- はッ(`・д・´;)
http://myhome.cururu.jp/goittyuu/blog/article/71002818322 12. Two round trips (it smells, you wipe) -> round trip 12. Dois desengates redondos (cheira, você limpeza) - > desengate redondo
- バトン
http://myhome.cururu.jp/narazumono/blog/article/41002795437 12. The countryside where two round trips (smelling, you wipe,) clothes something which smells the clothes smell and saw it is [ji] ww, a liberal translation 12. Dois desengates redondos (cheira, o campo onde limpeza) vestem algo que cheira que a roupa cheira e viu que é ww [do ji
- Landmine
http://ameblo.jp/haru-0u0b/entry-10249655442.html 12: Two round trips (smelling, you wipe,) the clothes which smell 12: Dois desengates redondos (cheira, você limpeza) a roupa que cheiram
- ヴァトォンとか
http://ameblo.jp/takishimo/entry-10226467361.html 12. To two round trip (smelling, you wipe,) round trip 12. Desengate redondo redondo de dois desengates (cheira, você limpeza)
- やっと
http://ameblo.jp/kaoru-maka/entry-10253276586.html 12: Two round trips (it smells, you wipe) 12: Dois desengates redondos (cheira, você a limpeza)
Horiemon, Phrase,