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○■ So, the television [tsu] [te], the thing shelf ~~ [tsu] [te] which does not appear easily in the beauty you thought
○■ When arriving to Umeda, s till past 17 o'clock it is to be, but returning, to make the boiled rice, because the vigor which goes to eating it is not with Umeda, it designated as the boiled rice
○■ The father and the [u] of the father arriving today the [gi] house '[ma] it is in the [tsu] noon boiled rice which goes to the Narita mountain the [pu] [ku] cottage' [u] the [gi] slowly, set today has been packed chaos, after that the year's first visit to the shrine beginning…??? Oh hurrying, worshipping with the father two people who change clothes, the ball at the Omiya Yawata shrine you could not eat, although… it is your apricot stomach full, you eat and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are after that something which the natural water it tries drinking you felt sweetly, don't you think? fresh ~ spring it started coming
○■ However the air the tasty way does approximately everywhere, honesty it is similar and/or approaches and/or with the air which was said… temporarily the [u] on special is heavy with arrogance of the [danna] [tsu] [chi] 3 people on order special for 2200 Yen the [u] as for the [gi] 1. The half entering, it increases
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