- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://blog.livedoor.jp/elma0451/archives/51776388.html As for tonight, month floated in air, the cloud abnormal play the [bi] was Quanto para ao tonight, mês flutuado no ar, o jogo anormal da nuvem [bi] era
- 14 night
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yf_fujiwara/64817209.html This year, name month of old calendar August middle fall was beautiful, a liberal translation Este ano, o mês conhecido da queda média de agosto do calendário velho era bonito
- If 13 night it is not, 14 night?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/decollo07/e/7666fdb6dabc18b0801013503bf07276 In order to use in haiku, hurrying, afternoon the moon of 8 o'clock you take because ↑ last night they were 13 nights, as for tonight 14 nights? (Laughing), a liberal translation A fim usar-se no haiku, apressando-se, tarde a lua de 8 horas que você toma porque o ↑ a noite passada eles era 13 noites, quanto para ao tonight 14 noites? (Riso)
- Month of two sixteenth night, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mimoza1216/e/03695f0abcf00ecae3451deae59a9dce Morning 6 o'clock, as for month of two sixteenth night almost it was in culmination Manhã 6 horas, quanto para a um mês da décima sexta noite dois quase estava no ponto culminante
Tsukimi Thirty , japanese culture,