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    • Western calendar 2010 senior month 茫 ocean flower bird Fugetsu human feelings paper balloon, a liberal translation
      In order [ichiro] one day one to strike, live, a liberal translation
      Im Auftrag [ichiro] ein Tag einer zum zu schlagen, Phasen

    • Production machine, a liberal translation
      [ichiro] 10 year consecutively 200 these hits!! The wound it does not do body ability completely has not become weak and, in comparison with 10 years ago
      [ichiro] 10 Jahr nacheinander 200 diese Schläge!! Nicht im Vergleich mit die Wunde tut es Körper, den Fähigkeit vollständig nicht schwach geworden ist und, 10 Jahren vor

    • Now one word of morning
      [ichiro] 200 hit achievement
      [ichiro] 200 geschlagene Ausführung

    • Great achievement and achievement*, a liberal translation
      [ichiro], 10 years the [tsu] which is questioned consecutively with your 200 these hit [me]! > REPT (≧▽≦*)
      [ichiro], 10 Jahre [tsu] das nacheinander mit Ihren 200 diesen Schlag [ich] in Frage gestellt wird! > REPT (≧▽≦*)

    • The Chelsea victory, as for the Manchester Derby draw, a liberal translation
      Gold grab prize it receives with [ichiro] and 10 year continuation.
      Goldzupackenpreis, den er mit [ichiro] und eine 10-Jahr-Fortsetzung empfängt.

    • [ichiro] and after 11 while is
      To [ichiro] and this season 200 hits 17
      Zu [ichiro] und Schläge 17 dieser Jahreszeit 200

    • Season end, a liberal translation
      [ichiro] and large record!!! You question with the [me], (the *^▽^)/, a liberal translation
      [ichiro] und große Aufzeichnung!!! Sie fragen mit [ich], (*^▽^)/

    • But [ichiro] 10 year consecutively 200 hit achievements, a liberal translation
      If [ichiro] 3rd strikes, you think also [tsu] [te] thing, a liberal translation
      Wenn [ichiro] 3. Schläge, Sie auch denken [tsu] [te] Sache

    • At today shank…
      Don't you think? [ichiro] achieved 200 these hits, -
      Nicht denken Sie? [ichiro] erzielte 200 diese Schläge, -

    • Routine work
      It is the spirit the [ichiro] oven cartridge is in 200 hits the hand may reach,
      Es ist der Geist, den die [ichiro] Ofenpatrone in 200 Schlägen ist, die Hand erreichen kann,

    • Morning Calais -> so the [me] it is, a liberal translation
      [ichiro], “now, unless morning Calais” is done
      [ichiro], „jetzt, es sei denn Morgen Calais“ erfolgt

    • Shogi throne game Three crowns
      You call [ichiro]!! Call Hanyu and - the world, you just have lived, receive the power together the [chi] [ya] it may be don't you think? is, (^-^)/, a liberal translation
      Sie benennen [ichiro]!! Anruf Hanyu und - die Welt, haben Sie gerade gelebt, die Energie zusammen [Chi] [ya,] empfangen, kann es sein nicht Sie denkt? ist, (^-^)/

    • Professional
      Also [ichiro] you can chat probably is certainly harmoniously with the same stage
      Auch [ichiro] können Sie vermutlich plaudern sind zweifellos harmonisch mit dem gleichen Stadium

    • [pu] [so] 2 it starts!
      As for just [ichiro] pardon!!
      Was gerade [ichiro] Entschuldigung anbetrifft!!

    • The king of rice D [tsu] [te] how, doing, it increases, don't you think?.
      Don't you think? there is a [ichiro] [tsu] [te] spirit, a liberal translation
      Nicht denken Sie? es gibt a [ichiro] [tsu] [te], Geist

    • It went to herb [tsu] [te] somewhere, it is probably will be.
      Don't you think? the [ichiro] [tsu] [te] the tip is not visible quite
      Nicht denken Sie? [ichiro] [tsu] [te] ist die Spitze nicht durchaus sichtbar

    • Gold club prize
      And one record increased to [ichiro
      Und eine Aufzeichnung erhöht auf [ichiro

    • Fall “of [ichiro] collapse of wbc deciding 10 chart [ichiroichiro] information virtue” getting over mind and body [pawaatsupuichiro
      [ichiro] Matsui 秀 happy discussion 06 [ichiroichi].
      [ichiro] Matsui 秀 glückliche Diskussion 06 [ichiroichi].

