- In Hamana lakeside eel
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chef-mie/e/c6608c1cab9eea6d9f3883ec835068ee It is the liver inhaling and the pickles attaching É o fígado que inala e que une das salmouras
- kawa han
http://kgz.cocolog-nifty.com/acube/2010/07/post-6d5f.html The liver it inhales and also the pickled vegetable is attached distantly, a liberal translation O fígado que inala e o vegetal conservado é unido igualmente distante
- 遂に!!
http://yaplog.jp/pandanet/archive/1761 Before also the steam of the liver inhaling is perfect (laughing), because two pictures photographed with carrying before, as for beauty of the picture history nature!, a liberal translation Igualmente o vapor do fígado que inala é perfeito, porque (rindo) dois retratos antes do fotografado com carreg antes, quanto para à beleza da natureza da história do retrato!
Kimosui, Cooking,