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○■ 十字架の信仰は、 会の福音の... Belief of the cross is the center of good news of the church
○■ On the one hand, as for t he o-90 number, d thinks in another woman, but knowing that it is controlled way, this and being driven by the impulse” of love”, you chase him and seek, a liberal translation
○■ そこは、私=”わ ら”である... There me =” us” was the fascism society which is, a liberal translation
○■ The [a] - the [a], the po lice and Soka academic society, agreement of interests of the unification church the cult is proven and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is, a liberal translation
○■ 孝成教会(統一教 ) to... To filial piety forming church (unification church) top tag: Worship filial piety forming mulberry tree ear praise choir, a liberal translation
○■ As for Japan which has th e history of the Korean invasion there to be an obligation of the service in today 'as a [eba] nation', '. Destruction (贖 crime)' is assigned, a liberal translation
○■ だが、社民は現有 5議席で改... But, as for corporation people existence with 5 parliamentary seats reelection 3, a liberal translation
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