- 25 ex-Guantanamo Saudis return to militancy after rehab
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7032384.html About 25 former Saudi detainees from Guantanamo Bay camp returned to militancy after passing a rehabilitation PROGRAM for al-Qaida militants in the kingdom and al- Arabiya reported Sunday. Abdulrahman al-Hadlaq and director general of the General Administration for Intellectual Security -- the Interior Ministry' s agency overseeing the PROGRAM, was quoted as saying that 25 out of 120 Saudis sent back by the United States from the notorious detention camp have relapsed into violence. Saudi Arabia… As for the empty suffering detention person, after the militancy which transfers for the radical group and others rehabilitation program of [arukaida] which is returned to [guantanamo] bay camp Saudi Arabian approximately 25 original kingdoms, as for [aruarabiya], report Sunday of the interior, a liberal translation Ungefähr 25 ehemalige saudische Häftlinge vom Guantanamo-Buchtlager kamen zur Militanz zurück, nachdem sie ein Rehabilitationsprogramm für al-Qaidamilitaristen im Königreich geführt hatten und Al Arabiya berichtete über Sonntag. Abdulrahman Al-Hadlaq und Generaldirektor der allgemeinen Verwaltung für intellektuelle Sicherheit -- die InnenMinistry s Agentur, die das PROGRAMM beaufsichtigt, wurde als Sprechen veranschlagen, das 25 aus 120 Saudis heraus durch die Vereinigten Staaten vom notorischen Internierungslager sind zurückgefallen in Gewalttätigkeit zurückschickten. Saudi-Arabien… Was die leere leidende Verzögerungsperson anbetrifft, nach der Militanz, dessen für die radikale Gruppe und andere Rehabilitationsprogramm bringt [arukaida] das [zu den saudi-arabischen ungefähr 25 ursprünglichen Königreichen des Guantanamo-] Buchtlagers zurückgebracht wird, wie was [aruarabiya], Report Sonntag des Innenraums
- China taps more Saudi Arabian crude oil than U.S.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90861/6900539.html According to the Financial Times and Saudi Arabia's crude oil exports to the United States fell to below 1 million barrels a day for the first time in 20 years. At the same time and China's oil imports from Saudi Arabia increased to over 1 million barrels a day. Official data show that the first 11 months in 2009, the crude oil imports to U.S from Saudi Arabia are 998,000 barrels per day and which is the lowest level since 1988; while and Saudi Arabia's oil exports to China reached a record level in De… The financial times according to the crude oil export of the United States of America and Saudi Arabia, from 1,000,000 barrel below decreased to the first time of 20 years Entsprechend die- Financial Timesund Saudi-Arabiens Rohölexporten in die Vereinigten Staaten fiel zu unter 1 Million Fässern ein Tag zum ersten Mal in 20 Jahren. Gleichzeitig und Chinas Ölimporte aus Saudi-Arabien erhöhten sich auf über 1 Million Fässer ein Tag. Amtliche Daten zeigen, dass die ersten 11 Monate 2009, die Rohölimporte nach US von Saudi-Arabien 998.000 Fässer pro Tag sind und welches das niedrigste Niveau seit 1988 ist; während und Saudi-Arabiens Ölexporte nach China erreichten ein Rekordniveau in De… Die Financial Times entsprechend dem Rohölexport der Staaten von Amerika und des Saudi-Arabiens, von 1.000.000 Faß unten verringert auf das erste mal von 20 Jahren
- Bin Ladens bid to build world's tallest tower
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10742723&ref=rss After one of their own destroyed what were once the world's tallest buildings and Saudi Arabia's bin Laden family is in the running to build the world's tallest tower. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the world's… After its own in each case those which at one time are highest building in the world is destroyed, as for the Saudi Arabian [binradein] family in the world of the New York international trade center highest tower. The twin tower, it executes in order to construct the world,… Nach einem von ihren Selbst zerstörte, was einmal die höchsten Gebäude der Welt waren und Saudi-Arabiens bin- Ladenfamilie im Betrieb ist, zum des höchsten Aufsatzes der Welt zu errichten. Die Twin Tower der Welthandels-Mitte in New York und in der Welt… Nach seinen Selbst in jedem Fall zerstört die, die auf einmal höchstes Gebäude in der Welt sind, was die saudi-arabische [binradein] Familie anbetrifft in der Welt des höchsten Aufsatzes der New- YorkHandelmitte. Der Twin Tower, durchführt er, um die Welt zu konstruieren,…
- Body found ON Saudi plane tyre, a liberal translation
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/185861/body-found-on-saudi-plane-tyre Airport workers in Riyadh found a human body ON the landing gear of a flight from Beirut early Saturday, after a man apparently tried to hitch a ride ON the Saudi-owned Nas Air jet and aviation authorities said. As for the Riyadh airport worker, in landing of flight from rear Beirut day early dawn of the man the body of the human it rides in the Saudi Arabian old eggplant air jet which discovery clearly hitchhikes you tried, but the aeronautical authorities expressed, a liberal translation Flughafenarbeitskräfte in Riyadh fanden einen menschlichen Körper AUF dem Fahrgestell eines Fluges von Beirut früher Samstag, nach einem Mann, der anscheinend hitch eine Fahrt AUF die Saudi-besessenen NAS-Luftstrahlen- und -luftfahrtbehörden versucht wurde, sagte. Was die Riyadh-Flughafenarbeitskraft anbetrifft, in der Landung des Fluges hinterer von der Beirut-Tagesfrühen Dämmerung des Mannes der Körper des Menschen, den er in den saudi-arabischen alten Aubergineluftstrahl reitet, der Entdeckung offenbar Hitchhikes Sie versucht, aber die Luftfahrtbehörden ausgedrückt
- Yemeni president promises to step down within days, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/08/yemeni-president-step-down-days Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has been in POWER for 33 years, says he will step down after months of protests across the countryThe Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh and has said he will step down in the coming days. Late last month Saleh, who has been in POWER for 33 years, called for early elections in his first speech since his return from Saudi Arabia to Yemen and which provoked a wave of violent protests. Saleh, who had travelled to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment after a June assassination attempt, said then that he accepted a POWER transfer and adding that the vice-president retained authority to hold talks with the opposition. Since the crisis began in January, when protesters took to the streets of the capital, Sana'a, demanding that he resign and the embattled president has made lavish proposals to end the violence but followed up ON none that entail him surrendering power.YemenArab and Middle East unrestMiddle Eastguardian.co.uk © 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds [ariabudorasareha] which becomes electric power consumption of 33 years, he says that between countryThe Yemeni presidents it retires several months later of protest, as for [ariabudorasareha], as for him last month coming days. [sareha] that you resign in Late, violence protests which from Saudi Arabia which it has Saudi Arabia travelled for remedying after the June attempted assassination. The wave of Saleh, since the returning home to inducement Yemen %, a liberal translation Ali Abdullah Saleh, der in der ENERGIE für 33 Jahre, sagt ihn gewesen ist, step-down nach Monaten von Protesten über dem countryThe jemenitischen Präsident, Ali Abdullah Saleh und hat gesagt, dass er an den kommenden Tagen step-down. Später letzter Monat Saleh, der in der ENERGIE für 33 Jahre gewesen ist, forderte frühe Wahlen in seiner ersten Rede da seins Rückkehr von Saudi-Arabien nach Yemen und der eine Welle der heftigen Proteste erregte. Saleh, das nach Saudi-Arabien für ärztliches behandlung nach einem Juni-Mordversuch gereist war, sagte dann, dass er eine ENERGIEN-Übertragung annahm und addierend, dass der Vizepräsident Berechtigung behielt, um Gespräche mit der Opposition zu halten. Seit die Krise im Januar anfing, als Protestierender zu den Straßen des Kapitals nahmen, hat Sana'a, das Verlangen, dass er zurücktritt und der kampfbereite Präsident verschwenderische Anträge die Gewalttätigkeit beenden gelassen, aber AUF keinen verfolgt, die ihn übergebendes power.YemenArab und Mittlere Osten unrestMiddle © Eastguardian.co.uk zur Folge haben; Wächter-Nachrichten 2011 und Mittel begrenzt oder seine angeschlossenen Firmen. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. | Gebrauch von diesem Inhalt ist abhängig von unseren Ausdrücken u. Bedingungen | Mehr zieht ein [ariabudorasareha] das Verbrauch des elektrischen Stroms von 33 Jahren wird, er sagt, dass zwischen countryThe jemenitischen Präsidenten er einige Monate später des Protestes, wie was [ariabudorasareha], was ihn anbetrifft kommende Tage des letzten Monats sich zurückzieht. [sareha] dieses treten Sie innen spät, Gewalttätigkeitproteste zurück, die von Saudi-Arabien, das es hat, Saudi-Arabien für die Behebung nach der Juni versuchten Ermordung reiste. Frühe berechnete Wahl seit das zurückgehende Haus zum Anreiz Yemen und während dieses elektrischen Stroms der ersten Sprache von 33 Jahren, die, die Welle von Saleh, ausdrückend, was ihn anbetrifft der Vizepräsident die Protestperson Art Hauptstadt und [Sanaa] % ist
- CRCC limits Mecca rail losses to 1.38b yuan
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=e3d347b8533bd210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=Business Analysts have hailed the sale of a loss-making light rail project in Saudi Arabia by China Railway Construction Corp (CRCC) to its parent company as beneficial for the firm's shareholders. The analysts, as been beneficial for the shareholder of the same company, the parent company and the Chinese railroad constructive corporation (CRCC) with, have welcomed the sale of the Saudi Arabian loss intention light/write rail project Analytiker haben den Verkauf eines hellen Schienenverlustprojektes in Saudi-Arabien durch China Railway Construction Corp (CRCC) zu seiner Muttergesellschaft gehagelt, wie vorteilhaft für die Aktionäre des Unternehmens. Die Analytiker, als gewesen vorteilhaft für den Aktionär der gleichen Firma, die Muttergesellschaft und die konstruktive Korporation der chinesischen Eisenbahn (CRCC) mit, haben begrüßt, den Verkauf des saudi-arabischen Verlustabsichtslichtes/Schienenprojekt schreiben
- 'Abducted' scientist heads back to Iran
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10658829&ref=rss An Iranian nuclear scientist allegedly abducted by the CIA was flying back to Tehran after seeking refuge at the Pakistani Embassy in Washington. Shahram Amiri disappeared ON a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in late May last year…. The Iranian nuclear scientist returning, suspect CIA in Tehran the Pakistani embassy, after requesting evacuation with Washington, kidnapping which it was flying, a liberal translation Ein iranischer Kernwissenschaftler entführte angeblich durch die CIA flog zurück zu Teheran, nachdem er Schutz an der pakistanischen Botschaft in Washington gesucht hatte. Shahram Amiri verschwand AUF einer Pilgerfahrt nach Saudi-Arabien in spätem Mai letztes Jahr…. Der iranische Kernwissenschaftler, der, vermutlich defekte CIA in Teheran die pakistanische Botschaft zurückkommt, nachdem um Evakuierung mit Washington gebeten worden ist und entführt, das es flog
- Saudi and UAE troops enter Bahrain
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/226766/gulf-troops-enter-bahrain-as-protests-escalate Armed forces rolled into Bahrain from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to help restore order in the strategic Gulf kingdom where protesters have shut down the financial centre. Saudi Arabia, from the United Arab Emirates in Bahrain roll warlord as for demonstrators shutting down financial center, in order to recover the order of strategic gulf kingdom Bewaffnete Kräfte rollten in Bahrain von Saudi-Arabien und von Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, um zu helfen, Auftrag im strategischen Golfkönigreich wieder herzustellen, in dem Protestierender die Finanzmitte geschlossen haben. Saudi-Arabien, von Vereinigte Arabische Emirate im Bahrain-RollenKriegsherren, wie für die Vorführer, die Finanzzentrum schließen, um den Auftrag des strategischen Golfkönigreiches zurückzugewinnen
- Yemen Timeline: From Jasmine Revolution to Widespread Unrest, a liberal translation
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Yemen-From-Jasmine-Revolution-to-Widespread-Unrest---123161953.html As of June 4, President Saleh's forces and forces loyal tribal leader Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar accepted Saudi-brokered cease-fire At point in time June 4th, as for faithful tribe leader shake Sadiq [aruahamaru] of the troop and the troop of [sareha] president, Saudi Arabia accepted the cease-fire of mediation Am 4. Juni Kräfte des Präsident Salehs und Führer der Kräfte nahm loyales Stammes- Scheich Sadiq Al-Ahmar Saudi-brokered Waffenstillstand an Am Zeitpunkt 4. Juni, was zuverlässige Stammführererschütterung anbetrifft Sadiq [aruahamaru] der Truppe und der Truppe [sareha] des Präsident, Saudi-Arabien nahm den Waffenstillstand der Vermittlung an
- Saudi woman defies driving ban
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10727381&ref=rss Authorities detained a Saudi woman ON Saturday after she launched a campaign against the driving ban for women in the ultraconservative kingdom and posted a video of herself behind the wheel ON Facebook and YouTube to encourage others… As for her after starting the campaign which opposes to the driving prohibition for the woman of super conservative country, in order to encourage the other person, with Facebook and YouTube their own video the contribution authorities Saturday in rear of the wheel restraint the Saudi Arabian woman… Behörden zurückhielten eine saudische Frau am Samstag n, nachdem sie eine Kampagne gegen das treibende Verbot für Frauen im ultrakonservativen Königreich startete und ein Video von hinter dem Rad AUF Facebook und YouTube bekannt gab, um andere anzuregen… Was sie anbetrifft nach dem Beginnen der Kampagne, die dem treibenden Verbot für die Frau des super konservativen Landes entgegensetzt, um die andere Person, mit Facebook und YouTube anzuregen ihr eigenes Video die Beitragbehörden Samstag in der Rückseite der Radbegrenzung die saudi-arabische Frau…
- , a liberal translation
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Irans-Supreme-Leader-Rejects-US-Allegations-131913013.html Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says US claims that Tehran supported alleged assassination plot against Saudi envoy are absurd As for the Khamenei teacher, Tehran as for the American insistence which supports the assassination plot of doubt vis-a-vis the Saudi Arabian special representative they are irrational ones Ajatollah Ali Khamenei sagt, dass US-Ansprüche, dass Teheran angeblichen Ermordungsplan gegen saudischen Abgesandten stützte, absurd seien Sie Was den Khamenei Lehrer anbetrifft, Teheran was die amerikanische Beharrlichkeit anbetrifft, die den Ermordungsplan des Zweifels angesichts des saudi-arabischen speziellen Repräsentanten stützt, sie sind die vernunftwidrige
- Saudi military forces march into Bahrain
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10712551&ref=rss A Saudi-led military force has crossed into Bahrain to prop up the monarchy against widening demonstrations in the island kingdom. Opposition groups immediately denounced the intervention as an occupation that pushed Bahrain dangerously… Military power of the Saudi Arabian main leadership island kingdom. In the Opposition group demonstration immediately after in order underpinning to do the monarchy for enlargement crossing in Bahrain criticism intervention as a dangerous Bahrain push occupation… Eine Saudi-geführte militärische Streitkraft hat in Bahrain prop oben die Monarchie gegen verbreiterndemonstrationen im Inselkönigreich gekreuzt. Oppositionsgruppen kündigten sofort die Intervention als Besetzung, die drückte Bahrain gefährlich… Militärmacht des saudi-arabischen Hauptführunginselkönigreiches. In der Oppositionsgruppedemonstration sofort nach im Auftrag, der untermauert, um die Monarchie für Vergrößerungsüberfahrt in der Bahrain-Kritikintervention als gefährlicher Bahrain zu tun, drücken Sie Besetzung…
- Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan
http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/c/33039/f/533917/s/14ddf1e5/l/0Ltimesofindia0Bindiatimes0N0Cworld0Cpakistan0CSaudi0Ediplomat0Eshot0Edead0Ein0EPakistan0Carticleshow0C83616130Bcms/story01.htm A Saudi Arabian diplomat was shot and killed by unidentified attackers in Karachi ON Monday and just five days after explosives devices were lobbed at the Saudi consulate in the southern Pakistani port city. The Saudi Arabian diplomat was shot, in Karachi with the attack of natural shape obscurity shooting Monday, at the southern Pakistani port city consular mansion explosive system rear only 5th, lobbed did in Saudi Arabia Ein saudi-arabischer Diplomat wurde durch nicht identifizierte Angreifer in Karachi am Montag geschossen und getötet und gerade fünf Tage nachdem Explosivstoffvorrichtungen am saudischen Konsulat in der südlichen pakistanischen Hafenstadt lobbed. Der saudi-arabische Diplomat war Schuß, in Karachi mit dem Angriff des Unbekanntheitschießens Montag der natürlichen Form, am Konsulats- 5. der Rückseite des explosiven Systems der südlichen pakistanischen Hafenstadt Villennur, lobbed tat in Saudi-Arabien
- Bond Buy: Jameel family pay 21m for Piaget store
http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/266/f/3510/s/ec7516a/l/0L0Sindependent0O0Cnews0Cbusiness0Cnews0Cbond0Ebuy0Ejameel0Efamily0Epay0E21m0Efor0Epiaget0Estore0E210A86890Bhtml/story01.htm A Saudi Arabian family, estimated to be worth $3bn and has bought the Piaget store ON Old Bond Street in yet another record deal ON London's exclusive shopping street. The presumption Saudi Arabian family, when there is a value of 3,000,000,000 dollar, in high-class shopping town of London still has purchased [piajiesutoa] in the old bond street of another record contract Eine saudi-arabische Familie, geschätzt zu, $3bn wert zu sein und hat den Piaget Speicher AUF alter Bondstraße in noch einem Rekordabkommen AUF Londons exklusiver Einkaufenstraße gekauft. Die saudi-arabische Familie der Vermutung, wenn es einen Wert von Dollar gibt, in der erstklassigen Einkaufenstadt von London noch hat [piajiesutoa] in der alten Bondstraße eines anderen Rekordvertrages gekauft
- Saudi ex-Gitmo prisoners get suspended jail terms: report, a liberal translation
