01r1=71-31- 802 r7=97-17- 603 r5=15-25- 904 r9=59-19- 405 r1=81-31- 206 r2=82-12- 707 r9=39-29- 108 r1=71-51- 309 r9=39-49- 810 r8=98-78- 311 r4=34-14-5
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://hotep.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-de38.html 01r7=97-37- 802 r4=34-74- 103 r3=93-63- 204 r9=19-2- 305 r3=83-43- 506 r2=92-52- 107 r7=27-37- 108 r171-91- 309 r2=92-52- 110 r2=92-72- 811 r7=17-37-4, a liberal translation 01r7=97-37- 802 r4=34-74- 103 r3=93-63- 204 r9=19-2- 305 r3=83-43- 506 r2=92-52- 107 r7=27-37- 108 r171-91- 309 r2=92-52- 110 r2=92-72- 811 r7=17-37-4
- , a liberal translation
http://hotep.air-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-478d.html [ri] 4=94-14- 309 r Kanayama which [ri] 9=39-29- 508 r Akeda which the [ri] 9=19-39- 207 r bridge nail which one-shot 9=69-39- 206 r Yoshimura of [ri] 2=92-32- 805 r Ikeda which one-shot 5=25-15- 704 r Kubota of [ri] 5=85-15- 303 r Suzuki's whom 01r dry overcoming 1=71-51- 802 r Morita sows sows sows sows sows escaping, the [ri] 1=71-31-2 which [ri] 5=25-75- 311 r Ebine which the Yamada 3=83-93- 710 r stone circle sows sows [ri] 4=94-14- 309 r Kanayama [ri] 9=39-29- 508 r Akeda [ri] 9=19-39- 207 r桥梁钉子一次9=69-39- 206 r一次5=25-15- 704 r Kubota [ri] 2=92-32- 805 r Ikeda [ri] 5=85-15- 303 r铃木的01r烘干克服1=71-51- 802 r Morita播种母猪母猪逃脱母猪的母猪, [ri] 1=71-31-2的Yoshimura [ri] Yamada 3=83-93- 710 r石圈子播种母猪的5=25-75- 311 r Ebine
http://hotep.air-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-0638.html The 01r pond promontory escaping, Suzuki 5=25-75- 802 r large. Escaping, Matsuyama 1=91- 51,303 r Kasai escaping, the [ri] 6=96-16- 205 r inn mouth which 7=47-27- 504 r Tsukamoto Sakurai sows the [tsu] [te] Kobayashi 9=49-5- 206 r bridge which is sown. Escaping, the one-shot 1=51-41- 811 r stone of one-shot 2=12-32- 910 r Jumonji of 9=79-89- 209 r Yoshimura's overcoming 3=53-73- 208 r Yamada 1=71-51- 407 r Kanayama Inamura. Escaping, Yoshinaga 9=29-39-5 逃脱01r池塘的海角,铃木5=25-75-大802 r。 逃脱,松山1=91- 51,303 r逃脱的Kasai, [ri] 6=96-16- 205 r 7=47-27- 504 r Tsukamoto Sakurai播种的旅店嘴[tsu] [te] Kobayashi 9=49-5-被播种的206 r桥梁。 逃脱,一次1=51-41-一次2=12-32- 910 r 9=79-89- 209 r Yoshimura的克服的3=53-73- 208 r Yamada 1=71-51- 407 r Kanayama Inamura Jumonji 811 r石头。 逃脱, Yoshinaga 9=29-39-5
- , a liberal translation
http://hotep.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-478d.html The [ri] 2=72-32- 103 r Mori rice field which overcoming 1=71-31- 402 r Takeda of 01r Suzuki's sows escaping, [ri] 5=35-25- 407 r Takahashi whom the [ri] 7=17-27- 506 r funds which [ri] 1=71-21- 505 r Yaguti whom 2=42-12- 304 r Itoh Sato sows sows sow escaping, one-shot 5=95-75- 111 r Sakawa of the [ri] 9=29-79- 110 r rough lumber which the one-shot 5=15-35- 409 r Ebine of field 9=39-79- 108 r Nakamura sows escaping, 9=39-29- 512 r Sato Hirokawa escaping, Kikuchi 6=16-76-5 克服1=71-31- 402 r 01r铃木的母猪的武田[ri] 2=72-32- 103 r Mori米领域逃脱, [ri] 5=35-25- 407 r Takahashi [ri] 7=17-27- 506 r资金[ri] 2=42-12- 304 r Itoh佐藤播种逃脱母猪的母猪的1=71-21- 505 r Yaguti, [ri] 9=29-79-的一次5=95-75- 111 r Sakawa 110 r一次5=15-35- 409 r领域9=39-79- 108 r Nakamura Ebine播种逃脱的粗砺的木材, 9=39-29- 512 r佐藤逃脱的Hirokawa, Kikuchi 6=16-76-5
Hakodate Kinen, Gamble,