    • It is enormous
      However how to strike the hit of [ichiro] is symbolize, mediocrity mediocrity the person thing “of explanation” entering by the fact that level is high, this [ru] place what there is no this [tsu] [po] [tsu] [chi], that
      Jedoch, wie man den Schlag von [ichiro] ist symbolisieren, Mittelmäßigkeitmittelmäßigkeit die Personensache „der Erklärung schlägt“, die durch die Tatsache hereinkommt, dass waagerecht ausgerichtet hoch ist, dieser Platz [ru], was dort kein dieses ist [tsu] [PO] [tsu] [Chi], dass

    • Professional consciousness of [ichiro, a liberal translation
      When you look at the professional consciousness of [ichiro], the [ho] [re] [bo] [re] it does
      Wenn Sie das Berufsbewußtsein von [ichiro] betrachten, [ho] [bezüglich] [BO] [bezüglich,] tut es

    • It starts from the scapula,…
      The movable limits of the scapula of [ichiro] are wide without [hanpa] is, a liberal translation
      Die beweglichen Begrenzungen auf das Schulterblatt von [ichiro] sind außen [hanpa] ist breit

    • It receives name, a liberal translation
      [ichiro] seems most the trainer of the veteran
      Comentarios japones en los examenes de blog, comentarios, problemas, la evaluacion, la reputacion

    • Wood of mortar
      [ichiro] president good morning it is
      [ichiro] guter Morgen des Präsident ist es

    • The [ichiro] player, 10 years consecutively 200 hit achievements!!, a liberal translation
      The [ichiro] player, 10 years consecutively 200 hit achievements!! [Baseball] [compilation
      Der [ichiro] Spieler, 10 Jahre nacheinander 200 schlug Ausführungen!! [Baseball] [Kompilation

    • Power of word
      Interview of the [ichiro] player from some time it reached the point where it offends to the nose, a liberal translation
      Interview des [ichiro] Spielers von einiger Zeit erreichte es den Punkt, in dem es zur Nase beleidigt

    • 10 year [ichiro] players consecutively 200 these hit achievements!, a liberal translation
      It does not reach to the number of hits of the [ichiro] player, but in the future outside the [ho] [so] [bo] we would like to keep continuing,
      Es erreicht nicht zur Zahl Schlägen des [ichiro] Spielers, aber zukünftig Außenseite das [ho] [also] [BO] möchten wir fortzufahren halten,

    • Enthusiasm [ichiroichiro] & Saito [tore] ball park authorized personnel to of [ichiro] WBC [shiyatsutoautoichiro, a liberal translation
      High school age � of [ichiro] player (shock base running) [i].
      School-Alter � [ichiro] des Spielers (niedriger Betrieb des Schlages) [i].

    • Response
      Like the [ichiro] player, the ball was caught accurately with the core of the bat, it is different from “the reaction”, but…,
      Wie der [ichiro] Spieler wurde die Kugel genau mit dem Kern des Hiebes verfangen, ist sie zu „der Reaktion“, aber… unterschiedlich,

    • It is decrease of level of the misprint occurring frequently ~ citizen of census, a liberal translation
      The [ichiro] player, it is the expectation which the batting average compared to calculates the number of hits
      Der [ichiro] Spieler, ist es die Erwartung, die die Durchschnittsleistung des Schlägers berechnet die Zahl Schlägen verglich

    • It is the betta, but you question with the [me], it is.
      You question with your [ichiro] player 10 year continual season 200 these hit [me], it is
      Sie fragen mit Ihrem [ichiro] Spieler die kontinuierliche diese Jahreszeit von 200 10 Jahr Schlag [ich], es sind

    • The color of JAWBONE not yet arrival arrives*
      [ichiroshigunechiya] radar (the radar) oakley which is in the midst of popularity boiling, a liberal translation
      [ichiroshigunechiya] Radar (das Radar) oakley, das inmitten des Popularitätskochens ist

    • New arrival ~ venture “redwood reservation” of 9/18 these days & “three positive products PB”
      New product of [ichirozumoruto] 2 kind arrival, a liberal translation
      Neues Produkt [ichirozumoruto] der Ankunft mit 2 Arten

    • Body maintenance
      However it was not [ichirohuan], after all it is the [sugoi] man, a liberal translation
      Gleichwohl es nicht [ichirohuan] war, schliesslich ist es der [sugoi] Mann

    • There is the Japanese club which provides the hand to the [watsushiyoiichiromejiya] prominent problem child with [ichiro] or, [ichiromarinazu] 
      [ichiro] Matsui 秀 happy discussion 02 [ichiromari].
      [ichiro] Matsui 秀 glückliche Diskussion 02 [ichiromari].