http://www.france24.com/en/20100313-saudi-ex-gitmo-prisoners-get-suspended-jail-terms-report A Saudi court gave suspended prison sentences to 10 former Saudi Guantanamo detainees who had completed a rehabilitation programme, Al-Hayat newspaper reported ON Saturday.The men, who were returned to Saudi Arabia in 2008 and 2009 after serving time at the US military detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, received sentences of three to 13 years in a ruling ON Thursday and the paper said. They were also ordered ordered to remain inside the country for five years and the report said. As for the Saudi Arabian courthouse as for the person who the postponement of the original Saudi Arabian 10 gives [guantanamo] jail that Saudi Arabia, it was reset to 2008, the United States 2009. After serving time at the prison, as for the Saturday.The man, as for the rehabilitation program of report, date Al - in the suffering detention person [guantanamo] bay and Cuba which make Hayat and the newspaper complete to receive the decision on the 10th and 3 - 13 years in the midst of decision, said of the paper. We have remained as They and domestic 5 years, but it was ordered, that it pointed out, a liberal translation Ein saudisches Gericht gab verschobene Haftstrafen zu 10 ehemaligen saudischen Guantanamo-Häftlingen, die ein Rehabilitationprogramm, die Al-Hayat-Zeitung beendet hatten, die ÜBER Saturday.The Männer berichtet wurde, die nach Saudi-Arabien 2008 und 2009 nach Umhüllungzeit in der US-Militärverzögerungsmitte an der Guantanamo-Bucht in Kuba zurückgebracht wurden, empfangene Sätze von drei bis 13 Jahren in einer Regelung am Donnerstag und das Papier sagte. Ihnen wurden auch bestellt, um innerhalb des Landes für fünf Jahre zu bleiben bestellt und der Report sagte. Was das saudi-arabische Gericht anbetrifft was die Person anbetrifft, die der Aufschub der ursprünglichen saudi-arabischen 10 [Guantanamo-] Gefängnis gibt, das Saudi-Arabien, es bis 2008 zurückgestellt wurde, die Vereinigten Staaten 2009. Nach Umhüllungzeit am Gefängnis, was den Saturday.The Mann anbetrifft, was das Rehabilitationsprogramm anbetrifft des Reports, Datum Al - in in der leidenden Verzögerungsperson [Guantanamo] Bucht und dem Kuba, die Hayat und die Zeitung, die die Entscheidung über die 10. und 3 komplett ist - 13 Jahre inmitten der Entscheidung empfangen lassen, sagte vom Papier. Wir sind als sie und inländische 5 Jahre geblieben, aber es wurde bestellt, das es unterstrich
- Saudi diplomat shot dead in Karachi
http://www.france24.com/en/20110516-saudi-diplomat-shot-dead-karachi-0 A Saudi diplomat was killed in a drive-by shooting near the consulate in Karachi ON Monday, the second attack ON Saudi interests in Pakistan's biggest city in less than a week and officials said. The motive of the attack was not immediately clear, but authorities said they were investigating whether it was connected to the death of Saudi-born Osama bin Laden and who was killed by US forces in Pakistan ON May 2.An official from the media section of the Saudi embassy identified the man as a Saudi diplomat. Karachi police named him as Hassan al-Khatani. The Saudi Arabian diplomat drive Monday, in less than one week, at the Pakistani largest city [sau]. . u200b. . Due to the fact that in 2nd attack of the profit of the u200b [jiara] beer in Karachi photographs in the vicinity of the consular mansion, staff said of attack. Whether or not The motive specified, was connected the man directly it was not clear with as the authorities Saudi Arabian diplomat which is murdered as for them as for that, the dying [osamabinradein] of the Saudi Arabian graduate where in May in Pakistan 2.An is murdered the US military officially from the media section of the Saudi Arabian embassy, %, a liberal translation Ein saudischer Diplomat wurde in einer Schießerei im Vorbeifahren nahe dem Konsulat in Karachi am Montag getötet, sagte der zweite Angriff AUF saudischen Interessen Pakistans an der größten Stadt in kleiner als eine Woche und in den Beamten. Das Motiv des Angriffs war nicht sofort klar, aber Behörden sagten, dass sie nachforschten, ob er an den Tod von Saudi-geborenem Osama bin Laden angeschlossen wurde und wer durch US-Streitkräfte in Pakistan am 2. Mai getötet wurde. Ein Beamter vom Mittelabschnitt der saudischen Botschaft identifizierente den Mann als saudischer Diplomat. Karachi-Polizei nannte ihn als Hassan Al-Khatani. Der saudi-arabische Diplomat-Antrieb Montag, in weniger als einer Woche, an der pakistanischen größten Stadt [sau]. u200b. Wegen der Tatsache, die im 2. Angriff des Profites des u200b [jiara] Bieres in den Karachi-Fotographien in der Nähe der Konsulats- Villa, Personal vom Angriff sagte. Was das Motiv anbetrifft der Mann direkt war es nicht mit frei, während der saudi-arabische Diplomat der Behörden spezifiziert, dem es ermordet wird, sie nachforscht, dass, ob das Sterben [osamabinradein] am saudi-arabischen Absolvent, in dem im Mai in Pakistan 2.An die US ermordet wird, die offiziell vom Mittelabschnitt der saudi-arabischen Botschaft es Militär sind, angeschlossen wurde,
- Fashioning a style revolution in Saudi, a liberal translation
http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/business-11705976 A Saudi fashion designer is challenging tradition by putting a modern twist ON conventional menswear in the Middle East. You have challenged to tradition the Saudi Arabian fashion designer, the Middle East, by of the former men's wear making arrangement the modern style, Ein saudischer Modedesigner ist schwierige Tradition, indem er eine moderne Torsion AUF herkömmliche Männerkleidung in den Mittlere Osten einsetzt. Sie haben zur Tradition den saudi-arabischen Modedesigner, den Mittlere Osten, vorbei der ehemaligen Abnutzung der Männer herausgefordert, welche Anordnung die moderne Art bildet,
- Saudi judge wants man paralysed, a liberal translation
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10667768&ref=rss A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man's spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralysing him and local newspapers reported yesterday. Saudi… Whether or not as for the Saudi Arabian judge in the country, him the kitchen knife, him in [ma] [hi] state another man is attacked after receiving conviction, as for, the possibility of giving the damage to the spinal cord of the man as a punishment seeks several hospitals, as for the newspaper of local end yesterday. Saudi report… Ein saudischer Richter gebeten um um einige Krankenhäuser im Land, ob sie das Rückenmark eines Mannes beschädigen konnten da Bestrafung, nachdem er des Angreifens eines anderen Mannes mit einem Spalter und des Lähmens er überführt und die Lokalzeitungen, die gestern berichtet. Saudi… Ob was den saudi-arabischen Richter anbetrifft im Land, angegriffen er das Küchemesser, er [MA] [hallo] im Zustand ein anderer Mann r, nachdem man Überzeugung empfangen, wie was, die Möglichkeit des Gebens dem Schaden des Rückenmarks des Mannes als Suchvorgänge einer Bestrafung einiger Krankenhäuser, als für die Zeitung des lokalen Endes gestern. Saudischer Report…
- Saudi prince in court over murder
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/169023/saudi-prince-in-court-over-murder A Saudi prince appeared in court Friday charged with murdering a compatriot, said to be an aide and who was found strangled in a top London hotel this week. Saudi Arabian Oji, at the court Friday it prosecuted with murder of the compatriot, the appearance advisor, at the high-class hotel of London of the person, showed the fact that this 1 weekly neck it is discovered, a liberal translation Ein saudischer Prinz erschien bei Gericht Freitag, der mit der Ermordung eines Landsmannes aufgeladen wurde, sagte, ein Adjutant zu sein und wem eingeschnürt in einem Spitzenlondon-Hotel diese Woche gefunden wurde. Saudi-arabisches Oji, am Gericht Freitag verfolgte es mit Mord am Landsmann, der Aussehenberater, im erstklassigen Hotel von London der Person, zeigte der Tatsache, dass dieser 1 wöchentliche Ansatz es entdeckt wird
http://www.smh.com.au/world/bin-laden-girl-flees-20100320-qn7v.html May be linked to more detailed information.. Einer jugendlichen Tochter von Osama bin Laden ist erlaubt worden, aus dem Iran heraus zu fliegen, in dem sie Schutz Saudi-Arabiens in der Botschaft genommen hatte und eine Saudi-finanzierte Zeitung berichtet hat. Die Tochter des Jugendlichen [osamabinradein], Iranier hat sie, über Finanzierung beim Verleger der Zeitung berichtet, der in der Fliege die Erlaubnis gehabt wird, die in die saudi-arabische Botschaft und das Saudi-Arabien evakuiert wird
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
Ein US-diplomatisches Kabel, das von WikiLeaks freigegeben wird, sagt, dass Spender in Saudi-Arabien und Vereinigte Arabische Emirate geschätztes $100 Million jährlich zu den radikalen islamischen Schulen in Pakistan schicken, das rückseitige Militanz. Was Wikileaks anbetrifft was das amerikanische Diplomatiekabel anbetrifft, das verkündet wird, der Spender mit Saudi-Arabien und zurückgehende Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, sagen Sie, dass jede Jahrvermutung 100.000.000 Dollar in die Schule der islamischen radikalen Gruppe von kampflustigem Pakistan gesendet wird,
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=dca565277b8c7210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=business&ss=asia world
Ein Konsortium führte durch Alcoa der Vereinigten Staaten hat geschnitten seine Stange in einem geplanten Aluminiumkomplex US$10.8 Milliarde in Saudi-Arabien durch mehr als ein Drittel, sagte sein Partner und das zweite mal als ein fremder Partner seine Position im Plan wiederholt hat. Was das Konsortium, den Alkern anbetrifft, mit Hauptführung 10800000000 Dollar Aluminiumzusammengesetztessaudi-arabisches der Vereinigten Staaten 1/3 oder mehr, was diesen Partner anbetrifft, 2. der Partner des Auslands überprüft die Position im Plan entsprechend Zeit, das Messinstrument. Vorrat wird in den Vereinigten Staaten verringert
Ein homosexueller saudischer Prinzschlag sein Bediensteter zum Tod in einem London-Hotelzimmer in einem sexuell motivierten Mord und im alten Bailey hörte heute. Saud Abdulaziz Sortierfach Nasser Al-Saud, 34, getötetes Bandar Abdulaziz nach der Unterwerfung er Wochen von sexuellem… Saudi-arabisches Oji der homosexuellen Person, die am Raum des Londons des sexuellen antreibenden Totschlaghotels stirbt, tut es und runterdrückt [seien Sie], als für alten Bailey Abdulaziz [binnaseruarusaudo], 34 heute heute. Saud Hörfähigkeit, nach ihn in sexuellem einige Wochen, töteten Sie ausüben [bandaru] Abdulaziz…
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7327136.html May be linked to more detailed information.. Eine Gruppe Iranier inszenierte eine Protestsammlung vor der von Bahrein Botschaft in Teheran zur Unterstützung der von Bahrein Protestierender und der lokale englische Sprachensatellitenpresse Fernsehapparat berichtete über Montag. Die Sammlung, die am Sonntag gehalten wurde, ersuchte um die von Bahrein Lehren, Durchgreifen AUF von Bahrein Leuten zu stoppen, sagten die Singenslogans, die Saudi-Arabiens Militärintervention in Bahrain zuschlagen und den Report. Früherer Montag, traten einige iranische Protestierender auch außerhalb der Vereinten Nationen zusammen, die errichten in Teheran und im Verlangen… Die Gruppe der iranischen Person, den Bahrain-Protest, in Teheran stützend eröffnete Protestsitzung vor der Bahrain-Botschaft, gedrückt dem lokalen englischen Satelliten und dem Fernsehen, die übermittelt wurden
Eine Gruppe, die eine Kampagne stützt, um Saudi-Arabiens den Mann-nur zu beenden fährt Richtlinien, sagt, dass zwei weitere Frauen durch die saudische Hauptstadt fuhren - und man antraf sogar einen anscheinend sympatischen Polizisten n. Die Gruppe und Saudi-Frauen für das Fahren,… Was die Gruppe anbetrifft, die die Kampagne stützt, weil die Betriebsrichtlinie nur des saudi-arabischen Mannes beenden kann, was zwei viele Frauen anbetrifft, Sie ausgedrückt, dass sie durch saudi-arabische Hauptstadt -, die saudi-arabische Frau für treibenden, einerseits außerdem offenbar sympatischen Nervenpolizisten fuhr. Treffen zur Gruppe von…
Eine Fläche, die tunesischen Präsident Zine El Abidine Ben Ali transportiert, der sein Land nach 23 Jahren in der ENERGIE am Freitag flohen, gelandet früher Samstag in der saudischen Stadt von Jeddah und der Al Jazeera Fernsehkanal berichtete. Ben Ali verließ Tunesien am Freitag-Nachmittag, welche massiven Demonstrationen ihn step-down ersuchend folgt und trotz der Ankündigung am Donnerstag, dass er nicht für einen anderen Ausdruck 2014 laufen würde. Neuerer und tunesischer Premierminister Mohamed Ghannouchi verkündet AUF Fernsehen, dass er hatte übernommen die Zwischenzeit g… Mit Freitag-Energiequelle 23 Jahre später die Land der Tunesienpräsidentengin L Avidin Venn Ameise, der entgeht, der übermittelnaspekt, den es zur Tagesfrühen Dämmerung der Stadt von Jeddah und von Saudi-Arabien landete, der Kanal von [arujiyajiraterebi] verkündet
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10718534&ref=rss To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Ein regionaler Block der Öl-reichen arabischen Nationen entlang dem Golf, einschließlich leistungsfähiges Saudi-Arabien, hat Yemens um Präsident ersucht, ENERGIE als Teil eines Abkommens mit der Protestbewegung aufzugeben, die verlangt nach seiner Verdrängung nach 32 Jahren und einem Golf… Was den regionalen Bereich anbetrifft der arabischen Länder der GolfErdölgewinnung wie leistungsfähiges Saudi-Arabien, in denen im jemenitischen Präsident benannt wird, zwecks Energie nach dem Golf 32 Jahre zu geben, denn diesem Exil wird er mit rauer Protestbewegung als Verbindung… fertig
- Wikileaks
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10712445&ref=rss It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi
/90777/7604333.html CAIRO, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Doctors
http://www.smh.com.au/world/doctors-remove-nails-driven-into-maid-20100828-13x0z.html May be linked to more detailed information.. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Letters:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/05/bombing-yemen-saudi-arabia recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Chinese
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90861/7178514.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- China
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90776/90883/7179318.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Persian
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Persian-Gulf-Elections-Offer-Glimmer-of-Democracy-130430608.html Citizens Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Iran
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD21Ak03.html Concerned Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/feb/19/saudi-hotel-death-murder-charge Court Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Oil
http://blogs.forbes.com/heatherstruck/2011/06/08/oil-futures-climb-on-opecs-refusal-to-increase-production/ Crude Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Al-Qaida's Yemen media chief dies in US drone attack, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/15/al-qaida-yemen-media-chief-killed Egyptian-born Ibrahim al-Bana and six others killed in second airstrike to target group in as many weeksA US air strike has killed the media chief for al-Qaida's Yemeni branch along with six other militants, the Ministry of Defence said ON Saturday and in the second high-profile American missile attack in as many weeks to target the terror group in the country. A ministry statement said Egyptian-born Ibrahim al-Bana and six other militants were killed in the south-eastern province of Shabwa ON Friday night. Security officials said an American drone carried out the airstrike and which was one of five overnight strikes that targeted suspected al-Qaida positions in Shabwa and the neighbouring province of Abyan in Yemen's largely lawless south. Friday's missile attack came two weeks after a US drone strike killed prominent American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and a gifted Muslim preacher and savvy internet operator who became a powerful al-Qaida tool for recruiting in the West. Also killed was Samir Khan and a Pakistani-American who was a propagandist for Yemen's al-Qaida branch: al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.The latest airstrike underlines the growing use by the United States of drones to hit al-Qaida militants in Yemen in what appears to be a determined effort to remove the threat emanating from the group, blamed for plotting or inspiring a series of attacks ON American soil and in neighbouring Saudi Arabia and a staunch Washington ally. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has taken advantage of the political turmoil roiling Yemen. Embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been struggling to stay in POWER in the face of eight months of massive street protests demanding his exit from POWER and the defection to the opposition of key aides and military commanders. Yemenal-QaidaMiddle EastUn 6 you are killed with the second aerial bombing which with [iburahimuarubana] of the Egypt deals with graduate the group it is many as for weeksA American air strike, with six other militias the Yemeni of [arukaida] Brin Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Mubarak's trial enthralls the Arab world but poses troubling questions
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/aug/03/mubarak-trial-broadcast-arab-world Egypt generals' commitment to democracy remains untested and blood is being shed in other countries caught up in Arab springIt was not only Egyptians who watched in fascination as Hosni Mubarak and his sons appeared in the dock charged with crimes against their own people: broadcast live across the Arab world and the court appearance was an electrifying moment for millions. Still and it poses troubling questions about the future of Egypt beyond this mesmerising scene and for other authoritarian countries caught up in an Arab spring whose early promise has faded and which now face bloodshed and uncertainty. It is a commonplace to say that Egypt's revolution cut OFF the head of the snake but that the body remains. The generals who ensured a relatively peaceful outcome in February are still in charge and their commitment to democracy and a multi-party system untested - and clouded by the instinct of repression seen in the clearing of demonstrators from Tahrir Square.Parliamentary elections have been put back until November and beyond the original six-month deadline. A new constitution limiting the powers of the president remains unwritten. Many believe that the Mubarak trial, judicial bread and circuses for the masses and could serve as a distraction from the enormous challenges facing the Arab world's most populous country. Its symbolism, however and should not be under-estimated. Tunisia's deposed president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, had to be tried and sentenced in absentia thanks to the gold-plated asylum granted him by Saudi Arabia and still enjoying western support as it pays OFF its own people and leads a counter-offensive against democratic change elsewhere in the region. The Saudis, protected by their oil reserves and importance to western strategy, were enraged by the way the US and albeit l As for the commitment of Egypt to democracy General, being tested with without, the blood as [hosunimubaraku] and that son, was seen with charm the only Egypt person who in the native people % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Injured Yemeni leader flies to Saudi for care
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10730441&ref=rss Embattled Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh flew to Saudi Arabia for medical care after he was wounded in a rocket attack ON his palace and a senior government official said today. Saleh's abrupt departure threatened to deepen… As for him after being injured with antitank rocket attack of the palace, the Yemeni president ant horsefly gong Saleh which faces difficultly because of medical care it flew to Saudi Arabia, the government official expressed this day Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90859/7301110.html Gold futures ON the COMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange ON Friday declined for the first time in two weeks and as some investors opted to liquidate their positions after gold prices registered the longest rally in six months. The most active gold contract for April delivery dropped 6.5 dollar per ounce, or 0.46 percent and to settle at 1,409.3 dollars. Mike Daley, a senior gold analyst with PFGBEST and said the market is breathing a sigh of relief as it has been reported that Saudi A… As for the investor of part as for gold price longest meeting after the registering assuming at half year that the fact that position is cleared off was chosen it decreased the gold futures of the section of COMEX of the Friday New York mercantile exchange, after 2 weeks, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Bahrain unleashes forces ON protesters' camp
