- At the Democratic party, as for Japan collapse.
http://matacyann.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2077611/ After the friend of the Japanese returning to Japan, we want collecting the crime evidence of the former Japanese Army”, you say, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Change of frame of mind, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/sakurasaku1111/diary/201107020000/ Kidnapping confinement encountering to [burogu] which clamors, because certainly, that person being the Japanese, probably is serious with donation donation, “the air it is the attaching and the ~ [tsu] [te] place in the body”, a liberal translation Удерживание похищения людей сталкиваясь [burogu] которое кричит, потому что определенно, та персона японцем, вероятно серьезна с пожертвованием пожертвования, «воздух прикрепляться и ~ [tsu] [te] место в теле»
- null
http://kojik.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/post-4721.html The Japanese lives in order to work, a liberal translation Японские жизни работать
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