- The seizure of former President Horie
http://ameblo.jp/tomo0713-cpa/entry-10479118572.html When Horie pays 20,800,000,000 Yen to ldh, is the agreement to which then ldh corresponds basically, thing Cuando Horie paga 20.800.000.000 Yenes al ldh, es el acuerdo a el cual entonces el ldh corresponde básicamente, cosa
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51234101.html Asking the fact that Horie's dream actualizes, it increases Pedir el hecho de que el sueño de Horie actualiza, aumenta
- Twitter timeline of Wed and May 25
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51249963.html When the person Horie's way becomes the politician, as for Japan the air which can be laughed in true sense does, a liberal translation Cuando siente bien la manera del Horie de la persona al político, en cuanto a Japón el aire que se puede reír en sentido verdadero hace
- Twitter-Zeitachse von Montag und von 2. Mai
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51240764.html Horie's [merumaga] is funny truly, is, a liberal translation Horie [merumaga] es divertido verdad, es
- original letters
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51110619.html You think that in just Horie's school days sufficiently become the book of one volume,, a liberal translation Usted piensa que en apenas Horie los días escolares se convierten en suficientemente el libro de un volumen,
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51103110.html As for the person whom petite conversation would like to make Horie [merumaga] subscribing, when question and the like it does, when almost you answer properly, a liberal translation En cuanto a la persona que la conversación menuda quisiera que hiciera Horie [merumaga] que suscribe, cuando lo hace la pregunta y similares él, cuando casi usted contesta correctamente
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51092479.html You thought that we would like to observe of Horie's movement from to this, Usted pensó que quisiéramos observar del movimiento de Horie a esto,
- Twitter timeline of Sun and Sep 05
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51090249.html You read Horie's book for the first time, but it is easy to read, a liberal translation Usted lee el libro de Horie por primera vez, pero es fácil leer
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takapon_jp-dvd/archives/51082754.html Horie it has been about probably to doing by mistake there is no as for you think that at all, Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
Horiemon, Phrase,