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/16/bahrain-protesters-military-operation-manama Gunfire was widely heard throughout the capital and at least five helicopters were circling scenes of clashes and amid widespread panic ON the streets belowMilitary troops have opened a large-scale assault against hundreds of anti-government protesters occupying a landmark square in Bahrain's capital. The focal point for Bahrain's demonstrators was again over-run by riot police in a nationwide crackdown aimed at crushing the two month anti-government uprising. Smoke was billowing for the landmark site, known as Pearl Roundabout, and the scent of tear gas wafted through many locations in Manama.Gunfire was widely heard throughout the capital and at least five helicopters were circling scenes of clashes and amid widespread panic ON the streets below. Riot police entered Manama's Salmaniya Medical Centre for the first time since the demonstrations began and doctors reported they were being prevented from reaching the hospital and treating patients inside. The police were also preventing casualties from reaching the facility. By 8am and they had closed its main gate and stationed forces outside. This morning's events are a significant escalation in more than eight weeks of clashes that have threatened the legitimacy of Bahrain's monarchy and stoked sectarian tensions throughout the Gulf and Saudi Arabia. They follow the arrival of more than 1,000 troops from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), invited to the kingdom by its beseiged rulers. One Amoured Personnel Carrier flying a flag of the United Arab Emirates was seen by bystanders this morning amid a column of troop carriers. Two people were killed during clashes with troops ON Tuesday afternoon. Demonstrators are bracing for more pitched battles today and in the wake of a state of emergency declared for the next three months by the regime The sound of gunfire was wide, the whole capital is heard five which helicopters went around the scene of collision at least, the belowMilitary troop Bahrain capital. The landmark open space counter government demonstrators which are occupied in the focus %, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Twelve die in Pakistan bus attack
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Oil Services Will Gain From Saudi Production Hike and Halliburton To Take Q1 Hit, a liberal translation
http://blogs.forbes.com/afontevecchia/?p=2670 Halliburton provided an “ operational update” after the bell ON Monday, announcing that seasonal and weather related issues and along with unrest in the North Africa-Middle East region (MENA) forced it to lower its guidance. The stock took a dive in afterhours trading after having experienced important gains during Monday’ s session ON speculation that increased Saudi production would lead to more business for oil service companies. As for beam Barton, the insecurity of north Africa and Middle Eastern region (Middle Eastern north Africa) with as for the problem which it is related to season and the weather together, to announce that you forced that in order to lower the guidance after the Monday bell. . u0026quot; Renewal of use. . u0026quot; It offers, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- , a liberal translation
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/A-Timeline-of-bin-Ladens-Decades-Long-Reign-of-Terror-121176209.html He terrorized the Western world with a series of deadly attacks after emerging from the ranks of a wealthy Saudi Arabian family Because he joins the affluent Saudi Arabian family, after constructing, the world of fatal consecutive attack and the West was trapped to fear Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Michael Tomasky: Israel and America
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2010/jun/01/israel-obama-administration I'm going to refrain by and large from just writing posts denouncing Israel. You can read plenty such essays ON this web site and others, and anyway I was hired to write about America and so that's what I'm going to do. And in America and this event really could be a tipping point. The Beinart essay from the New York Review that we discussed previously has kicked up a broader, introspective conversation among American Jews about why younger Americans don't feel connected to Israel in the way older Jews did in earlier generations and what that lack of empathy portends for Israel's future. Not being part of the circle, maybe it's not for me to say quite so much, except that from what I can observe, this tragedy having happened at the precise moment that such a thoroughgoing evaluation was taking place and it can't but have the effect of creating more anger and disillusion among many American Jews under 40, for whom the occupation looms far larger than the founding Zionist-humanist impulse. There is of course another current here and the Israel-right-or-wrong contingent is breathing fire today: the flotilla was put together by a Turkish nonprofit with ties to a Saudi umbrella group that has financed terrorism and according to the Weekly Standard. Read the Standard online and the blog at Commentary magazine, called Contentions and if you want to keep up with how this faction is trying to spin the flotilla event. One post actually argued that the main problem here was that the IDF went in with too little force. Arguments like these will continue and but I believe the constituency for them in the US is growing smaller and smaller. Remember, Jews are liberals and by and large. There is a chasm between their liberalism and their support for Israel and a chasm that was widened (perhaps considerably) yes With I just the large-scale article, am the intention of refraining from the entry which criticizes Israel Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Pakistan intelligence chief leaves for Saudi Arabia
/90777/7605341.html ISLAMABAD and Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt.Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha left for Saudi Arabia ON Monday after Pakistan-U.S ties was strained over the U.S. accusation that ISI supported Haqqani network in recent attacks ON U.S targets in Afghanistan and local media reported. Top military commanders met ON Sunday to propose the visit to Saudi Arabia by the ISI chief to brief Saudi leaders ON the Pakistan-U.S tension and reports said. Pakistan is likely to… Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://www.france24.com/en/20110514-iraq-sticks-ambitious-oil-output-target May be linked to more detailed information.. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/aug/08/saudi-arabia-king-abdullah-syria-video King König Abdullah von Saudi-Arabien fordert ein Ende zum Blutvergießen in Syrien und ruft seinen Botschafter nach Damaskus zurück Was den saudi-arabischen Bremsenklingelkönig anbetrifft, die Zusammenfassung des Blutvergießens in Syrien, dieser Botschafter nach Damaskus benennend der Rückruf
- A
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MI28Ak03.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. König Abdullah möchte als Teil der Lösung eher als Teil des Probleme in Saudi-Arabien gesehen werden. Der Octogenarianmonarch hat oder unterdrückte Demonstrationen beiseite getreten, gegenübergestellte Anklagen des Bestechens seiner Bürger, um zu halten sie glücklich und, im spätesten Zeichen des Handelns, was angefordert wird, um die ENERGIE zu halten vermachte ihn und hat eine bahnbrechende Bewegung genommen, Frauen das Recht zu geben, Gesetze zu wählen und zu bilden - selbst als sie nicht noch fahren können. - Sami Moubayed (27. September, '11) Der Bremsenklingelkönig ist nicht Teil der Lösung, die Tatsache, dass es gesehen wird, während Teil des Probleme in Saudi-Arabien gewünscht wird
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/c/33039/f/533919/s/12d38b53/l/0Ltimesofindia0Bindiatimes0N0Cbusiness0Cinternational0Ebusiness0CZain0Erejects0Eall0Ethree0Eoffers0Efor0EZain0ESaudi0Carticleshow0C75289450Bcms/story01.htm May be linked to more detailed information.. Kuwaits Zain und das versucht, seine saudischen Betriebe wert $750 Million als Teil eines vorgeschlagenen Rückkaufes an Etisalat zu verkaufen, zurückgewiesen allen drei Angeboten für Zain Saudi an Samstag und an einer Quelle Reuters erklärt. Kuwaitisch Bestehen, die es im Begriff das saudi-arabische Geschäft ist verkaufen gewesen, das Wert als Teil des Kaufs, der bis 750000000 vorgeschlagen wird [dorueteisaratsuto], Samstag verweigerte alle drei Angebote des Bestehens Saudi-Arabien hat, gesprochen der Quelle mit Reuters
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blogs.forbes.com/markpmills/2011/04/12/whither-oil-prices-150-in-sight-so-follow-bill-gates-in-to-digital-barrels/ Last Letzte Woche 80 Einjahressetzten ehemaliger saudischer Ölminister und Scheich Yamani heraus einen Preis mit $200 bis $300 Fässern als Möglichkeit im Rahmen “ something” Vorkommnis auf Saudi Arabia. Furchtsame Zahl von einem ernsten guy. Er bezog auf “ something” nach ähnlichen Grundsätzen als dem politischen Feuersturm, der auf Tunesien-störenden Saudi Aramco’ begann; s-Erdölgewinnung that Durchläufe bei 10mal der (jetzt ehemalige) Ausgang von Libya’ s-Ölfelder. Letzte Woche, wie für ehemaligen saudi-arabischen Erdöl-Staatsminister von 80 Jahren alt, wie was [shieikuyamani], geschehen es in Saudi-Arabien. u0026quot; Was? . u0026quot; 200 Dollar 300-Dollar-Faßpreis gesetzt heraus innerhalb des Zusammenhangs als Möglichkeit
- Bahrain
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Bahrain-Says-Foreign-Forces-Will-Remain-----121731369.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Geführt worden durch Saudi-Arabien und eine starke fremde Militäranwesenheit 1.500 in Bahrain seit März Saudi-Arabien, das an, das Militärvorhandensein von 1.500 leistungsfähigem Ausland seit März fokussiert, wird in Bahrain getan
- Major
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7380163.html Major Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/may/26/saudi-arabia-woman-driver-video It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Turmoil
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/04/business/04markets.html?partner=rss&emc=rss To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://www.france24.com/en/20100731-political-detainee-sues-saudi-government It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Nasair
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/MF22Df03.html Nasair, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- News
http://blogs.forbes.com/kerryadolan/2011/05/11/news-corp-ups-stake-in-prince-alwaleeds-media-group-rotana/ These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/195257/saudi-envoy-to-see-wichean-thursday New Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/c/33039/f/533919/s/137dd76d/l/0Ltimesofindia0Bindiatimes0N0Cbusiness0Cinternational0Ebusiness0COil0Eup0E20Eto0Eover0E1120Eon0EMidEast0Eunrest0Carticleshow0C77492160Bcms/story01.htm recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/MG19Df02.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Car bomb claims 4 victims
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10661460&ref=rss Police say a car bomb has exploded in front of the Baghdad office of Arabic-language satellite channel Al-Arabiya and killing four. Majid Hamid, a Baghdad-based correspondent for the Saudi Arabia-owned and Dubai-based channel, said… The police says that the car bomb before the Baghdad office of the Arabic satellite broadcast channel Al Arabia, 4 people having died and exploding Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Somkid asked to relinquish post
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/197477/somkid-asked-to-relinquish-post Pol Lt-Gen Somkid Boonthanom should relinquish the post of assistant police chief for the sake of Thai-Saudi relations and Democrat MP for Narathiwat Che-aming Tohtayong said ON Tuesday. Lieutenant Junior Grade Pol - [jiensomukitsuto] Boonthanom [narateiwatochie] - tie Saudi Arabian of aming Tohtayong relationship, the post of the assistant police for Democratic party Assemblyman made clear the head it should abandon Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- This will be the Arab world's next battle | Lester R Brown
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/22/water-the-next-arab-battle Population growth and water supply are ON a collision course. Hunger is set to become the main issueLong after the political uprisings in the Middle East have subsided and many underlying challenges that are not now in the news will remain. Prominent among these are rapid population growth, spreading water shortages and growing food insecurity. In some countries grain production is now falling as aquifers - underground water-bearing rocks - are depleted. After the Arab oil-export embargo of the 1970s and the Saudis realised that since they were heavily dependent ON imported grain and they were vulnerable to a grain counter-embargo. Using oil-drilling technology and they tapped into an aquifer far below the desert to produce irrigated wheat. In a matter of years and Saudi Arabia was self-sufficient in its principal food staple. But after more than 20 years of wheat self-sufficiency and the Saudis announced in January 2008 that this aquifer was largely depleted and they would be phasing out wheat production. Between 2007 and 2010, the harvest of nearly 3m tonnes dropped by more than two-thirds. At this rate the Saudis could harvest their last wheat crop in 2012 and then be totally dependent ON imported grain to feed their population of nearly 30 million. The unusually rapid phaseout of wheat farming in Saudi Arabia is due to two factors. First and in this arid country there is little farming without irrigation. Second and irrigation depends almost entirely ON a fossil aquifer - which, unlike most aquifers and does not recharge naturally from rainfall. And the desalted sea water the country uses to supply its cities is far too costly for irrigation use - even for the Saudis.Saudi Arabia's growing food insecurity has led it to buy or lease land in several other countries and inclu Increase in population and supply of the water is on collision course Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Palestine: China's mission accomplished
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/MI24Ad01.html President Barack Obama has made it clear that America's role as promoter of democracy and human rights in the Middle East is overshadowed by the spectacle of its abject support of Israel ON the matter of Palestine and the highly publicized gyrations of the Obama administration as it tries to dodge the onus of vetoing the Palestinian application in the Security Council. That's the way China - and Saudi Arabia and Beijing's lodestone for Middle Eastern matters - like it. - Peter Lee (Sep 23, '11) In order the Palestinian of the security council as for that trying to do, as for [barakuobama] president that clearly the American role as a promoter of democratization and human rights of the Middle East completely to be done the fact that the shadow becomes thin with the spectacle of the desperate support of Israel concerning the Palestinian problem, very having published and fluctuating violently of [obama] administration application to exchange the responsibility of veto, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Energy executives have competing views of future of fossil fuels, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/98506/7139048.html Proponents of oil and natural gas and biofuels are making their pitches at the massive World Energy Conference from Sept. 12-16 here and hoping to convince more than 5,000 government and corporate delegates to embrace their vision of the world's energy future. Khalid Al-Falih, president of Aramco, the Saudi Arabian state oil company and told the conference that oil will always be the dominant fuel source. He said industries, especially car makers, can develop more fuel-efficient engines and but he expect… The bio fuel and the supporter, the petroleum and the natural gas, to represent their visions which accept the world of future energy, government and enterprise, from persuasion of 5,000 or more Sept. December 16th here, expecting, with the intention pitch which is the meeting energy large-scale world Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Tough road to World Cup for Japan and Oz
http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?id=20397 Reigning Asian champions Japan were grouped with North Korea and while Australia and Saudi Arabia came out together in penultimate qualifying for the 2… From end of the Australian and Saudi Arabia 2 coming out together with second preliminary round, while causing, Japan of the present Asian champion grouped North Korea… Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- New Truce to End Fighting Reached in Yemen, a liberal translation
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/New-Truce-in-Yemen-to-End-Fighting-123160833.html Representatives of both sides said Saturday they will accept the plan brokered by Saudi Arabia Both representations, the plan with the Saudi Arabian mediation is accepted, it set, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Royals Wary Of Bahrain Unrest
http://blogs.forbes.com/christopherhelman/?p=453 Riyadh is watching the protests and killings in neighboring Bahrain with fear and trembling. With Bahrain's majority Shia demanding more rights and respect from the Sunni monarchy, the concern is that Saudi Shia, which make up roughly 20% of the population and could rise up as well. In Saudi, the Shia are situated largely in the eastern part of the country, near Bahrain and virtually ON top of oil giant Saudi Aramco's biggest fields like Ghawar. (Chevron manages oilfields in Bahrain, while Shell and G.E., Total and Dow Chemical all have projects in Saudi Arabia) It adjoins Riyadh to Bahrain with fear, looks at murder as protest of the tremble Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Thousands march in Yemen over protesters' deaths, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/apr/10/yemen-protest-uae-bahrain Roundup: Police in UAE arrest a second human rights activist, and Bahrain prosecutors summon a newspaper editorIn Yemen, tens of thousands of people marched in the capital, Sana'a and in protest at the deaths of demonstrators ON Friday in the southern city of Taiz. The protesters had planned to march to the UN mission, near the presidential palace and but they stopped after being warned they would be attacked by presidential guard forces controlled by President Ali Abdullah Saleh's eldest son. Amid almost daily protests in Yemen and Gulf Arab foreign ministers met in Saudi Arabia to discuss mediation plans. Saleh initially accepted an offer by Saudi Arabia and other states including Qatar, as part of the Gulf Cooperation Council and to host talks between the government and opposition parties. However and Saleh reacted angrily to comments from Qatar's prime minister and foreign minister saying the mediation would lead to him standing down. In the UAE, police arrested a second human rights activist, Fahad Salem al-Shehhi, a member of the online political forum Hewar and which is blocked in the country. ON Friday, police arrested Ahmed Mansoor, another UAE national who was involved with Hewar and his family said. The Dubai police chief, Dahi Khalfan Tamim and confirmed to journalists that Mansoor had been arrested in connection with a criminal case. The UAE, a federation of seven emirates headed by ruling families and does not allow direct elections or political parties. Human Rights Watch called for Mansoor's release. In Bahrain and the former chief editor of the main opposition newspaper said he had been summoned by a prosecutor investigating the paper's allegedly unethical coverage of the Shia uprising against the country's rulers. Mansoor al-Jamri and two other editors at Al Wasat stepped down last w Round rise: As for the police of the United Arab Emirates, the 2nd human rights go-getter arrest Bahrain investigation to summon newspaper editorIn Yemen, the number several thousand Friday of the [taizu] southern city %, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Wounded Yemen PM sent to Saudi hospital: medic, a liberal translation
