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○■ This day shot 1 hits with 6th dh, but 1 times 2 dead loaded bases, 3 times 2 deaths one, with the preemptive machine of the third base and 2 times mediocrity retreating/quitting, a liberal translation
○■ この二人にはかな 助けれてたは... It helps rather in these two people and the [re] [te] is expectation ON
○■ rawlings corporation make [niyuyokuyankisu] 2009 [warudoshirizuchiyanpionzu] official sphere (mlb ball) (world series) ([roringusu]) ([yankisu] victory! Celebration! Matsui 秀 happy player world series mvp!), a liberal translation
○■ 今さらではあるが ニューヨーク... After so long a time is, but 7 years the Matsui 秀 happy player who has been on the register, came in New York [yankisu] and season transferring to Los Angeles [enjierusu] was decided, a liberal translation
○■ Representative wide of Ma tsui 秀 happy player of New York [yankisu]. Isao yesterday, Osaka and Kobe which was done at the Koshien ball park - medium day game the pole. You observed, so is
○■ ゴジラ松井と、ど かの球場で勝... The dream which had a match at the ball park whether Matsui and the [do] [tsu] Godzilla of was seen
○■ It is dense, it is, it is ! Because Matsui 秀 happiness participated large, going to go go Calais right away, it is something which it has been about you will receive the topping free ticket and probably to go! (=⌒▽⌒=)
○■ 今季で4年520 万ドル(約4... Per this season 4 year 52,000,000 dollar (approximately 4,680,000,000 Yen) Matsui where contract is cut off, a liberal translation
○■ 米大リーグ・エン ルスの松井秀... It became the prospect that Matsui 秀 happiness of American major league [enzerusu] in [tsuinzu] game on the 8th starts in advance at left flank
○■ Today (the Japanese time) the American major league which was done, in the world series 6th game, [yankisu] lowered 7−3 and [huirizu], with opposition record 4 victory 2 defeat/miss after 9 years shone in 27th the greatest in the world
○■ 【韓国ブログ】松 秀がmv... The Matsui 秀 mvp acquisition, even in Korea world series 6th game of the w series American major league of attention (7 game systems) with as for [yankisu] lowered [huirizu] with the 7−3, after 9 years carried out 27th victory, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん音楽性が に入ったの... Of course, it is first for music characteristic to like, but when selling the “the reflex” explosively, it was delightful, the ~, a liberal translation
○■ 『打撃女医サオリ 一発殴(や... 'Shock female doctor [saori] one shot 殴 (and) and others [se] [te]'… bops, a liberal translation
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