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○■ カメラ:nikon d300... Camera: nikon d300 lens: vr18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g focal length: There is 50mm 70mm trimming, focusing mode: af-s focusing area mode: Single contraction value: f/13 shutter speed: 1/2 second exposure mode: Shutter speed priority automatic exposure revision: 0.0 Step photometry mode: Multiple pattern photometry image pickup sensitivity: At the time of iso 800 long second noise decrease: It is not the flash: It is not
○■ ipod touch 4gの... Becau se the camera of ipod touch 4g is back lighting type cmos, if even at nighttime the optical thing partner the expectation which can be used in that appearance
○■ : - It means that d until now some time observation has done, but the camera it does not have, in the bag does not put away with timing badly until now not copying it was,
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○■ 撮影地についてカ ラを下ろし... When the camera is lowered concerning photographing area, the twilight did suddenly
○■ Because it was not left f rom the house that much, the photograph it tried going to taking in morning of the following day
○■ ボディが以前のd300 からd... The body from d300 of the time before changed to d300s, but at all without changing well, substantially, it does, a liberal translation
○■ 皐月16日(日)、 月は週... Satuki 16 day (day), this month event of weekend being many, the ~ which is news item insufficient (; ;) It is something which was photographed before the consecutive holiday, a liberal translation
○■ * We refuse the no permis sion duplication, reprint and use etc of the document and the picture etc which have been used inside this blog hard
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