http://straitstimes.com.feedsportal.com/c/32792/f/524621/s/15a69b89/l/0L0Sstraitstimes0N0CBreakingNews0CWorld0CStory0CSTIStory0I6761580Bhtml/story01.htm SANAA - PRIME Minister Ali Mohammed Mujawar and three other senior Yemeni officials wounded in shelling of the presidential compound were transferred to Saudi Arabia for treatment ON Saturday and a medic said. The condition of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was hospitalised at Sanaa's military hospital after also being wounded in Friday's attack and was 'stable' and 'of no cause for concern,' the medical official told AFP. SANAA the design - as for Prime Minister as for 3 other senior Yemeni authorities who are injured with shelling [arimohametsudo] Mujawar and the president chemical compound, Saturday was transported to Saudi Arabia for remedying, the doctor said, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Yemen opposition leaders vow not to let 'tyrant' Saleh return
http://www.smh.com.au/world/yemen-opposition-leaders-vow-not-to-let-tyrant-saleh-return-20110605-1fnej.html SANAA: Yemen's opposition has vowed to prevent the return of the country's beleaguered President, Ali Abdullah Saleh and who is in Saudi Arabia for treatment of injuries sustained in an explosion. As for SANAA: The president who the country which is Yemeni opposite and with explosion to Saudi Arabia is for remedying the injury can be troubled, [ariabudorasareha], you swore that the return is prevented Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Yemen's President Vows to Return Soon
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Yemens-President-Vows-to-Return-Soon-127860993.html Saleh recovering in neighboring Saudi Arabia from wounds sustained in June rocket attack ON his presidential compound [sareha] president chemical compound, with attack of the June rocket from the continuous scar it recovers in Saudi Arabia of neighborhood Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Is Dead, a liberal translation
http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2011/10/22/world/middleeast/international-us-saudi-arabia-sultan.html?partner=rss&emc=rss Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Sultan has died, the royal court said ON Saturday and opening the way for Interior Minister and reputed conservative Prince Nayef to become the likely heir apparent of the world's top oil exporter. When the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince sultan dies, with the Imperial Court, opening home secretary and the road to conservative Oji [naehu] of reputation because possibility of the appearance of petroleum transportation departure of worldwide top class becomes the successor, you said in Saturday Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi royals change shifts
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10689613&ref=rss Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah arrived in the United States for medical treatment and while a frail Crown Prince Sultan hurriedly returned to govern. Abdullah and thought to be around 86 or 87, asked the Crown Prince to fly home from… Emptiness. The Crown Prince sultan hurrying, is returned in order to control, but the Saudi Arabian horsefly gong king, for remedying arrived at the United States Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi women given right to vote for first time, a liberal translation
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10754405&ref=rss Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has announced he is giving women the right to vote and run in municipal elections and the only public polls in the ultra-conservative Gulf kingdom. He also announced ON Sunday that women would have the right… The Saudi Arabian horsefly gong king, he voting to the woman with local election, has announced, that the right to execute is given super conservative gulf kingdom. In addition with He as for the only public opinion poll it announced that the woman has possessed right in Sunday… Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi king leaves for US treatment
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/207615/saudi-king-leaves-for-us-treatment Saudi Arabia's ailing King Abdullah left ON Monday for the United States to undergo treatment for a herniated disc and the royal court announced. The horsefly gong king of the Saudi Arabian sickness American Monday it tries to receive the remedy of the hernia remaining, announced the court Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- The House of Saud won't wake up
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD16Ak01.html Saudi Arabia's fears of Iran and a Shi'ite awakening have become an obsession matched only by its opposition to democratization itself. Even as Riyadh builds a coalition of Sunni states against Iran and social change means autocracy as an institution is doomed. Much of the world is now aware of that and yet the House of Saud is having a hard time waking up and smelling the coffee. - Brian M Downing Becoming the coercion conception where in just opposition to democratization itself corresponds, to awake, the Iranian and Shiite Saudi Arabia anxiety Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Minister: Weaker Dollar Not a Concern
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704366704575598101203337046.html?mod=rss_markets_main Saudi Arabia's finance minister said Saturday that a weaker U.S dollar wasn't a concern for Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The fact that Saudi Arabian financial affairs minister of state, U.S. dollars cheaply, confronts Gulf Co-operation Council countries and does not feel concern was set Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- OPEC Meeting in Shambles as Iran and Venezuela Push Their Agendas
http://blogs.forbes.com/oshadavidson/2011/06/08/opec-meeting-in-shambles-as-iran-and-venezuela-push-their-agendas/ Saudi Arabia's more-or-less stable hand guiding OPEC was yanked from the tiller at the oil producers' meeting today in Vienna. Saudi Arabia which induces petroleum transportation departure mechanism compared to many or stabilizing less, the hand in Vienna, at the present petroleum producer meeting was pulled from the stalk Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi telecom shuts websites over edict
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/saudi-telecom-shuts-websites-over-edict-20100905-14vm2.html Saudi Arabia's telecom regulator has shut down three websites that were violating a government decree limiting the issuance of religious edicts. As for the Saudi Arabian communication regulator as for three web sights, order of government it responds to religion request issue has shut down is restricted violated Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Pakistan marches to Saudi Arabia's tune
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MF03Ak02.html Saudi Arabia's ties to Pakistan are increasingly more important to Riyadh - and more dangerous - amid the House of Saud's alarm at revolts outside its borders and rising tensions with Iran. Saudi funding is turning Pakistan into a boot camp for foot-soldiers in the fight against Shi'ism and other enemies of Saudi autocracy and with Pakistan's Deobandi faithful willingly supplying the manpower. - Brian M Downing (Jun 2, '11) The Pakistani and Saudi Arabia relationship more and more is important in Riyadh, - and danger - in the house of the alarm of [saudo], with the tension where outside rebellion and Iran of the border increase Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Girl, 12, divorces husband, 80, a liberal translation
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10640271&ref=rss Saudi Arabia could introduce a minimum age of marriage for the first time after a girl who married aged 11 won a divorce from her 80-year-old husband. The case of the girl has prompted the state-run Human Rights Commission to call… As for Saudi Arabia the possibility of bringing the lowest age of new marriage after the girl who 11 years old or more gets married acquired divorce from the husband of her 80 years old Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- My minaret is bigger than yours
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MH11Ak01.html Saudi Arabia is to spend US$1.23 billion ON a building over one kilometer in height. Yet the towering achievement of the House of Saud has got to be what it has in store in terms of criminalizing any possibility of dissent in the kingdom and while at the same time maneuvering to ensure that Sunnis get to monopolize POWER in Syria. - Pepe Escobar (Aug 10, '11) Saudi Arabia is to spend the American 12.3 hundred million dollars at the building above height 1 kilometer Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- British engineers pitch for Saudi nuclear programme, a liberal translation
http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/266/f/3510/s/e56d85b/l/0L0Sindependent0O0Cnews0Cbusiness0Cnews0Cbritish0Eengineers0Epitch0Efor0Esaudi0Enuclear0Eprogramme0E20A960A650Bhtml/story01.htm Saudi Arabia moved closer to a hugely controversial civil nuclear programme this weekend and after UK and US engineers pitched to draw up its atomic energy plans. The English and the United States engineer after going to the mound in order to draw the atomic power plan, Saudi Arabia, got near to the atomic energy program for national welfare which now weekend calls big dispute Saudi-Arabien bewog sich näeher an einem sehr groß umstrittenen Zivilkernprogramm dieses Wochenende und nach den Großbritannien-und US-Ingenieuren, die geworfen wurden, um seine Atomenergiepläne aufzustellen. Englisch und der Staat-Ingenieur nachdem dem Gehen zum Damm, um den Atomenergienplan, Saudi-Arabien zu zeichnen, nahe gelangt an das Atomenergieprogramm für nationale Wohlfahrt, die jetzt große Debatte der Anrufe weekend
- Saudi says battles against Houthi rebels over, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6880780.html Saudi Arabia said Wednesday that its battles against Yemen's Houthi rebels along the borders are over and al-Jazeera news channel reported. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ … The Saudi Arabia is the news channel of fight and [arujiyajira] of the Yemeni Houthi rebel army on the 28th, according to the border that it is above reporting, Saudi-Arabien sagte Mittwoch, dass seine Kämpfe gegen Yemens Houthi Aufrührer entlang den Rändern berichtete der Über- und Al-JazeeraNachrichtensender sind. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ … Das Saudi-Arabien ist der Nachrichtensender des Kampfes und [arujiyajira] der jemenitischen Houthi Rebellenarmee auf der 28., entsprechend dem Rand, dass es über Bericht ist,
- Saudi Arabia, Angola and Iran remain top 3 oil suppliers to China
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90863/6892818.html Saudi Arabia and Angola and Iran remained the three largest oil sources for China in 2009, with the three supplying 47.7 percent of China's total imports and according data released Wednesday by the General Administration of Customs (GAC). GAC figures showed that China's oil imports from the three nations last year stood at 41.86 million tonnes, 32.17 million tonnes and 23.15 million tonnes and respectively. They represented a year-on-year increase of 15.1 percent, 7.6 percent and 8.6 percent and respect… To supply 47.7% of the Saudi Arabian, Angola, Iran and three China entire import, Wednesday of the data, custom entire station (GAC), a liberal translation Saudi-Arabien und Angola und der Iran blieben die drei größten Ölquellen für China 2009, wenn die drei 47.7 Prozent Chinas Gesamteinfuhren liefernd und Daten freigegebenen Mittwoch durch die allgemeine Verwaltung übereinstimmen, der Gewohnheiten (GAC). GAC Abbildungen zeigten, dass Chinas Ölimporte aus den drei Nationen letztes Jahr bei 41.86 Million Tonnen standen, 32.17 Million Tonnen und 23.15 Million Tonnen und beziehungsweise. Sie stellten eine jährliche Zunahme von 15.1 Prozent, 7.6 Prozent und 8.6 Prozent und Respekt… dar Zu 47.7% von vom saudi-arabischen, vom Angola, vom Iran und drei China gesamten dem Import, Mittwoch der Daten, kundenspezifische gesamte Station (GAC) liefern
- Saudi says to create 66,000 jobs within months: report
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/7401270.html Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, is to create 66,000 FRESH jobs for Saudis in the education and health sectors across the kingdom within months and local media reported ON Sunday. Al-Watan newspaper said Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz has ordered the creation of 66,000 jobs. Of the new jobs and 52,000 will be in the education sector. The plans for new jobs aim to quell any grievances over unemployment rates in the kingdom and which has witnessed small scale protests by unemployed… In order world's largest petroleum transportation departure within month between the countries in field of education and medical care to draw up 66000 fresh jobs in Saudi Arabia, the local media announced Saudi Arabia,, a liberal translation Saudi-Arabien, der größte Ölexporteur der Welt, ist, 66.000 NEUE Jobs für Saudis in den Ausbildungs- und Gesundheitsbereichen über dem Königreich innerhalb der Monate und lokaler Mittel zu verursachen, die ÜBER Sonntag berichtet. Al-Watan-Zeitung sagte, dass saudisches Sortierfach Abdul-Aziz des Königs Abdullah die Kreation von 66.000 Jobs bestellt. Von den neuen Jobs und von den 52.000 seien Sie im Ausbildungssektor. Die Pläne für neue Jobs darauf abzielen e, alle mögliche Beschwerden über Arbeitslosenquoten im Königreich zu unterdrücken und das gezeugt Kleinproteste durch Arbeitslose… In Auftrag Welt groß Erdöl Transport Abfahrt innerhalb Monat zwischen Länder in Feld von Ausbildung und medizinisch Behandlung zu 66000 frisch Jobs in ausarbeiten Saudi-Arabien, verkündeten die lokalen Mittel Saudi-Arabien,
- Nervous Saudis take hard line ON 'day of rage', a liberal translation
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10710564&ref=rss Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer and the regional domino whose fall the West fears most and yesterday announced it would ban all protests and marches. The move - the stick to match the carrot of benefits worth US$37… As for Saudi Arabia, world's largest petroleum production and fall as for the waist fear majority, yesterday, as for that all protest marches. The regional domino which it announces that The movement is prohibited, - as for the American value in combination with the carrot of the profit to 37 dollars, stick… Saudi-Arabien, der größte Erdölproduzent der Welt und der regionale Domino, dessen Fall die Westfurcht am meisten und gestern verkündet ihm alle Proteste und Märsche verbieten würde. Die Bewegung - der Stock, zum der Karotte des Nutzens wert US$37 zusammenzubringen… Was Saudi-Arabien, größte Erdölproduktion der Welt und Fall anbetrifft was die Taillenfurchtmajorität anbetrifft, gestern, was die anbetrifft alle Demonstrationszüge. Der regionale Domino, dem sie verkündet, dass die Bewegung verboten wird, - was den amerikanischen Wert anbetrifft im Verbindung mit der Karotte des Profites zu 37 Dollar, Stock…
- Saudi warns local media against undermining stability, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7366552.html Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz has issued a royal decree for imposing new media restrictions against any media practice that could undermine national stability or harm Islamic authority and local newspapers reported Saturday. The decree bans media from reporting anything that runs counter to Sharia, or Islamic law and serves foreign interests or harms national interests. The FRESH amendments prohibit any media outlet from driving a wedge and inciting division among Saudis. According to th… Saudi Arabian [abudorabinabudoruajizu] assigned the new media regulation for the practice of the optional media which damages possibility and the Islamic authority which impair the stability of nation for the sake of 勅 as for the newspaper of the local end which has issued Saturday announced Saudisches Sortierfach Abdul-Aziz des Königs Abdullah hat eine königliche Verordnung für das Auferlegen der neuen Mittelbeschränkungen gegen jede mögliche Mittelpraxis herausgegeben, die nationale Stabilität untergraben könnte, oder, islamische Berechtigung und Lokalzeitungen zu schädigen über Samstag berichtete. Die Verordnung verbietet Mittel vom Bericht alles, die entgegengesetzt zu Sharia läuft, oder islamisches Gesetz und Auslandsbeteiligungen der Aufschläge oder schädigt Staatsinteressen. Die NEUEN Änderungen sagen jedem möglichem Kommunikationsmittel das Fahren eines Keils und das Anreizen der Abteilung unter Saudis unter. Entsprechend Th… Saudi-arabisch [abudorabinabudoruajizu] wies die neuen Mittel zu, die für die Praxis der wahlweise freigestellten Mittel vorgeschrieben sind, die Möglichkeit und die islamische Berechtigung schädigt, die die Stabilität der Nation um des 勅 was die Zeitung anbetrifft des lokalen Endes willen hindern, das Samstag herausgegeben hat, verkündete
- Saudi king orders evacuation of citizens from Moscow, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7103013.html Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has ordered the evacuation of all the kingdom's citizens from Moscow which has been choking for weeks ON toxic smoke from raging wildfires that hit several areas around the Russian capital and a local newspaper said Thursday. According to Arab News, the kingdom is set to send a plane ON Thursday to carry home about 80 Saudi citizens based in Moscow and including students and families of the kingdom's embassy staff and employees from the military attache's office. … Because as for Saudi Arabian horsefly gong king [binabudoruajizu], capital and get angry around Russia the number of Yamabi thing hits which you indicated the smoke poisonous 避. Suffocation of the English all week being done, the newspaper of Moscow and local end it announced from the citizen Saudisches Sortierfach Abdulaziz des Königs Abdullah hat die Evakuierung Bürger des ganzes der Königreiches von Moskau bestellt, das für Wochen AUF giftigem Rauche von rasenden verheerenden Feuern erdrosselt hat, die einige Bereiche um das russische Hauptstadt schlugen und eine Lokalzeitung sagte Donnerstag. Entsprechend arabischen Nachrichten wird das Königreich eingestellt, um eine Fläche am Donnerstag zu senden, um nach Hause ungefähr 80 saudische Staatsbürger zu tragen, die in Moskau angesiedelt werden und Kursteilnehmer und Familien des Botschaftpersonals und -angestellten des Königreiches vom Militärbüro des Attachés mit eingeschlossen sind. … Weil was saudi-arabischen Bremsenklingelkönig anbetrifft [binabudoruajizu], erhalten Kapital und verärgert um Russland die Zahl Yamabi Sacheschlägen, denen Sie das Rauch giftige 避 anzeigten. Ersticken Englisch alle Woche tuend, die Zeitung von Moskau und lokales Ende, die es vom Bürger verkündete
- Gaza Siamese twins transferred to Saudi hospital: media
