http://hlad.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-1bc9.html As for me as for trying that probably becomes the occupation politician, without either one time the [te], policy Как для меня как для пробовать то вероятно становит политикан занятия, без любого одного времени [te], политика
- To Ozawa innocence. It waits for investigation, “another nightmare”
http://kiyomaro.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2467357/ I Ozawa's policy, am not the case that it supports political technique, a liberal translation I политика Ozawa, am не случай что он поддерживает политический метод
- “Roasted cake burning”
http://ameblo.jp/takazero/entry-10217023780.html I do not envy the person who favors and/or do not do Я не завидую персоне которая благоволит к and/or не делаю
- Japanese Letter
http://nanakoya.cocolog-nifty.com/sign/2010/08/post-0ddf.html I conceivably, dislike in brief in the old people and the [chi] [ya] am am don't you think?, as for Horie, a liberal translation I conceivably, нелюбовь в сводке в старые люди и [хи] [ya] am am вы не думаете? , как для Horie
- Several “” ~1Q84 ing the [u] ~
http://ombola.air-nifty.com/mimi/2010/04/1q84-ing-620e.html I, first, remembered several movies I, во-первых, вспомнено нескольким кино
Horiemon, Phrase,