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    Cooking related words Olive oil Tartar Potato Meuniere Bowl of rice topped with sashimi Omelette rice Pink shrimp Mustard Smoking Conger eel

    • Iron fire bowl @500 (111104), a liberal translation
      Saury? Lean x2 [hamachi] of [negitorosamonika] horseradish [shisogarimaguro]? In the recent fixed turn, [ri] [goma] which is done is shaken, the laver is recorded
      Saury? Сухопарое x2 [hamachi] хрена [negitorosamonika] [shisogarimaguro]? В недавнем фикчированном повороте, [ri] [goma] который сделан сотрясан, laver записан

    • , a liberal translation

      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Spicy Joe with Sour Cream Burger, a liberal translation
      [marinadosarada] of salmon and paprika
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • [doria
      Salmon and broccoli, a liberal translation
      ♪ замотки семг & огурца

    • December 12th FARM to go
      Christmas color such as salmon and salad of the potato assembles, a liberal translation
      Цвет Кристмас как семги и салат картошки собирает

    • These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
      Buying the sashimi of the salmon and the raw bonito, a liberal translation
      Покупать sashimi salmon и сырцовой пеламиды

    • Seven eleven
      [marine] of salmon and onion?
      [морской пехотинец] семг и лука?

    • The San Diego sea urchin [zu] paragraph
      The salmon it designated waiting as hand roll (the hand to wind,)
      Salmon крен руки (рука) он сделало для того чтобы обмотать ждать

    • brasserie mollard
      The temporary [tsu] burning also the skin of the grille salmon of the salmon, it is tasty! That and, the French person being defeated, it is tasty
      Временное горение [tsu] также кожа семг решетки семг, оно вкусно! Что и, французская будучи нанесенным поражение персона, оно вкусен

    • It collaborates with the daughter, a liberal translation
      Salad of salmon, lemon soy sauce dressing
      Салат семг, шлихты соевого соуса лимона

    • These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
      The Paris Paris frying of salmon
      Жарить Париж Париж семг

    • With the doll town water heaven Miyamae's “real Japanese food light” the lunch of prejudice is eaten in non addition non conversion pitch
      The salmon there being just [harasu], the fat riding, was tasty
      Семга там как раз [harasu], тучное катание, была вкусна

    • SHARI THE TOKYO SUSHI BAR, a liberal translation
      As for the salmon making by all means even at the house, being like, the shank
      Как для семг делая конечно даже на доме, был как, хвостовик

    • You call with this,… well! This calls, (0), a liberal translation
      Salmon & cucumber winding ♪
      ♪ замотки семг & огурца

    • Color difference hair rubber ♪, a liberal translation
      May be linked to more detailed information..
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Ota city “PIA”
      The pasta whose [samonn] and the tomato are cool
      Макаронные изделия которых [samonn] и томат холодн

    • Leaving the hospital celebrating, to ♪Arcange, a liberal translation
      [rabiori] wrapping basilico source of salmon, a liberal translation
      [rabiori] оборачивающ источник basilico семг

    • Barrel barrel of salmon, a liberal translation
      Buying the salmon, the origin it is to think with [karupatsuchiyo] of the salmon, but modification to the barrel barrel
      Покупающ семг, начало оно думать с [karupatsuchiyo] семг, но изменения к бочонку бочонка

    • With star anise the hand feather origin and the Chinese wind cooked food of Japanese radish, a liberal translation
      The salmon sashimi and raw spring of the Chinese cabbage winding
      Salmon sashimi и сырцовая весна замотки китайской капусты

    • http://nonoka1017.blog100.fc2.com/blog-entry-217.html
      The sashimi of the salmon, you forgot to put out, - - (crying) going to year's first visit to the shrine, you played for a while with the park inside the temple! This year we ask may (the ^^♪
      Sashimi семг, вы забыли положить вне, - - (плачущ) идущ к году сперва посетите к святыне, вам сыграл на некоторое время с парком внутри виска! Этот год мы спрашиваем можем (^^♪

    • Geneva Charity Ball   Charity party
      Barrel barrel of salmon and sea bass, a liberal translation
      Бочонок бочонка семг и баса моря

    • [resutorante] [chiyouji] (CHOJI), a liberal translation
      It means that the salmon in rear is, but don't you think? being visible, increase it is
      Оно значите что семга в задем, но вы не думаете? был видима, увеличьте его

    • sa^monpinku no suto^ru �� mafura^ ��
      To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • The Italian Christmas, a liberal translation
      Salad tailoring of salmon and [rukora
      Портняжничать салата семг и [rukora

    • To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
      Salad tailoring of salmon and [rukora
      Портняжничать салата семг и [rukora

    • It could smoke salmon and [hotate
      The salmon, whether taste and the fragrance above expecting, this super with [torautosamon] which is bought the extent which is thought was good, a liberal translation
      Семги, были ли вкус и благоухание над предпологать, это супер с [torautosamon] что куплено размер который подуман хороши

    • Absent-mindedly unintentionally -!! Fall the salt malt soaking burning and the kim chee of the salmon it is densely the [ya] [ku] to enter, it roasts, the tofu.
      The salmon densely it is in the sushi ♪ eggplant vermicelli of the [ya] [ku] from rammer frying, a liberal translation
      Семги плотно оно в вермишели баклажана ♪ суш [ya] [ku] от жарить забойника

    • Lunch
      Salmon fly barrel barrel source attaching cucumber in [chi] [ku] [wa
      Семги летают источник бочонка бочонка прикрепляя огурец в [хи] [ku] [wa

    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/narumin7/e/47b483607ebba14c842462c9c805220b
      The salmon, inserting cutting into, puts olive and [deiru] there
      Семга, вводя вырезывание в, кладет оливку и [deiru] там

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