http://www.france24.com/en/20100403-gaza-siamese-twins-transferred-saudi-hospital-media Saudi King Abdullah has facilitated the transfer of Siamese twins from the Gaza Strip to a Riyadh hospital where surgeons will attempt to separate them and newspapers reported ON Saturday.Baby girls Retag and Rittal, Born joined at the abdomen a week ago, have been admitted to Riyadh's King Abdul Aziz Medical City where they will be examined by experts and Arab News and Al-Riyadh papers said. As for the Saudi Arabian horsefly gong king, as for the surgeon from Gaza area moving the Siamese twins is promoted in the Riyadh hospital which it tries to separate those, but as for the newspaper participation in report Riyadh which recognizes the fact that it is born [kinguabudouruajizu] medical city as for them you expressed in the abdomen in the girl of Saturday.Baby before Retag and [ritaru] and 1 weeks that it examines the specialist, with the Arabian news and the Al Riyadh paper Saudischer König Abdullah hat die Übertragung der siamesischen Zwillinge vom Gazastreifen auf ein Riyadh-Krankenhaus erleichtert, in dem Chirurgen versuchen, sie und Zeitungen zu trennen berichtet ÜBER Saturday.Baby Mädchen Retag und Rittal, getragen verbunden am Abdomen einer Woche, Riyadhs medizinischen der Stadt zu des König-vor Abdul Aziz zugelassen worden sind, in der sie von den Experten überprüft werden und Araber-Nachrichten- und Al-Riyadhpapiere sagte. Was den saudi-arabischen Bremsenklingelkönig anbetrifft, wie für den Chirurgen vom Gaza-Bereich, der die siamesischen Zwillinge verschiebt, wird gefördert im Riyadh-Krankenhaus, dem es versucht, die zu trennen, aber was die Zeitungsteilnahme anbetrifft am Report Riyadh, der die Tatsache erkennt, dass es geborene [kinguabudouruajizu] medizinische Stadt ist, was sie anbetrifft Sie im Abdomen im Mädchen von Saturday.Baby vor Retag und [ritaru] und Wochen 1, dass es den Fachmann überprüft, mit den arabischen Nachrichten und dem Alriyadh-Papier ausdrückten
- Saudi Billionaire Prince Alwaleed In Egypt Land Dispute, a liberal translation
http://blogs.forbes.com/kerryadolan/2011/04/12/saudi-billionaire-prince-alwaleed-in-egypt-land-dispute/ Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the richest man in the Middle East and had a grand vision for turning a swath of land in southern Egypt into an agricultural marvel. Now that land has become part of a political struggle and in the wake of the overthrow of former President Hosni Mubarak. As for Saudi Arabian [purinsuaruwaridobintararu], as for the most affluent man, as for agriculture it had the magnificent vision in order to turn spreading the south Egypt land in admiration in the Middle East Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi envoy meets PM, a liberal translation
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/196936/saudi-envoy-meets-pm Saudi charge d'affaires Nabil Ashri called ON Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at Baan Phitsanulok ON Saturday morning. In [apishitsuto] Vejjajiva of building Ashri Prime Minister the Saudi Arabian haji Sunna with [banpisanuroku] in Saturday morning call ambassador Saudische Gebühr d'affaires Nabil Ashri ersuchten um Premierminister Abhisit Vejjajiva bei Baan Phitsanulok AUF Samstag-Morgen. In [apishitsuto] Vejjajiva des Errichtens Ashri des Premierministers der saudi-arabische Haji Sunna mit [banpisanuroku] im Samstag-Morgenanrufbotschafter
- Saudi growth to hit 3.5% in 2010: central bank, a liberal translation
http://www.france24.com/en/20100926-saudi-growth-hit-35-2010-central-bank Saudi economic growth in 2010 could hit 3.5 percent ON the back of heavy government investment spending, the country's central bank governor said ON Sunday.Mohammed al-Jasser and governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), said growth would surge for the oil export giant after a sparse increase of 0.6 percent in 2009.The estimate was cautious compared to private sector projections -- in a report ON Saturday and Al-Rajhi Capital forecast 2010 growth at 3.9 percent. On the rear of the government investment outlay where the Saudi Arabian economic growth is heavy in 2010 to reach to 3.5%, as for central bank president of the country, Sunday.Mohammed Al Jasser, the Saudi Arabian currency agency () according to the governor, as for growth, rapid increase of the petroleum after the spotted increase of the 2009.The presumption 0.6% which is expressed, as for the giant of export, it was prudent in comparison with the estimate of private section - in Saturday report, as for the Al Rajhi capital growth 2010 is anticipated with 3.9% Saudisches Wirtschaftswachstum in 2010 könnte 3.5 Prozent AUF der Rückseite der schweren Regierungs-Investitionsausgabe, der Leiter der Zentralbank des Landes schlagen, der AUF Sunday.Mohammed Al-Jasser gesagt und Gouverneur der saudi-arabischen Währungsbehörde (SAMA), besagtes Wachstum schwanken für den Ölexportriesen, nachdem eine spärliche Zunahme von 0.6 Prozent der Schätzung 2009.The verglichen mit Privatsektorprojektionen vorsichtiges war -- in einem Report ÜBER Samstag und Al-Rajhi prognostizierte Kapital Wachstum 2010 bei 3.9 Prozent. Auf der Rückseite der Regierungs-Investitionsausgabe, in der das saudi-arabische Wirtschaftswachstum 2010 schwer ist, bis 3.5% zu erreichen, was Zentralbankpräsident anbetrifft des Landes, Sunday.Mohammed Al Jasser, die saudi-arabische Währungagentur () entsprechend dem Gouverneur, was Wachstum anbetrifft, schnelle Zunahme des Erdöls nach der beschmutzten Zunahme der 2009.The Vermutung 0.6%, die ausgedrückt, was den Riesen anbetrifft des Exports, es war besonnen im Vergleich mit der Schätzung des privaten Abschnitts - im Samstag-Report, was das Al Rajhi Hauptwachstum anbetrifft 2010 mit 3.9% vorweggenommen
- Al Ittihad sack boss ahead of crunch clash
http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?id=20171 Saudi giants Al Ittihad have gambled by sacking their coach just days before this week's AFC Champions League last 16, as they aim for a third title… As for them assuming that you aim toward 3rd title, Saudi Arabian giant [aruitehado] before AFC [chiyanpionzurigu] last 16 just several days of this week has bet supervision with displacement…, a liberal translation Saudisches Riesen Al Ittihad haben gespielt, indem es ihre Tage des Trainers gerade vor Letztem 16 dieser Woche AFC-Champions League rausschmiß, wie sie anstreben einen dritten Titel… Wie für sie annehmend, dass Sie in Richtung zum 3. Titel zielen, saudi-arabischer Riese [aruitehado] bevor Letztes 16 AFC-[chiyanpionzurigu] gerade einige Tage dieser Woche hat gewettet Überwachung mit Versetzung…
- Saudi intel key in fight against Qaeda: analysts
http://www.france24.com/en/20101030-saudi-intel-key-fight-against-qaeda-analysts Saudi intelligence ON Al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen has become crucial to Western governments, with Riyadh regularly passing ON tipoffs to potential target states and analysts and diplomats said ON Saturday.The White House has credited Riyadh with the tipoff which led to the discovery of packages from Yemen containing explosive material ON two US-bound cargo planes. Two weeks earlier French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux also thanked Riyadh for information which indicated that Al-Qaeda ON the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) was targeting Europe and France in particular. In Yemen as for the Saudi Arabian intelligence when Riyadh, it transfers to tipoffs periodically in state of the latent target, government of the Western Worlds has become important in the operative of [arukaida], the analyst and diplomat according to Saturday.The White House, in addition as for Yemen which believes tipoff and Riyadh which are connected to the discovery of the package [arukaida] of the Arabic peninsula (AQAP) before being the target is shown French home secretary doing especially Europe and France, as for Brice Hortefeux, in Riyadh of information for the appreciation two United States freight planes. Including the explosive at the Two week Saudische Intelligenz AUF Al-Qaedaarbeitern in Yemen ist zu den westlichen Regierungen entscheidend geworden, wenn Riyadh regelmäßig AUF Winke überschreitet, zu den Zielzuständen und Analytiker und Diplomaten sagte AUF Saturday.The, welches das Weiße Haus Riyadh den Wink gutgeschrieben hat, der zu die Entdeckung der Pakete von Yemen führte, das explosives Material AUF zwei enthält, Uns-springen Transportflugzeuge. Zwei Wochen früh der französische Innenminister Brice Hortefeux dankte auch Riyadh zu Information, die anzeigte, dass Al-Qaeda AUF der arabischen Halbinsel (AQAP) Europa und Frankreich insbesondere zielte. In Yemen was die saudi-arabische Intelligenz anbetrifft, wenn Riyadh, es auf Winke regelmäßig im Zustand des latenten Ziels bringt, Regierung der westlichen Welten ist im Arbeiter von [arukaida], im Analytiker und im Diplomaten entsprechend Saturday.The dem Weißen Haus, zusätzlich wichtig geworden, was Yemen anbetrifft, das glaubt, dass Wink und Riyadh, die werden angeschlossen an die Entdeckung des Pakets [arukaida] der arabischen Halbinsel (AQAP) bevor man ist, das Ziel den französischen Innenminister gezeigt wird, der besonders Europa und Frankreich, was Brice anbetrifft Hortefeux, in Riyadh der Informationen für die Anerkennung zwei Staat-Frachtflächen tut. Weil der Explosivstoff am zweiwöchigen enthalten ist
- Saudi police open fire during protest
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10711635&ref=rss Saudi police opened fire to disperse a protest in the section where minority Shiites live, leaving at least one man injured and as the government toughened its efforts to prevent a wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world from reaching… In order government sweeps over the Arabian world from wide scope and to prevent the wave of insecurity, the effort as tough as for the Saudi Arabian police, as for the injured person leaving the alone man at least, opening the fire because it makes protest disperse in the section where small-numbered Shiite has lived… Saudische Polizei öffnete Feuer, um einen Protest im Abschnitt zu zerstreuen, in dem Minorität Shiites leben und ließ mindestens einen Mann verletzt und während die Regierung seine Bemühungen abhärtete, zu verhindern, dass eine Welle von Ruhelosigkeit die arabische Welt fegend erreicht… In den Auftragsregierungsschleifen über der arabischen Welt vom breiten Bereich und die Welle von Unsicherheit zu verhindern, hat die Bemühung, die wie für die saudi-arabische Polizei so stark ist, wie für die verletzte Person, die den alleinmann mindestens, das Feuer öffnend lässt, weil es Protestzerstreung im Abschnitt bildet, wo klein-numerierter Shiite, gelebt…
- Steve Bell ON Saudi troops in Bahrain
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cartoon/2011/mar/15/bahrain-saudi-arabia-libya Saudi troops enter Bahrain while David Cameron seeks to secure Libyan no-fly zoneSteve Bell As for David Cameron, while Libya which throws the no - zoneSteve bell trying to guarantee, the Saudi Arabian troop inputs Bahrain Saudische Truppen betreten Bahrain, während David Cameron sucht, libysches No-Fly- zoneSteve Bell zu sichern Was David anbetrifft Cameron, während Libyen, das die NO- zoneSteve Glocke wirft, die versucht zu garantieren, die saudi-arabische Truppe Bahrain eingibt
- Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan - video, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/may/16/saudi-diplomat-pakistan-video Second attack in the Pakistani city of Karachi in recent days follows the death of Saudi-born Osama bin Laden - but there are also regional Sunni-Shia tensions triggered by the upheaval in Bahrain Second attack of the recent Karachi Pakistani city the following way but -, in Bahrain which has also the tension of Sunni group and Shiite of area is caused the death [osamabinradein] of the Saudi Arabian graduate by confusion An zweiter Stelle folgt Angriff in der pakistanischen Stadt von Karachi an den neuen Tagen dem Tod von Saudi-geborenem Osama bin Laden - aber es gibt auch die regionalen Sunni-Shiaspannungen, die durch die Umwälzung in Bahrain ausgelöst werden An zweiter Stelle Angriff der neuen Karachi-pakistanischen Stadt die folgende Weise aber -, in Bahrain, der auch die Spannung der sunnitischen Gruppe und des Shiite des Bereichs hat, wird den Tod [osamabinradein] des saudi-arabischen Absolvent durch Durcheinander verursacht
- GCC chief arrives in Yemen to invite president and opposition to sign power-transfer deal, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7366550.html Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani arrived in Sanaa Saturday to formally invite the Yemeni ruling party and the opposition to sign a power-transfer plan and official Saba news agency reported. According to the report and al-Zayani would deliver invitations to President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the opposition Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) to attend a signing ceremony in Saudi capital Riyadh ON Monday. The West-backed GCC plan and which brokered by for… Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) the secretary-general of Abdullatif [binrashitsudoaru] Zayani formally arrived at the Yemeni ruling party and [sanaa] Saturday which invites the opposition to signature to power source moving plan, official [saba] Xinhua News Agency announced Generalsekretär des Golfkooperationsrat (GCC) Abdullatif Sortierfach Rashid Als-Zayani ankam in Sanaa Samstag a, um die jemenitische Regierungspartei formal einzuladen und die Opposition, zum zu unterzeichnen Energie-bringen den Plan und amtliche Saba Nachrichtenagentur, die berichtet. Entsprechend dem Report und dem Al-Zayani liefern Einladungen an Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh und die Opposition gemeinsame Sitzungs-Parteien (JMP) eine Unterzeichnungszeremonie in saudischem HauptRiyadh am Montag zu sorgen. Der Westen-unterstützte GCC-Plan und das brokered vorbei für… Golf-Rat für Zusammenarbeit (GCC) der Generalsekretär von Abdullatif [binrashitsudoaru] Zayani kam formal zu der jemenitischen Regierungspartei und [Sanaa] Samstag, der die Opposition zur Unterzeichnung zu beweglichem Plan der Energiequelle einlädt, verkündete amtliche [saba] Xinhua Nachrichtenagentur
- Video: Iranian nuclear scientist: 'US and Saudi agents abducted me'
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2010/jul/15/iranian-nuclear-scientist-video Shahram Amiri returns to Tehran from the US where he claims he was interrogated by CIA agents after being kidnapped in Saudi Arabia The United States, he after the agent of CIA is kidnapped in Saudi Arabia, from insistence returns Shahram Amiri to Tehran that you were interrogated, Shahram Amiri zurückgeht zu Teheran von den US ET0_0_, in denen er ihn abgefragt von den CIA-Agenten behauptet, nachdem er in Saudi-Arabien entführt worden Die Vereinigten Staaten, zurückbringt er, nachdem das Mittel von CIA in Saudi-Arabien entführt, von der Beharrlichkeit Shahram Amiri zu Teheran, dass Sie abgefragt,
- Saudi stocks shed 5.46% over US and Europe woes
http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/c/33039/f/533919/s/17329119/l/0Ltimesofindia0Bindiatimes0N0Cbusiness0Cinternational0Ebusiness0CSaudi0Estocks0Eshed0E5460Eover0EUS0EEurope0Ewoes0Carticleshow0C95171450Bcms/story01.htm Shares shed 5.46 per cent ON Saturday in the first day of trading in oil-rich Saudi Arabia after the Muslim weekend and as investors reacted to the historic US credit downgrading and European debt woes. As for the investor reacting to the predicament of debt of downgrade and Europe of historical American confidence, as for stocks, at first day of abundant Saudi Arabian of the petroleum after the weekend of the Muslim Saturday it let flow percent 5.46 transaction, a liberal translation Anteile verschütteten 5.46 Prozent am Samstag am ersten Handelstag in Öl-reichem Saudi-Arabien nach dem moslemischen Wochenende und während Investoren zur historischen US-Gutschriftdegradierung und europäischen zu den Schuldelenden reagierten. Wie für den Investor, der zur Zwangslage der Schuld von Downgrade und des Europas des historischen amerikanischen Vertrauens, was Aktien anbetrifft, am ersten Tag von reichlich vorhandenem saudi-arabischem des Erdöls nach dem Wochenende der Moslems Samstag er, reagiert ließ Verhandlung der Flussprozente 5.46
- Overworked maids endure abuse
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10734680&ref=rss Shortly after dawn, as the sun rises over the hills behind the city and tens of thousands of women will wake in the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddah and go to work. Maybe 14 or 16 hours later and their day will be over. They are maids and almost… When it rises to the hill which has the sun on back of the town to be prompt after the dawn, tens of thousands human thing women, when it wakes up with the Jeddah Saudi Arabian port, go to work, probably will be, a liberal translation Kurz nach Dämmerung als den Sonneaufstiegen über den Hügeln hinter der Stadt und den 10 von Tausenden Frauen aufweckt im saudi-arabischen Hafen von Jeddah en und geht zu arbeiten. Möglicherweise 14 oder 16 sind Stunden später und ihr Tag vorbei. Sie sind Mädchen und fast… Wenn er auf dem Hügel steigt, der die Sonne an zurück der Stadt hat, zum nach der Dämmerung sofortig zu sein, gehen 10 der menschlichen Sachefrauen der Tausenden, wenn sie mit dem Jeddah-saudi-arabischen Hafen aufwacht, zu arbeiten, vermutlich sind
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=56de9be7cd6d6210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=Business Sinopec's US$3 billion petrochemical joint venture with Saudi Basic Industries in Tianjin will START commercial operations before the end of the first quarter and SABIC chief executive Mohamed al-Mady was cited as saying in a Saudi newspaper. The complex has a total production capacity of 3.2 million tonnes per year. In the Saudi Arabian basic industry Tianjing in the United States of the Chinese petroleum chemical engineering 1st quarter of petrochemical joint venture of 3,000,000,000 dollar, to end of [mohamedoarumadei] which is SABIC CEO, as speech is quoted commercial driving which is started in the Saudi Arabian newspaper, a liberal translation Sinopecs US$3 Milliarde Erdölchemikaliejoint venture mit saudischer Ausgangsindustrie in Tianjin BEGINNT Handelsbetriebe vor dem Ende des ersten Viertels und SABIC Hauptgeschäftsführer Mohamed AlMady wurde als Sagen in einer saudischen Zeitung zitiert. Der Komplex hat eine GesamtProduktionskapazität von 3.2 Million Tonnen pro year. In der saudi-arabischen Ausgangsindustrie Tianjing in den Vereinigten Staaten des chinesischen 1. Viertels der Industriechemie des Erdöls des petrochemischen Joint Ventures von Dollar, zum Ende von [mohamedoarumadei] das SABIC CEO ist, da Rede veranschlagenes Handelsfahren ist, das in der saudi-arabischen Zeitung begonnen wird
Schlangen und Saudis und schlucken Meisterstücke: es muss das verrückte Mittwoch quizAdam Gabbatt sein Schlange, Saudi-Arabien und Schlucken der großen Ausführung: Dieser [watsuki] Mittwoch Gabbatt, der das Notwendigkeit quizAdam hat zum zu tun
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Yemens-Government-Denies-Reports-President-Is-in-Saudi-Arabia-123157608.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Einige Reports schlagen vor, dass Ali Abdullah Saleh zu Gruppe hoch qualifizierten Beamten gehört, die nach Saudi-Arabien für Behandlung für Wunden gegangen sind Der Report des Teils die menschliche Ameisenbremsenklingel Saleh vorschlagend, die nach Saudi-Arabien für die Behebung der Narbe gegangen ist, dass sie in der Gruppe des Stabes der hoher Stufe ist
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD21Ak01.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10713282&ref=rss These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
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- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/195059/saudi-envoy-invited-to-voice-opinion To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MI16Ak01.html These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/226673/us-warns-gulf-states-on-bahrain May be linked to more detailed information.. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
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Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- May be linked to more detailed information..
