsudo]⑩ As for the buying eye 3 connected single multiple 16.172 head axes as for 24 tea serving manners running of 15.1 9.10 or more harsh conditional this time, the all right screen persevering and! 279, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- 何やっても駄目だ・・・・・・
http://myhome.cururu.jp/suzukiring/blog/article/51002908188 The Kyoto 11r ◎8 jaguar male 4 arrival 2 [oukenburusuri] 1 arrival ▲10 [mainerukitsutsu] 7 arrival △14 [tohouaran] 8 arrival 3 connected single 2-8 multiple 10.14box end 3 connected single 2→ 3→ 143,670 Yen, a liberal translation Прибытие 2 мужчины 4 ягуара Киото 11r ◎8 [oukenburusuri] 1 прибытие ▲10 [mainerukitsutsu] 7 прибытие прибытия △14 [tohouaran] 8 3 соединило одиночное 2-8 множественный 10.14box конец 3 соединил одиночное 2→ 3→ 143.670 иен
- 当たってーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
http://myhome.cururu.jp/suzukiring/blog/article/51002908112 Because Kyoto the [ru] horse winning concerning the direction before, the [ru] as for the rear waiting horse too much turning off, the Kyoto 11r ◎8 jaguar male 2 [oukenburusuri] ▲10 [mainerukitsutsu] △14 [tohouaran] 3 ream single 2-8 multiple 10.14box, a liberal translation Потому что Киото лошадь [ru] выигрывая относительно направления перед, [ru] как для задней лошади too much поворачивая, мужчина 2 [oukenburusuri] ▲10 ягуара Киото 11r ◎8 [mainerukitsutsu] [tohouaran] 3 ream △14 определяет 2-8 множественных 10.14box
- 天皇賞(春)
http://myhome.cururu.jp/matomaru55impact/blog/article/81002672152 Kyoto 10r *⑰[asakusakingusu] (four rank ocean sentence) ○③Jaguar male (Ando Masaru oneself) -⑫Dream journey (pond attachment Kenichi) *①Sunrise MAX (Hukunaga 祐 one) △⑨[hokutosurutan] (Komaki thickly) it is dangerous⑮[montekurisuesu] (Taketoyo) it is dangerous⑯The screen hero (model Hiro Yokoyama) it is dangerous④Al eggplant line (Ebina justice), a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Sunrise max, Gamble,