    • Catch [mitsu] ♪
      The if [yukiya] ~ [n] [te] with [wake], [ichiro] teacher did intends probably to do [kedo], did after all this year the word of [ichiro] teacher after the season the pleasure -
      , wenn [yukiya] ~ [n] [te] mit [Spur], [ichiro] Lehrer tat, beabsichtigt vermutlich zu tun [kedo], tat schliesslich dieses Jahr das Wort [ichiro] des Lehrers nach der Jahreszeit das Vergnügen -

    •  [ooba] vain nature, a liberal translation
      As for [ichiro] “around you call the thing which it can change”
      Wie was [ichiro] „um Sie fordern Sie die Sache, die ändern kann“

    • Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
      It is [barentein] also it has been the colleague of [ichiro
      Es ist [barentein] auch es ist gewesen der Kollege von [ichiro

    • aki の musi muzukasisou です 。
      Don't you think? there is a [ichiro] [tsu] [te] spirit, a liberal translation
      Nicht denken Sie? es gibt a [ichiro] [tsu] [te], Geist

    • Sujets japonais, questions, opinions et suggestions, reflexions, commentaires, discussions, etc
      Being the same, as the opposite heart to of the abnormality for [ichiro] and the like (leads to the world) as for the Japanese top athlete the case which makes the object of grudge without the reason is many
      Seiend der selbe, als das gegenüberliegende Herz von zu der Abweichung für [ichiro] und zu der dergleichen (führt zu die Welt), was den japanischen Spitzenathleten anbetrifft, ist der Fall, der den Gegenstand von der Missgunst ohne den Grund bildet, viele

    • 安易な海外移籍の風潮に思う
      [ichiro] and with Orikkusu several years the leading hitter is obtained with continuation, the [tsu] [te
      [ichiro] und mit Orikkusu einige Jahre wird der führende Schlagmann mit der Fortsetzung erhalten, [tsu] [te

    • Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese
      News of topic of [ichiro] - [entame] information retrieval, a liberal translation
      Nachrichten des Themas von [ichiro] - [entame] Information Retrieval

    • weblog title
      The [ichiro] player probably will strike main hit of what but, cannot win [marinazu],…
      Der [ichiro] Spieler vermutlich schlägt Hauptleitungsschlag von, was aber, nicht gewinnen kann [marinazu],…

    • Japanese weblog
      [ichiro]! (5) (cartoon time kr comics)
      [ichiro]! (5) (Karikaturzeit-Kr-Comics)

    • Japanese Letter
      That it continued [ichiro] to do also 10 years, a liberal translation
      Dass es [ichiro] fortfuhr 10 Jahre auch zu tun

    • Serious preparation 9
      Three swings doing [ichiro], under it did not face no matter what
      Drei tuendes Schwingen [ichiro], unter ihm stellte nicht egal was gegenüber

    • Japanese Letter
      The [ichiro] player it came coming out
      Der [ichiro] Spieler kam es herauskommend

    • Japanese talking
      [ichiro] player, celebration and annual 200 hit!
      [ichiro] Spieler, Feier und Jahrbuch 200 geschlagen!

    • weblog title
      Even the number of annual of [ichiro] hits, there was a voice, the number of tournaments [douno, a liberal translation
      Sogar die Zahl des Jahrbuches [ichiro] der Schläge, gab es eine Stimme, die Zahl Turnieren [douno

    • Japanese Letter
      , a liberal translation
      Im Falle [ichiro], wenn die Zahl Turnieren des Jahres 130 Turniere ist,

    • Japanese Letter
      The radar of the limited color of [ichiro] player wearing arrived
      Das Radar der begrenzten Farbe [ichiro] des Spielertragens angekommen

    • original letters
      [ichiro] or Matsui interviewing, the [te],, a liberal translation
      [ichiro] oder Matsui Interviewen, [te],

    • Instead of the narcotic of the difficult problem advance shipment > the narcotic it is no more than a simply drug
      To the last in [ichiro] and heroic deed cool
      Zum Letzten innen [ichiro] und zum heroischen Brief kühl

    • original letters
      The [ichiro] player, 10 years consecutively 200 hit achievements!! The [ichiro] player 10 years achieved 200 hits consecutively in 24 day [burujieizu] game
      Der [ichiro] Spieler, 10 Jahre nacheinander 200 schlug Ausführungen!! Der [ichiro] Spieler 10 Jahre erzielte 200 Schläge nacheinander in 24 Spiel des Tag [burujieizu

    • original letters
      [ichiro] not only greater than the peat rose, lines up into the tie cup or, it is excellent above that
      [ichiro] nicht nur größer als die Torfrose, richtet in die Riegelschale aus, oder, sie ist über der ausgezeichnet

    • Celebration! 10 years the self management technique which is seen consecutively in 200 these hit [ichiro
      It does not reach to the [ichiro] player far and don't you think? the [te], as for physical condition management it will have to be secure,
      Es erreicht nicht zum [ichiro] Spieler weit und nicht denken Sie? [te], was Verfassungmanagement anbetrifft muss es sicher sein,

    • Japanese talking
      As for the place where [ichiro] is enormous there is no goal of the team, it is not defeated to oneself, a liberal translation
      Was den Platz anbetrifft, in dem [ichiro] enorm ist, gibt es kein Ziel der Mannschaft, es wird besiegt nicht zu selbst

    • “10 year continuation and 200 these hit achievements, you question with the [me]!!!” With “method of running on water?” With “timing of change of dress”
      It is, [sami] of the [ichiro] large fan
      Es ist, [sami] vom [ichiro] großen Ventilator

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