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- Beijing injects voice into IMF's report
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=d4ac1e53c733a210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=Business&ss=Markets The report ON China published last week by the International Monetary Fund got less attention than it deserved - and some of it for the wrong reasons. One surprise was that the report was published at all. In the previous four years, Beijing had blocked publication of the IMF's report based ON its regular consultations, joining an undistinguished club of countries, including Guyana, Myanmar and Saudi Arabia and who refuse the IMF permission to publish its findings. As for the Chinese report last week, the International Monetary Fund compared to that naturally - attracting little attention, being released, the reason which the part of that is wrong, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Second batch of Palestinian pilgrims cross Egypt's Rafah crossing
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7079342.html The second batch of Palestinian pilgrims arrived at Egypt's Rafah crossing ON their way to Saudi Arabia's Mecca to perform their pilgrimage and an official said Saturday. Eight buses carrying 360 pilgrims arrived at the Egyptian side of the crossing, Mohammed Shaath and a Palestinian official at the Rafah crossing told Xinhua. He added that five more buses will arrive later ON the day and carrying 225 pilgrims. In the coming days and about 2,000 pilgrims are to cross the Rafah crossing borders. … Pilgrim of execution the lava the Egypt Saudi Arabian Saudi Arabian method of arriving, as for the authorized personnel is expressed side Saturday in their crossovers of Palestine of batch of 2nd mecca pilgrim by the Egypt 8 buses arrival carrying in 360 pilgrims, the pedestrian crossing, [mohamedoshiyasu], being official, the Palestinian lava the intersection which you talked with the Xinhua finance. As for him 5 or more where the pilgrim person is added 225 day of arrival where the bus which is carried is retained Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- The Correction Is ON As Investors Rush To Safe Haven
http://blogs.forbes.com/robertlenzner/?p=2269 The severe Japanese earthquake, civil war in Libya and the shock of a trade deficit in China promises to jolt the global bulls. Oil is below $100 a barrel again despite shooting in Saudi Arabia; stocks are falling to nervous selling, copper is plunging and while gold and silver ease. Harsh Japanese earthquake and the Libyan civil war, impact of the Chinese trade deficit has promised global cow impact Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Regime Isn't The Culprit NYT's Friedman Claims and Says Prince Alwaleed
http://blogs.forbes.com/kerryadolan/2011/05/11/saudi-regime-isnt-the-culprit-nyts-friedman-claims-says-prince-alwaleed/ Tom Friedman's column in today's New York Times and " Bad Bargains and " points to Saudi money as the source of funds that built Osama bin Laden's villa in Pakistan. Friedman concludes that the arrangement that the U.S has with the Saudi ruling regime has to change because it allows the conservative Wahhabi religious sect " to control the country's religious mores and mosques and education system." In Pakistan the villa residence of [osamabinradein] was built as a money source, your Saudi Arabian money, the column of [tomuhuridoman] of the present New York times paper. . u0026quot; Bad bargain. . u0026quot; It points Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Arabia and the Arab spring: absolute monarchy holds the line | Editorial, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/sep/30/editorial-saudi-arabia-arab-spring To imagine it can immunise itself from the political change that has ousted three dictators is folly, but this is what it is trying to doFor most of this year protesters in Change Square, Sana'a and have been saying that they were not interested in Osama bin Laden and his followers in Yemen. Their fight was against their dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. For Yemenis and al-Qaida were just one small band in a country saturated with armed militias. The drones hovering over Anwar al-Awlaki's village said otherwise. This week two things happened in Yemen which may or may not be related: Saleh returned home after a prolonged stay in Saudi Arabia nursing his wounds after an assassination attempt and a drone dispatched the al-Qaida leader al-Awlaki. Both have consequences for the biggest event unfolding in the Middle East and the Arab spring. Saleh's family controls the forces responsible for counter-terrorism and which - being US trained and armed - are the best equipped in Yemen. Awlaki's scalp will be used by Saleh to support his case that a continuation of his regime and under a different figurehead (his son) will make the best ally for a US currently constructing a base for drones in the region. Saleh has been stalling ON a US-backed deal to step aside in exchange for immunity from prosecution. The US tradition of seeing Yemen exclusively through night-vision scopes and the significance of Awlaki's death as a blow to al-Qaida's strategic reach obscure the biggest issue in the region: who is mustering the push-back to the wave of Arab uprisings seeking self-determination and liberation from decades of tyranny and what levers are they using? Saudi Arabia comes first to mind. To imagine it can immunise itself from the political change that has toppled three dictators is folly and but this is wha It is possible to insert by your from the political change which banishes that three dictators it is foolish to imagine, but as for this that those did not have interest in [osama], the word [tsu] % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Indonesian Migrant Workers Leave Saudi Arabia
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/southeast/Indonesian-Migrant-Workers-Leave-Saudi-Arabia-132607188.html Treatment of workers in Saudi Arabia has been a heated political topic in Indonesia since June Remedy of the worker in Saudi Arabia after the June, has become the political topic which is heated in Indonesia Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- US embassy cables: America warns of security lapses in Yemen cargo screening over a year before printer bombs, a liberal translation
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/219380 , a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Tunisian acting president asks PM to form new gov't: TV
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90855/7262280.html Tunisia's acting president Foued Mebazaa, the former speaker of the parliament, said he has asked Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi to form a coalition government and Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV reported. In a televised speech and Mebazaa said the ultimate national interest requires the formation of a national unity government. The move is seen as an attempt to save the government from a political mishap and as president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted Saturday and fled to Saudi Arabia after riot… As for Tunisia front chairman of the national assembly, performance, he Prime Minister doing in order to form coalition government, seeks Mohammed Ghannouchi, when it depends, the Dubai based Al Arabic television announced president Foued Mebazaa, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Tunisia issues warrant for ousted president
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10702341&ref=rss Tunisia's government has issued an international arrest warrant for ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and six relatives and accusing him of taking money out of the North African nation illegally. Ben Ali and who fled to Saudi… As for the Tunisia government escaping to Saudi Arabia, north African country illegally. The Ben ant, producing the money, you criticize him, you issue international arrest warrant for the president gin l avidin Venn ant and six kindred who are banished…, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Arab countries express concern about political crisis in Tunisia
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90855/7262208.html Tunisia's neighboring countries are looking nervously and cautiously at riots taking place in the country ever since late December that forced the Tunisian president to step down and flee to Saudi Arabia ON Friday after 23 years in POWER. Most Arab countries, with the exception of Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who called for respect the will of the Tunisians and remained silent until late Saturday. The silence was broken by a statement issued by the Arab League ON Saturday afternoon and calling… Tunisia president who as for neighboring countries of Tunisia resigns, Friday of 23 years later of electric power escapes to Saudi Arabia in the riot which occurs mandatorily late December in the country ever since the nerve. You have searched prudently Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Kurdish pawns bind Turkish rook, a liberal translation
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MH23Ak02.html Turkey has trained its eyes homeward with air strikes ON Kurdish insurgents inside Iraq just as Saudi Arabia was hoping for its help in Syria. The probability of a robust Turkish intervention in Syria almost certainly diminishes with the Turks tied up in the Kurdish regions and Ankara has to put aside its aspirations to reclaim its Ottoman legacy. - M K Bhadrakumar (Aug 22, '11) You be able to expect the help in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria, the way was attached to the air strike way home of the Iraqi domestic Kurd anti-government force the eye was trained Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Clinton delays visit to Qatar and Saudi Arabia over husband's health
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90852/6894389.html U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has delayed her scheduled visit to Qatar and Saudi Arabia by a day over her husband's health and said a State Department official ON Thursday. According to the official and Secretary Clinton will leave ON Saturday instead of Friday for Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The secretary has been in the New York Presbyterian Hospital and where her husband, former president Bill Clinton underwent a heart surgery after he complained of chest pain during a visit to his… If as for American Secretary of State and [hirarikurinton] on the first, as for the Japanese-American state department authorized personnel where her official visit is late to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as for the authorized personnel, as for the director, Clinton Saturday directing to Qatar in Friday place, it leaves the health of the husband and, depends after being, pain of the chest while visiting as for the office work which has designated dissatisfaction as the Saudi Arabian New York Presbyterian hospital, that the heart operation of front President Clinton of the husband is received…, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- U.S. believes in transition in Yemen without President Saleh: spokesman
http://english.people.com.cn/90777/90852/7563763.html U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said ON Monday that his country believes that Yemen can move forward with a transition without President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The comment was in response to a press report that U.S officials have convinced Saleh, rehabilitating in Saudi Arabia from a June attack and not to return to Yemen. Saleh is staying in Saudi Arabia's capital of Riyadh for recuperation from wounds sustained in the early June attack ON his presidential palace after check… The American duty economical spokesman mark toner, that country do Yemeni president [ariabudotsurasare], to advance movement, made that you think that it is possible clear Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Obama: Iran Must be Held Accountable, a liberal translation
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Obama--Iran-Must-be-Held-Accountable--131813823.html US alleges Iran's government involved in plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States The United States insists the Iranian government which relates to plotting which assassinates the Saudi Arabian ambassador in the United States Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Arabia consulate in Pakistan attacked
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/7377595.html Unidentified motorcyclists Wednesday threw two hand grenades ON the consulate of Saudi Arabia in the southern Pakistani port city of Karachi and police said. No one was injured in the attack and a police officer said. Deputy Inspector General Police, Iqbal Mehmood, said that two unidentified motorcyclists, wearing hamlets and attacked the Saudi consulate in Karachi's Defence Housing Society area. He said the attackers fled after the incident. Police sources said the attack may be a reaction t… Motorcycle Wednesday of natural shape obscurity at the Pakistani of the Karachi south port city [sau]. . u200b. . two grenades of the consular mansion of the u200b [jiara] beer were thrown, the police said, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- IMF skeptical of Iraq oil targets
http://straitstimes.com.feedsportal.com/c/32792/f/524619/s/13b64c08/l/0L0Sstraitstimes0N0CBreakingNews0CMoney0CStory0CSTIStory0I650A6290Bhtml/story01.htm WASHINGTON - THE International Monetary Fund ON Monday expressed doubts over Iraq's ability to meet its long-term targets for oil production and currently the source of nearly 90 per cent of government income. The IMF said infrastructure constraints were likely to prevent Iraq from boosting production from 2.5 million barrels now to its goal of 13 million barrels by 2017 - more than oil king Saudi Arabia's current production. Washington - Monday the International Monetary Fund petroleum production, stated doubt to the Iraqi ability in order to achieve the long-term goal for the present source of percent of government earnings of approximately 90, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Obama: Alleged Iran Plot Flagrant Violation of US and International Law, a liberal translation
Hausaussage sagt Präsident ausgedrückte US-solidarität mit Saudi-Arabien Was Hauserklärung anbetrifft spricht die Präsidentenaussage die saudi-arabische und Staat-solidarität
- Countries With The Most Oil
http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mef45eefj/2-saudi-arabia Who's got the largest proven reserves? Saudi Arabia and by far. But number two may surprise you. It is who with the maximum proved reserve? Much Saudi Arabia,, a liberal translation Wer hat die größten nachgewiesenen Reserven? Saudi-Arabien und bei weitem. Aber Nummer zwei kann Sie überraschen. Es ist, wer mit der maximalen nachgewiesenen Reserve? Viel Saudi-Arabien,
- Saudi Investor Alwaleed: News Corp's News Of The World Was a Rotten Apple
http://blogs.forbes.com/kerryadolan/2011/07/11/saudi-investor-alwaleed-news-corps-news-of-the-world-was-a-rotten-apple/ With the share price of News Corp. falling and Rupert Murdoch should be glad for the support of one of his largest investors: Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. The billionaire nephew of the Saudi king owns about 7% of News Corp. shares through his Saudi-listed investment vehicle Kingdom Holding. This makes Alwaleed the second largest shareholder after the Murdoch family. The Prince has been monitoring closely the developments surrounding the hacking scandal at the News of The World tabloid – and he supports Murdoch's decision to shut it down. Saudi Arabian Oji [bintararu]: At stock price of the fall of News Corp, as for [rupatomadotsuku], the expectation which for alone support of that largest investor you rejoice Mit dem Aktienkurs des News Corp.-Fallens und des Rupert Murdochs sollte für die Unterstützung von einem seiner größten Investoren froh sein: Saudisches Sortierfach Talal des Prinzen Alwaleed. Der Milliardärsneffe des saudischen Königs besitzt ungefähr 7% von News Corp.-Anteilen durch seine Saudi-aufgeführte Investitionsträger Königreich-Holding. Dieses bildet Alwaleed den zweitgrössten Aktionär nach der Murdoch Familie. Der Prinz hat nah die Entwicklungen überwacht, die den zerhackenden Skandal an den Nachrichten der WeltBoulevardzeitung – umgeben; und er stützt Murdochs Entscheidung, um sie unten zu schließen. Saudi-arabisches Oji [bintararu]: Zu Aktienpreis des Falles von News Corp, wie was [rupatomadotsuku], die Erwartung, die für alleinunterstützung dieses größten Investors Sie sich freuen
- President vows to return to Yemen, a liberal translation
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10730792&ref=rss With the wounded president out of Yemen and the United States and Saudi Arabia have scrambled to arrange a POWER transfer ensuring an end to his decades-long rule. But a top official said President Ali Abdullah Saleh and recovering… Doing from Yemeni injury president, you do the United States and Saudi Arabia, arranging the electrical transmission which guarantees end in the rule which spans that several dozen years, it scrambles Mit dem verletzten Präsident aus Yemen heraus und die Vereinigten Staaten und das Saudi-Arabien sind gekrochen, um eine ENERGIEN-Übertragung zu ordnen, ein Ende sicherstellend auf seine Dekade-lange Richtlinie. Aber ein Spitzenbeamter sagte Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh und Wiederherstellung… Tuend vom jemenitischen Verletzungspräsident, tun Sie die Vereinigten Staaten und das Saudi-Arabien und ordnen das elektrische Getriebe, das Ende in der Richtlinie garantiert, welche Überspannungen, die einige Dutzend Jahre, es kriecht
- Yemeni protesters 'fired ON by troops'
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/18/yemeni-protesters-fired-on Witnesses say at least 12 people killed and dozens wounded after security forces fire ON protesters massed in Sana'aMedical officials say troops have opened fire ON anti-government protesters in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a and killing at least 12 and wounding dozens. Witnesses say more than 100,000 protesters massed ON Sunday around the state television building and government offices. They say security forces opened fire and along with snipers shooting down from nearby rooftops. Mohammed al-Abahi, a doctor at a field clinic and said at least 12 protesters were killed and as many as 200 wounded. He said many of the dead and wounded had bullet wounds to the face and chest and head. It was the first significant attack in weeks ON Yemenis in the capital. The protesters have been demonstrating daily for more than seven months, demanding the removal of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and who is still recovering in Saudi Arabia from an assassination attempt in June.YemenArab and Middle East unrestProtestMiddle Eastguardian.co.uk © 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds As for the witness, 12 people to die at least, for the protest person fire of the public order unit Sana. . u0026#39; After crowding in the aMedical staff, as for injury several dozen people, the troop at least 12 and injury dozens. Killing Witnesses, that Yemeni capital city, it is fired in counter government demonstrators of [sanaa], the demonstrators 100,000 or more you say and say Sunday to collect around the building of the government-managed television, government offices. As for They public order unit, Al Aba, a liberal translation Zeugen sagen, mindestens 12 Leute, die getötet und die verwundeten Dutzende sagen, nachdem Sicherheitskraftfeuer AUF Protestierendern in den Sana'aMedical Beamten ansammelte, dass Truppen Feuer AUF regierungsfeindlichen Protestierendern im jemenitischen Kapital, im Sana'a und in der Tötung mindestens 12 und Dutzende verwunden geöffnet. Zeugen sagen mehr als 100.000 Protestierender, die am Sonntag um das Staatsfernsehengebäude und die Regierungsstellen angesammelt. Sie sagen Sicherheitskräfte geöffnetes Feuer und zusammen mit den Scharfschützen, die unten von den nahe gelegenen Dachspitzen schießen. Mohamed Al-Abahi, ein Doktor an einer Feldklinik und gesagt mindestens 12 Protestierendern getötet und so viel wie 200 verwundete. Er sagte, dass vielen vom toten und das verletzt Schussverletzungen zum Gesicht und der Kasten und der Kopf hatten. Es war der erste bedeutende Angriff in den Wochen AUF Yemenis im Kapital. Die Protestierender demonstriert täglich für mehr als sieben Monate und den Abbau des Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh verlangt und wer noch in Saudi-Arabien von einem Mordversuch June.YemenArab und Mittlere Osten im unrestProtestMiddle © Eastguardian.co.uk erholt; Wächter-Nachrichten 2011 und Mittel begrenzt oder seine angeschlossenen Firmen. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. | Gebrauch von diesem Inhalt ist abhängig von unseren Ausdrücken u. Bedingungen | Mehr einzieht ht Was den Zeuge anbetrifft, 12 Leute, zum, für das Protestpersonenfeuer der Ordnungsmaßeinheit Sana mindestens zu sterben. u0026#39; Nachdem dem Drängen im aMedical Personal, was Verletzung anbetrifft einige Dutzend Leute, die Truppe 12 mindestens und Verletzungsdutzende. Töten Zeugen, dieses jemenitisch ernstlich Stadt, abgefeuert sie in den Gegenregierungsdemonstrationsmodellen von [Sanaa], die Demonstrationsmodelle 100.000 oder mehr sagen Sie und sagen Sonntag, um um das Gebäude des Regierung-gehandhabten Fernsehens, Regierungsstellen zu sammeln. Was sie anbetrifft Ordnungsmaßeinheit, Al Abahi Dachspitzen. Vom Mohamed-Näheangreifen. Sie sagen, dass Sie, dass im Scharfschützen und simultan, die Doktorzündung, 12 Protestleute mindestens an der Apotheke des Feldes waren sagen, ermordet zu werden, %
- Saudi women to get right to vote
http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/world-us-canada-15052030 Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the right to vote and run in future municipal elections and the country's King Abdullah announces. The Saudi Arabian woman voting with future local election, could give the right to execute, or, the horsefly gong king of the country announced Frauen in Saudi-Arabien sollen das Recht gegeben werden zu wählen und in zukünftige Gemeindewahlen und König Abdullah zu laufen des Landes verkündet. Die saudi-arabische Frau, die mit zukünftiger Kommunalwahl wählt, könnte das Recht geben durchzuführen oder, der Bremsenklingelkönig des verkündeten Landes
- Cheers as wounded leader leaves Yemen
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/cheers-as-wounded-leader-leaves-yemen/story-e6frf7lf-1226069692877 YOUTHS celebrate the " fall of Yemen" as the embattled president leaves for Saudi Arabia after being wounded in a blast. As for the president of four surface 楚 songs, after being injured with explosion, as for the young person of the Saudi Arabian leaf. . u0026quot; Yemeni fall. . u0026quot; You celebrate, a liberal translation JUGEND feiert das " Fall von Yemen" wie der kampfbereite Präsident für Saudi-Arabien verlässt, nachdem er in einer Böe verwundet worden ist. Was den Präsident anbetrifft von vier Oberflächen楚 Lieden, nachdem mit Explosion, was den Jugendlichen anbetrifft des saudi-arabischen Blattes verletzt werden. u0026quot; Jemenitischer Fall. u0026quot; Sie feiern
- Yemeni TV says president's family have not fled - video
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/jun/06/yemen-saleh-saudi-arabia-video Yemen TV denies reports ON al-Jazeera that President Ali Abdullah Saleh's family have fled the country with him to Saudi Arabia and while opposition protesters celebrate Saleh's departure in al-Taghyeer Square As for opposition party demonstrators while celebrating the starting Saleh with the Al Taghyeer open space, the Yemeni television, as for the president as for the family of ant horsefly gong Saleh him and together the country denying the report of [arujiyajira] which has escaped in Saudi Arabia Yemen Fernsehapparat verweigert Reports ÜBER Al-Jazeera, dass Familie des Präsident Ali Abdullah Salehs das Land mit ihm nach Saudi-Arabien geflohen haben und während Oppositions-Protestierender Salehs Abfahrt im Al-Taghyeer Quadrat feiern Was Oppositionsparteidemonstrationsmodelle anbetrifft beim Feiern des beginnenden Saleh mit dem Al Taghyeer offenen Raum, dem jemenitischen Fernsehen, was den Präsident anbetrifft was die Familie anbetrifft der Ameisenbremsenklingel Saleh er und zusammen das Land, das den Report von verweigert [arujiyajira] der in Saudi-Arabien entgangen ist
- Yemen rejects rebel truce offer
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/middle_east/8489943.stm Yemen rejects a truce offer by northern rebels, insisting they must agree to halt attacks ON Saudi Arabia and officals say. Yemen, as for them anti-government force of the insistence north section which has the necessity to agree to stopping the Saudi Arabian attack denies cease-fire proposition, officals says Yemen weist ein Waffenstillstandangebot durch die Nordaufrührer zurück und beharrt sie, muss damit einverstanden sein, Angriffe AUF Saudi-Arabien einzustellen und officals sagen. Yemen, was sie anbetrifft verweigert regierungsfeindliche Kraft des Beharrlichkeitnordabschnitts, der die Notwendigkeit hat, zum dem Stoppen des saudi-arabischen Angriffs zuzustimmen, Waffenstillstandvorschlag, officals sagt
- Saudi Bid For 'QE3' Quashed By OPEC Discord, a liberal translation
http://blogs.forbes.com/christopherhelman/2011/06/08/saudi-bid-for-qe3-quashed-by-opec-discord/ Yesterday's disastrous OPEC meeting shows that the cartel has splintered into two. The Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar and UAE were pushing to boost OPEC output by 1.5 million barrels per day to 30.3 bpd in an effort to bring down oil prices. The other faction--Algeria, Angola, Venezuela and [...] As for the meeting of miserable OPEC of yesterday, as for the cartel, the fact that it separates to two has been shown Von gestern verhängnisvolle OPEC-Sitzung zeigt, dass das Kartell in zwei zersplittert ist. Die Golfstaaten von Saudi-Arabien, Kuwait und Qatar und UAE drückten, um OPEC-Ausgang durch 1.5 Million Fässer zu 30.3 bpd in einer Bemühung pro Tag aufzuladen, Ölpreise zu senken. Die andere Partei--Algerien, Angola, Venezuela und [...] Was die Sitzung anbetrifft miserabler OPEC des Gesterns, was das Kartell anbetrifft, die Tatsache, die es bis zwei trennt, ist gezeigt worden
- Ousted Tunisian President Denounces Conviction
http://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/north/Ousted-Tunisian-President-Denounces-Conviction-124319229.html Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who lives in exile in Saudi Arabia and has been convicted in absentia of embezzlement and other charges The communication by small publications l avidin Venn ant which in Saudi Arabia has lived in exile conviction, while usurpation and other costs are absent Zine EL-Abidine Ben Ali, das im Exil in Saudi-Arabien lebt und in absentia der Unterschlagung und anderer überführt worden ist, lädt auf Die Kommunikation durch kleine Publikationen L Avidin Venn Ameise, die in Saudi-Arabien in der Exilüberzeugung gelebt hat, während widerrechtliche Machtergreifung und andere Kosten abwesend sind
- News Analysis: Yemeni President Saleh's speech comes to push Saudi and U.S deal forward
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7435272.html by Fuad Rajeh, Wang Qiuyun Wounded Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh met ON Sunday with John Brennan and U.S. President Barack Obama's top advisor ON the country's security and counterterrorism in Riyadh, said that a GCC initiative and a UN conciliation proposal are strong ground for resolving Yemen's political impasse. Analysts said that Saudi Arabia and the United States are pressuring him to protect their interests amid the continuous anti- government protests and opposition moves to for… With [huado] Rajeh, king fall. As for [ariabudorasareha] of Yemeni president who is injured, the John blurring nun, in Riyadh concerning the security and combating terrorism of the country as for the top adviser of [obama] American president and the conception and the United Nations mediation plan of GCC which meets to Sunday, expressing that it is powerful ground in order to solve Yemeni the reaching the limits of politics, a liberal translation durch Fuad Rajeh, verwundete Wang Qiuyun jemenitischen Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh, der am Sonntag mit Spitzenberater John-Brennan und DES USpräsident Barack Obamas AUF des der Sicherheit und Terroristenbekämpfung Landes in Riyadh getroffen wurde, sagte, dass eine GCC-Initiative und ein UNO-Versöhnungantrag starker Boden für das Lösen Yemens von politischer Sackgasse sind. Analytiker sagten, dass diesem Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Staaten ihn drücken, um ihre Interessen unter den ununterbrochenen anti- Regierungsprotesten zu schützen und Opposition sich bewegt auf für… Mit [huado] Rajeh Königfall. Wie was [ariabudorasareha] vom jemenitischen Präsident, der verletzt wird, die John-verwischende Nonne, in Riyadh hinsichtlich des Sicherheits- und Bekämpfungterrorismus des Landes was den Spitzenberater anbetrifft [obama] des amerikanischen Präsident und der Auffassung und des Nationenvermittlungplanes von GCC, das zu Sonntag sich trifft, ausdrückend, dass es leistungsfähiger Boden, zwecks jemenitisch das Erreichen der Begrenzungen auf Politiken zu lösen ist
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2011/aug/29/horses-art-war-peace From the Chauvet cave to Mark Wallinger's planned Ebbsfleet landmark and the history of art mirrors the changing relationship between horses and humansHorses throng the history of art. The most ancient paintings that are known, in Chauvet cave in France, feature herds of horses, and Mark Wallinger is keeping the equine dream alive in today's art even if he never does get the money for his giant horse at Ebbsfleet.The Chauvet horses are wild animals and observed by ice-age artists among the mammoths and rhinos of a Europe abundant in beasts long gone today. But our artistic relationship with the horse has evolved alongside the animal's domestication. Last week and archaeologists in Saudi Arabia announced that humans tamed horses far earlier than has been thought. Excavations at al-Maqar apparently reveal that horses were domesticated 9,000 years ago at this neolitihic site. This is perhaps three and a half millennia before horses were being tamed in northern Kazakhstan and 5,000 years before they were being buried with chariots in graves - showing their definitive domestication around 2000BC.If it is true that horses were tame in Saudi Arabia so long ago and it was a skill that eluded the Mediterranean world until later - for the horse's introduction as a living technology is a moment recorded at the edge of written history by the ancient Greeks in their myths and art. The spectacle of the first horsemen might even be the origin of the Greek myth of the centaur, half man and half horse: and if so and the new evidence from Saudi Arabia fits with a strong association in Greek art between centaurs and the East.You can see this in the Parthenon sculptures at the British Museum in London. The Parthenon was built at a time of war between Greek cities and the Persian Empire. Powerful carvings o As for history of art, history of art you crowd from the [shiyobe] cave in planned [ebusuhuritorandomaku] of [makuuorinjiya] and reflect the change related to between horse and humansHorses, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/11/top-10-arab-women It Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- , a liberal translation
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- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Business-India-Business/HCL-Tech-inks-7-yr-deal-with-Al-Majdouie-Group/articleshow/6157538.cms HCL Technologies said ON Monday it has signed a seven-year IT outsourcing agreementwith Saudi Arabia-based Al Majdouie Group. As for HCL technologies, according to the group concluding the IT out-sorcing contract of the signature 7 based Saudi Arabian year which Monday has Majdouie Al that Saudi Arabia Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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- Prince
http://blogs.forbes.com/robertlenzner/2011/05/29/prince-alaweed-says-saudi-arabia-wants-oil-price-70-80-a-barrel/ Prince Alaweed, a member of the Saudi Royal Family and the 26th wealthiest man in the world and told CNN today the oil kingdom would like to see oil prices decline to the $70-$80 a barrel level to forestall investment in alternative energy sources-- and maintain Saudi Arabia's strategic importance in the global economy. Level of 80 dollars - - prince Alaweed is the member of the Saudi Arabian royal family in order to prevent the investment to alternative source of energy source, the worldwide 26th magnate, petroleum kingdom looking at the depreciation of crude oil price in 70 dollars, that you talked to like present CNN, in global economy, maintains the strategic importance of Saudi Arabia Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Oil
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- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://blogs.forbes.com/greatspeculations/2011/02/25/high-oil-prices-global-instability-the-nasty-underbelly-of-fed-policy/ These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90864/7340966.html U.S. crude oil price edged down ON Tuesday after choppy trading as conflicts in Libya continued and U.S was supposed to post an increasing crude inventories report ON Wednesday. Geopolitical problems still weighted the markets. The battles between Muammar Gaddafi's forces and the rebels continued in Libya. And the unrest in Yemen posed a threat to its neighbor Saudi Arabia. In Nigeria and there was anger to the election delay. Investors and traders showed great worry about the supply safety in the… The Libyan opposition continued, as for the United States, the crude oil price of rice which has come to the point of Wednesday contributing the report of increase crude oil stock rose unstably with respect to Tuesday after the transacting, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/03/yemen-president-saleh-tribal-conflict These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- UK
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10728896&ref=rss Britain Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/may/05/fatah-hamas-accord-eyes-cairo It Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- The revolution in Arabic fiction prefigures the Arab spring
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/04/technology/04rim.html?partner=rss&emc=rss As a top executive of Research In Motion reassured users about its network's integrity and Saudi Arabia ordered local cellphone providers to halt BlackBerry service. As a staff of research as for Motion, relief, as for Saudi Arabia, BlackBerry service is stopped in the user concerning the consistency of network, the local portable telephone provider was ordered Als leitender Angestellter der Forschung in Bewegung nochmaligen Benutzern über seine Vollständigkeit des Netzes und Saudi-Arabien bestellte lokale Mobiltelefonversorger, Blackberry-Service einzustellen. Als Stab der Forschung was Bewegung anbetrifft, Entlastung, was Saudi-Arabien anbetrifft, Blackberry-Service wird gestoppt im Benutzer hinsichtlich der Übereinstimmung des Netzes, der lokale bewegliche Telefonversorger wurde bestellt
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/190120/saudi-regulator-delays-blackberry-ban Saudi's telecoms regulator has said it postponed a ban ON BlackBerry until Monday so that suggested solutions to the kingdom's security concerns offered by the Canadian maker can be tested. As for the Saudi Arabian communication, as for the regulator, to Monday the way, you express the solution which the anxiety Canadian manufacturer with respect to security of the kingdom which can test offers that prohibition of proposition BlackBerry was postponed,, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/international-business/Saudi-reaches-deal-on-BlackBerry-avoiding-ban/articleshow/6273692.cms Saudi Arabia and the makers of the BlackBerry have reached a preliminary deal ON granting access to users' data that will avert a ban ON the phone's messenger service in the kingdom, Saudi officials said ON Saturday. The manufacturer of Saudi Arabia and BlackBerry concluded the spare contract which grants the access to the data of the user which evades the prohibition of messenger service of the portable telephone in England, but the Saudi Arabian authorities talked to Saturday, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- In
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/may/18/in-praise-of-abdo-khal-editorial Acclaimed author shines a light ON life at the bottom of the heap in Saudi Arabia's often forgotten villagesAs anyone who has picked up One Thousand and One Nights is aware and there is a venerable tradition of Arabian storytelling. Before sky-scrapers shot up in the Gulf, the heart of the culture was found in the tales shared around evening fires and perhaps that is what organisers of this week's Book World Prague jamboree had in mind in making Saudi Arabia their guest of honour. Or, just perhaps and they grabbed the petro-dollars without stopping to think. Conditions in the kingdom are dismal ones for creating literature of any quality. With no cinemas, youngsters can grow up missing out ON the great tales of the times, and there are ludicrous new strictures ON literary clubs and even before we consider the heavy scrawl of the censor's black pen. The Prague delegation arrived with just one obscure writer and deliberately leaving behind novelists whose sheer gift has overcome all of the barriers to win international acclaim. Foremost among them is Abdo Khal and whose Spewing Sparks As Big As Castles won a $60,000 prize dubbed the Arab Booker. A modest man stemming from the Hijazi west, he shines a light ON life at the bottom of the heap and in Saudi's often forgotten villages. His voice blends image-rich poetic classicism with contemporary patois and which makes for an unmistakably Arab mix, but it reliably sets to work ON universal themes. Spewing Sparks casts an unflinching eye ON those seduced by the glamour of palace politics. Needless to say and it is not easy to get hold of in Saudi Arabia.Saudi ArabiaMiddle Eastguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds With someone of the forgetting tend villagesAs of Saudi Arabia which is the tradition which as for the author who is extolled, as for one, recognizes thousand night one night story, is pedigree of [arabiasutoriteringu] and has picked up % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://blogs.forbes.com/parmyolson/2011/05/13/facebook-pr-firm-had-history-of-unsavory-clients/ Burson Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Oil price stable and says minister, a liberal translation
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=0c9a47ec49d78210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=Business To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Libya
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/05/libya-spies-british-intelligence-officers British Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- China under pressure over Saudi rise
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/MD09Ad01.html As the Arab revolts stagger toward denouement and China is doing its utmost to avoid the contagion. It cannot however sidestep the fallout from rising tensions between its biggest energy suppliers and Iran and Saudi Arabia. Since China gets twice as much crude oil from Saudi Arabia than Iran and Beijing may have no other option but to comply should Riyadh demand that it take part in the isolation of Tehran. - Peter Lee (Apr 8, '11) The maximum you do China, in order to avoid the infection as the Arabian rebellion conclusion is shifted toward facing,, a liberal translation Während die arabischen Aufruhre in Richtung zum Denouement schwanken und China sein Äußerstes tut, um die Ansteckung zu vermeiden. Es kann den radioaktiven Niederschlag von steigenden Spannungen zwischen seinen größten Energielieferanten nicht jedoch ausweichen und Iran und Saudi-Arabien. Da China zweimal so viel Rohöl von Saudi-Arabien als erhält, können der Iran und Peking keine andere Wahl haben aber einwilligen, Riyadh-Nachfrage wenn, dass sie an der Lokalisierung von Teheran teilnimmt. - Peter Lee (8. April, '11) Das Maximum tun Sie China, um die Infektion zu vermeiden, während die arabische Aufstandszusammenfassung in Richtung zur Einfassung verschoben wird,
- The
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/15/arab-world-egypt-revolution It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/266/f/3510/s/12ffede8/l/0L0Sindependent0O0Cnews0Cbusiness0Cnews0Coil0Eprice0Eset0Eto0Edouble0Eif0Eproduction0Eis0Ecut0Eoff0E22266180Bhtml/story01.htm These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Gruesome
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10689835&ref=rss She arrived in Saudi Arabia a high-spirited 23-year-old and eager to START work as a maid to help support her family back home. Four months later, Sumiati was Indonesia's poster child for migrant abuse and alone and staring vacantly… As for her, 23 years old where the power which arrives at Saudi Arabia is good, afterwards, just Sumiati staring blankly, it is the immigration abuse Indonesian heaven-sent child month home. Four returning, it starts job in order to support her family as made, it is enthusiastic…, a liberal translation Sie kam in Saudi-Arabien ein übermütige 23 Einjahres- und eifrig, Arbeit ZU BEGINNEN wie ein Mädchen, um zu helfen, ihr Familienrückseitenhaus zu stützen an. Vier Monate später, war Sumiati Indonesiens Plakatkind für Wander- Missbrauch und alleine und frei anstarrend… Was sie anbetrifft, 23 Jahre alt, wo die Energie, die bei Saudi-Arabien ankommt danach gerade Sumiati gut ist, das unbelegt anstarrt, es ist das Kind-Monatshaus des Immigrationmißbrauches indonesische heaven-sent. Vier zurückgehend, beginnt es Job, um ihre Familie zu stützen, wie gebildet, es ist enthusiastisch…
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Airlines plane makes emergency landing in Athens airport due to false alarm for fire and no injuries
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90853/7351382.html A Saudi airlines plane made an emergency landing in Athens International Airport Thursday due to a false alarm for fire in the luggage area and according to Greek media reports. According to early information, the pilot of the Boeing 777 which had taken OFF from Washington U.S for Riad with 239 passengers ON board and requested Greek authorities permission to land due to an electronic indication that there was a small fire in the luggage area. All passengers evacuated safely and no injuries occurr… The airplane of the Saudi Arabian aviation lands urgently Athenian international airport Thursday in error warning of fire of the baggage area, because it is in accordance with reporting the Greek media, Eine saudische Fluglinienfläche bildete eine Notlandung im Athen-internationalen Flughafen Donnerstag wegen einer falschen Warnung für Feuer im Gepäckbereich und entsprechend griechischen Mittelreports. Entsprechend frühen Informationen der Pilot des Boeings 777, die sich von Washington US für Riad mit 239 Passagieren an Bord und geforderter griechischer Behördenerlaubnis, wegen einer elektronischen Anzeige zu landen entfernt hatte, dass es ein kleines Feuer im Gepäckbereich gab. Alle Passagiere, die sicher evakuiert werden und keine Verletzungen treten… auf Das Flugzeug der saudi-arabischen Luftfahrt landet dringend von Athen internationalen Flughafen Donnerstag in der Störungswarnung des Feuers des Gepäckbereichs, weil es mit dem Berichten über die griechischen Mittel übereinstimmt,
- Piracy
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/14/somalia-piracy-key-facts Figures show Somali pirates were responsible for 44% of 289 piracy incidents ON world's seas in first nine months of 2010• Somali pirates were responsible for 44% of the 289 piracy incidents ON the world's seas in the first nine months of 2010, according to the International Chamber of Commerce's International Maritime Bureau (IMB). • Of 39 ship hijackings and 35 were carried out by Somali pirates. • There is evidence that Somali pirates are gaining in confidence and carrying out more attacks away from their own coast. According to the IMB, pirates are using oceangoing fishing vessels to reach as far as the southern Red Sea and where they hijacked a chemical tanker in July 2010 - the first such hijacking recorded in the area. Pirates are heavily armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades and the IMB says. • In the past nine months and pirates boarded 128 ships and fired at 52, with 70 vessels reportedly thwarting attacks. Pirates used guns in 137 incidents and knives in 66, killing one crew member, injuring 27 and taking 773 hostages and according to the IMB. • In April last year, pirates attacked the container ship Maersk Alabama, taking the captain, Richard Phillips and hostage and holding him in a lifeboat at gunpoint. After five days and the US navy freed Phillips while killing three pirates in a night attack. In November, the ship was targeted for second time in seven months and but private guards ON board repelled the attack with gunfire. • In November 2008, Somali pirates hijacked the Saudi oil tanker Sirius Star, carrying 2m barrels of crude oil worth £68m and in the Indian Ocean. Pirates released the supertanker and its 25-strong crew, which included two Britons and after a ransom of £2m was reportedly paid ON behalf of the ship's owners in January 2009. The pirates had initially de According to the figure, as for the Somalian pirate, 2010•The first 9 months 2010 in the first 9 months of the Somalian pirate has taken charge of 44% of 289 infringement of copyright incidents in the sea of the world Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Munich Re's sights are set east, a liberal translation
http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/266/f/3510/s/9b16a19/l/0L0Sindependent0O0Cnews0Cbusiness0Cnews0Cmunich0Eres0Esights0Eare0Eset0Eeast0E1929150A0Bhtml/story01.htm Munich Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Big
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703411304575093482907834388.html?mod=rss_markets_main Saudi Arabia's billionaire Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, Citigroup's biggest individual shareholder, reiterated his support for chief executive, Vikram Pandit and Citigroup's management. [aruwaridobintararu] of 100,010,000 millionaire of Saudi Arabia, CEO of the largest individual stockholder of the city group, support to the management of [vuikuramupandeitsuto] and the city group was stated again, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD08Ak03.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- On
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/14/business/14road.html?partner=rss&emc=rss It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Einige Leute mit Reservierungen beim Waldorf-Astoria wurden weg über Danksagung als der saudische König und seine abhängigen erforderlichen Räume gedreht. Was die Anzahl Personen anbetrifft, dem die Reservierung von [uorudohuasutoria], beim mit Danksagungs-Tag, saudi-arabischem König und diesem versehentlichen notwendigen Raum abgestoßen werden haben Sie
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MC22Ak03.html For Gulf countries, much like the paranoid European alliance that waged war ON post-revolutionary France in the 1790s and overt military intervention by Saudi Arabia in Bahrain is an attempt to quell a rising tide. Then as now, counter-revolutionary forces will only sow chaos and destruction and raising prospects of proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran whose flames will consume the whole region. - Sreeram Chaulia (Mar 21, '11) War of the post French Revolution of 1790 age is unfolded, the Bahrain and Saudi Arabia military intervention. Partial execution Europe same. In Gulf countries, it is attempt in order to calm the inflowing tide in the same way Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/7313273.html Naval Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi Arabia: The need to change | Editorial
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- The
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi
http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=11957634 Saudi PetroRabigh says electrical outage halts operations The Saudi Arabia PetroRabigh is the stop operation of power failure, a liberal translation Saudisches PetroRabigh sagt elektrische Störungshaltbetriebe Das Saudi-Arabien PetroRabigh ist der Endbetrieb des Stromausfalls
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90864/7301109.html U.S. stocks rebounded ON Friday after three days of sell-off as oil prices stabilized. Stocks have been under severe pressure during previous sessions as investors worried the unrest in Libya would spread to other oil- rich countries and disrupt oil supplies. However and the concerns eased late Thursday after the International Energy Agency announced that any shortfall could be easily made up by tapping oil reserves in other countries. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and the world's largest oil expor… As for the American stock market after 3 days, Friday rally sale crude oil price is stable Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- May be linked to more detailed information..
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http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/217649/saudi-king-in-morocco-for-rest Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, the octogenarian ruler of the world's largest oil exporter, flew in to Morocco ON Saturday to convalesce after back surgery in New York and the official SPA news agency said. The Saudi Arabian horsefly gong king expressed, the octogenarian ruler of world's largest petroleum export, returning to New York, flying to Morocco recuperation Saturday after the operating, the news media of formality SPA Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Zine
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/17/zine-al-abidine-ben-ali-coma Former Tunisian leader in hospital in Saudi Arabia after suffering a stroke two days ago, according to French agenciesThe former Tunisian leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali is in a coma in hospital in Saudi Arabia after suffering a stroke two days ago and according to French agencies. The 74-year-old, who fled to Saudi Arabia last month after a people's uprising and was said to be in a grave condition. His decision to flee Tunisia for the Red Sea city of Jeddah ON 14 January was a victory for the month-long revolution and helped spread a mood of uprising across the Arab world. Obsessed with presenting a youthful, healthy face to the nation and the ageing despot had long refused to allow any photographs to be taken of him except official portraits which airbrushed out his wrinkles. Under the heavy censorship of the regime and newspapers were only allowed one approved photograph and could not change it except to make his dyed hair look blacker. French journalist and Tunisia expert Nicolas Beau reported that Ben Ali had been admitted to a Saudi hospital favoured by the royal family but had been registered under a false name for security reasons. He said that Tunisia's interim president had been informed of Ben Ali's predicament two days ago. French media reported that Ben Ali's wife Leila, whose lavish consumption made her a hate figure in Tunisia and was not at her husband's side and might be in Libya.The EU has frozen the assets of Ben Ali and his family as Tunisia investigates the alleged corruption of the ruling family and toppled regime. Zine al-Abidine Ben AliTunisiaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds After suffering before the stroke two day according to the Al avidin Venn ant of the French agenciesThe original Tunisia representation Zine, at the Saudi Arabian hospital as for original Tunisia representation, according to the French Government agency, [sutoro] % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Why
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/198471/saudis-freer-rights-not-institutionalised Saudis have become freer in the five years of King Abdullah's reign but civil rights remain far from institutionalised and vulnerable to political change and Human Rights Watch said ON Monday. As for Saudi Arabia, institutionalization from the vulnerability for political change reign of the distant horsefly gong king in 5 years of citizenship has become free way, that you expressed [hiyumanraitsuuotsuchi, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Bahrain election puts Shia opposition as single largest group
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/24/bahrain-poll-shia-opposition Al-Wifaq party takes 18 of 40 seats in chamber of deputies in system dominated by Sunni monarchyBahrain's main Shia opposition movement has won all the seats it contested in the parliamentary election and again emerging as the single largest group in a political system dominated by the Sunni monarchy. Al-Wifaq took 18 of 40 seats in the chamber of deputies. Thirteen others were won by Sunni candidates loyal to the government of the Al Khalifa dynasty and which rules over a Shia majority in the Gulf island state. Nine other candidates, mostly pro-government and will fight a second round next week. Al-Wifaq's leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, hailed the result as an improvement and winning one more seat than the last election in 2006. But the movement, and another opposition group and complained that hundreds of their supporters had been unable to cast their votes yesterday. The justice minister, Sheikh Khaled bin Ali Al Khalifa and insisted that voting was fair - while promising to investigate any irregularities. Al-Wifaq reported Saudi nationals and Bahraini soldiers being bussed into one polling station after protests about insufficient monitoring. Turnout was 67%, down ON 72% in 2006.Sectarian tensions rose ahead of the election following a crackdown ON rioting in August and the arrest of 250 people and including 23 Shia activists who have been charged with terrorism and conspiracy. Their trial is due to begin later this week. The election was watched closely across the Arab world. Bahraini and foreign analysts and diplomats fear reforms begun by King Hamad in 2002 may now end and the Sunni-Shia gap widen. Pro-western Bahrain, close to and worried by Iran, is a base for the US 5th fleet and as well as a major international financial and business centre. The structure of its political system - the lower h As for the Al Wifaq party, in the political system of Sunni group control being single, surfacing as a largest group, again, as for that acquiring fighting [wa] all parliamentary seat with national assembly election, Sunni group % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Worries about Sandhurst links after Bahrain protest crackdown
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- Bahrain: No conflict. Plenty of interest | Editorial
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/18/bahrain-conflict-editorial The strategic interests of the US and Britain and France and the values they uphold appeared in stark contrastOn Tuesday President Barack Obama found it ironic that an Iranian regime which had celebrated the popular uprising in Egypt had gunned down and beaten Iranians demonstrating peacefully. Two days later the boot was ON the other foot. Security forces in Bahrain, a kingdom the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, described in December as a model partner for the US, gunned down protesters, some in their sleep, assaulted doctors who came to their aid and beat anyone they came into contact with. Women and children were not spared. The phone lines to the Gulf state burned. Ms Clinton expressed concern. The Pentagon urged restraint. The foreign secretary, William Hague, who was in Bahrain only last week and stressed the need for peaceful action to address the concerns of protesters. And Michèle Alliot-Marie, the French foreign minister, regretted the excessive use of violence by security forces and as if a lower level of violence would have been permissible. Once again, the strategic interests of the US and Britain and France and the values they uphold as universal rights appeared in stark contrast to each other. There can be no doubt that the tiny island kingdom in the Gulf is a strategic interest. Manama is home of the US fifth fleet and whose main task is to protect Saudi oil installations and the Gulf waterways. Both view the ruling al-Khalifa family as instrumental in containing Iran and which has long claimed the island as its territory. If the US ever grew COLD ON its ally and the Saudi kingdom never would. Neither POWER would permit regime change in Bahrain. There is simply too much at stake. But that is what the majority of Bahraini opposition may now have in mind. Before yesterd The United States, England and France, they completely contrastOn Tuesday the appearance support of [barakuobama] president. As for the strategic profit of value, as for the Iranian administration where that is, that the Egypt populace revolt pipped, [ira Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/8446 Tuesday and 03 June 2003, 12:50 C O N F I D E N T I A L ABU DHABI 002641 SIPDIS S/S-O PLEASE PASS NEA A/S BURNS STATE FOR NEA/ARP and NEA/ARN AND NEA/ENA NSC FOR THEROUX EO 12958 DECL: 06/03/08 TAGS PREL, EPET, EAID, PGOV, JO, MO, SA, KU and TC SUBJECT: UAE TO SUPPORT JORDAN OIL NEEDS FOR THREE MORE MONTHS and PROVIDED $40 MILLION TO RABAT AFTER TERROR ATTACKSREF: Abu Dhabi 13841. (U) Classified by Ambassador Marcelle M. Wahba for reasons 1.5 (B) and (D).2. (C) MFA Minstate Hamdan bin Zayid contacted the Ambassador ON June 2 to convey information about the UAEG's ongoing assistance to Jordan and Morocco. With regard to Jordan and Hamdan reported that the UAE has agreed to continue supporting Jordan's oil needs for the next three months. Hamdan indicated the level of support would continue to be the cash equivalent of 25,000 barrels per day. The UAE began helping to fill Jordan's oil needs at the outbreak of hostilities with Iraq in March. While the Jordanians, in recent representations to the UAE, asked for support to cover the next year, Hamdan advised that the UAE, due to its own financial crunch and would only be able to provide assistance for the next three months.3. (C) Hamdan also informed the Ambassador that, following the terror attacks in Casablanca and the UAEG provided $40 million in cash assistance to Morocco. The Moroccans intend to use the money to purchase much needed equipment. The Emiratis have asked the Moroccans to provide an accounting for the money spent. Hamdan confided that he had told his Kuwaiti and Saudi counterparts the UAE's donation was $80 million and in an effort to encourage them to give more. He wanted to make sure that the USG knew the real UAE contribution and in the event that this is raised with us.4. (C) COMMENT: Jordan and Morocco both enjoy extremely close 2003 June 3rd (Tuesday),/SO/as for ARP for NEA, NEA/state of the burn of S NEA [seru] electroendosmose 12958 red of pass of NEA/Swedish kingdom. Nuclear Safety Commission code 12 of business/ENA Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/30/egypt-saturday-events-timeline From the cabinet meeting to formally submit its resignation to security forces announcing the extension of the curfewSaturday's events10.42am Overnight and President Mubarak makes his first appearance to announce that he is sacking his cabinet. Protesters throw stones as riot police try to enter Tahrir square in central Cairo. Egypt's cabinet meets to formally submit its resignation. 11.51am Egyptian state television announces that the curfews imposed in Cairo and Alexandria and Suez have been extended to run from 4pm (2pm GMT) to 8am (6am GMT) .12.18pm The armed forces close the pyramids and with tanks and armoured personnel carriers sealing OFF the normally packed site ON the Giza plateau to tourists. Reuters says the country's stockmarket will be closed tomorrow. The move comes after sharp falls over the last few days.12.29pm King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia backs Mubarak. 'he Kingdom of Saudi Arabia… declares it stands with all its resources with the government of Egypt and its people,' he is quoted as saying.1.13pm The Foreign Office says that around 30,000 British tourists are in Egypt. While it wasn't advising Britons to leave and it said they should not take part in the protests and should abide by the curfews. The department is advising against all but essential travel to the cities of Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Suez.2.01pm AP reports peaceful protests in Tahrir Square with few police in the crowds and soon followed by news of police opening fire near the interior ministry. A number of people are wounded by gunshots.2.15pm Egyptian state television reports that looters have broken into the Egyptian Museum and destroyed two ancient mummies. Demonstrators form a human chain around army tanks in Tahrir Square as they help to protect the museum.2.23pm Thousands of people continu The written resignation to the public order unit which announces the extension of the lodging of events10.42am of curfewSaturday formally in the Cabinet conference is submitted, President Mubarak, he announcing that the Cabinet you are displaced, becomes that first appearance, the [ma Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Temas japoneses, temas, opiniones y sugerencias, pensamientos, opiniones, debate, pensamiento
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=66990967097c9210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=Business Several mainland companies have pulled out of the bidding for multibillion-dollar contracts to build a high-speed railway between Mecca and Medina and two of the holiest cities in Saudi Arabia. Several Chinese mainland enterprises in Saudi Arabia of bid of contract of several 1,000,000,000 dollar scales mecca of the holiest city and the rapid-transit railway between Medina, the pulling [tsu] Hari [te] are in two build, a liberal translation Einige Festlandfirmen haben vom Bieten ausgezogen, damit von mehreren Milliarden Dollar Verträge ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsgleis zwischen Mekka und Medina und zwei der heiligsten Städte in Saudi-Arabien errichten. Einige chinesische Festlandunternehmen in Saudi-Arabien des Angebots des Vertrages von Mekka einiger Dollarskalen der heiligsten Stadt und des Schnelldurchfahrt Gleiss zwischen Medina, das ziehende [tsu] Hari [te] sind in Bau zwei
- These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90855/6883129.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- We're presenting to translate japanese sentences into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/12/hezbollah-threat-quit-lebanon-coalition Group members likely to be charged by UN tribunal with assassinating prime minister Rafiq Hariri in 2005Hezbollah and its allies are threatening to quit the Lebanese government this afternoon - a move that would likely end prime minister Saad Hariri's reign and destabilise the fragile state. Hezbollah lawmakers have said they will abandon the coalition after months of fruitless wrangling over how to deal with criminal indictments likely to accuse group members of being behind the assassination of then prime minister, Rafiq Hariri, in February 2005.The health minister, Mohammed Jawad Khalifeh and told Hezbollah's al-Manar TV that ministers would resign unless Saad Hariri - Rafiq's son - agreed to convene an urgent cabinet meeting. The threat follows months of tension in Lebanon that has threatened to split the country ON sectarian lines. Several regional initiatives have attempted to broker face-saving deals for both Hezbollah and Hariri's political bloc and which forms the majority of the coalition. At issue is the work of the UN-backed special tribunal for Lebanon, which has been investigating his father's death and that of 11 others who supported his bloc or opposed Syrian influence in Lebanon.Hezbollah's threat is being perceived as brinkmanship by some members of Hariri's bloc and who say the former has too much to lose by walking away. Lebanon's cabinet has not made a decision in the past three months as both sides remained at odds over the tribunal. Saudi Arabia and Syria have taken a lead in one initiative and the FULL details of which have not been made public. However, it is known that Hezbollah expects Hariri to disavow the tribunal's findings and which would make it difficult for those named in the indictments to be prosecuted. Hezbollah's threat is being seen as an attempt to s As for the member of the group perhaps as for 2005Hezbollah and that ally, when this in the afternoon it ends the Lebanese government, when has threatened prime minister Rafiq [hariri] is assassinated, it is full depending upon the United Nations courthouse % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It offers the fresh talkings of Japanese directly.
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/7084545.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Führer von Syrien, von Saudi-Arabien und von Libanon halten ein Gipfel folgender Freitag in Beirut und lokale Nachrichtennetz Syrien-Nachrichten veranschlagene syrische und libanesische Quellen als Sagen am Mittwoch. Syrischer Präsident Baschar al-Assad erklärte saudisches Sortierfach Abdul-Aziz des Königs Abdullah, dass er ihn nach Beirut am Freitag in einem schnellen Besuch und entsprechend dem Report begleiten würde. Jedoch verweigerte Syrian-Außenminister Walid Al-Moallem am Dienstag solche Reports und die Bestätigung, dass es keine Vorbereitung gibt, zum eines Gipfels in Beirut und in zu halten… Der Libanon und Syrien des Führers, als des saudi-arabischen Tages das Wort [tsu] die Bewahrung, die erfolgt ist. Gipfeltreffen Freitag der nächster Woche Beirut, die lokale Quelle, was die Syrian- und Libanon-Nachrichten anbetrifft veranschlagen, die syrischen Netznachrichten
- It offers Japanese Topics, Trends, Subjects and Recent theme in English.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/106258 Monday, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 2010: probably the hottest year ever recorded, a liberal translation
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- We're presenting to translate Japanese text into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://www.france24.com/en/20110118-saudis-turmoil-another-football-coach-axed Saudi Arabia axed coach Nasser Al Johar after just two games ON Tuesday and vowed to replace him with a high-profile international name as the fallout from their dismal Asian Cup intensified. The country also accepted the resignation of team manager Fahd Al-Misaibeeh and his staff, the Saudi state news agency SPA, monitored here and said. It followed the former regional powerhouse's humiliating 5-0 defeat by Japan ON Monday and which left them bottom of their group with three straight defeats and out of the tournament. Saudi Arabia Tuesday to lay off Al coach Nasser after the only 2 playing Johar, that gloomy Asian cup intensified. You swore that he is exchanged with the international name whose degree of distinction is high as the fallout from The country and, to accept the written resignation of [huahadoaru] Misaibeeh of the team manager, that staff, SPA, to watch the Saudi Arabian government-managed system, here, said. It out of the tournament in the straight line Monday under the left of the defeat/miss three, their group defeat up to 0, continued from humiliation 5 of old regional large countries of Japan, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- We're presenting to translate Japanese text into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://www.france24.com/en/20110112-saudis-face-jordan-asian-cup Saudi Arabia face Jordan ON Thursday at the Asian Cup under a new coach following Jose Peseiro's dismissal after just one game at the tournament and but the new man warned he doesn't have a magic wand. The Saudis' quest for a fourth Asian Cup title lay in tatters after their embarrassing 2-1 Group B defeat to unfancied Syria in their opening game and with Portuguese coach Peseiro sacked immediately afterwards. Experienced veteran Nasser Al Johar has taken over a deflated Saudi Arabian team that desperately needs a victory to get their campaign going. In the conference as for the displacement of Jose Peseiro, under new supervision below Thursday in the Asian cup to 1 tournaments later, Saudi Arabian face jaw Don, as for the new man title of the 4th Asian cup Saudi Arabia. . u0026#39; QUEST magic wand. Unless it has The, as for warning Portuguese supervision Peseiro afterwards. As for Al Nasser of the Experienced veteran Johar immediately after taking over the contractile Saudi Arabian team which needs victory in order to obtain desperate campaign laying off, you have not imagined in the commencement game, February 1 when is shy to Syria, after the being defeated of the group B, you put raggedly, it goes Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- We're presenting to translate Japanese text into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?id=19664 Shinji Okazaki scored a hat-trick as Japan crushed Saudi Arabia 5-0 to book a quarter-final SPOT at the Asian Cup and heap more embarrassment ON the… Restraint Osamu Okazaki, Japan in the Asian cup of the book it is shy from the quarterfinal game point and the heap, with, 0 you pushed from Saudi Arabia and 5 decided minute the hat trick… Shinji Okazaki zählte Hut-betrügen als Japan zerquetschtes Saudi-Arabien 5-0, um einen Viertelfinale PUNKT an der asiatischen Schale anzumelden und mehr Verlegenheit AUF zu häufen… Begrenzung Osamu Okazaki, Japan in der asiatischen Schale des Buches ist es vom Viertelfinalespielpunkt schüchtern und der Haufen, mit, 0, das Sie von Saudi-Arabien drückten und 5 entschieden Minute der Huttrick…
- Japanese talking
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/audio/2010/dec/03/us-embassy-cables-wikileaks-podcast This week the Guardian published a series of stories sourced from US embassies via the campaigning website Wikileaks. Among the revelations were allegations of organised crime linked to the Russian government and China's growing impatience with North Korea and alleged corruption at the heart of the Afghan government. The leaks have been condemned by governments in Washington and London.David Frum, a former speechwriter for George Bush and claims that the publication of the secret papers will put lives at risk in repressive regimes. David Leigh has led the Guardian's investigation and explains the significance of the stories. Sherard Cowper-Coles is a former British diplomat who has worked in Washington and Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East.Julian Borger is the Guardian's diplomatic editor and a former Washington bureau chief. We also hear how the revelations have been received from Guardian correspondents Luke Harding (Moscow) and Declan Walsh (Islamabad), and from the Guardian's editor Alan Rusbridger.Leave your thoughts below. Ian BlackJulian BorgerSherard Cowper-ColesLuke HardingAlan RusbridgerDeclan WalshPeter SalePhil Maynard This week as for Guardian as for Web sight Wikileaks of campaign with by way of the series of the supply story was announced from the American embassy Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese talking
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- weblog title
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/saudi-teachers-demand-jobs-20100830-13y3f.html Two hundred Saudi teachers rallied at the Ministry of Education ON Sunday and calling ON the government to give them jobs in a rare protest. 200 Saudi Arabian teacher at the education scientific ministry on the 30th, government protesting to those rarely, it calls in order to give work it rose Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90864/7108062.html General Motors Co will recall more than 243,000 model year 2009/2010 crossover sport utilities, mainly in the United States, to inspect safety belts for possible damage and the automaker said Tuesday. The automaker and regulators said most of the Chevy Traverse, Buick Enclave, GMC Acadia and Saturn Outlook vehicles were shipped within the United States. Several thousands others were exported to Canada, Mexico, China and Saudi Arabia and other countries. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ … For inspecting and the seat belt to above 243000 the recall where the general motors corporation can happen, probably will be the crossover sport model year 2009/2010 utility, in the United States of America United States, mainly, as for the automaker, it made clear Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese Letter
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/209864/saudi-critical-finance-base-for-qaeda Saudi Arabia is the key source of funding for radical Islamist groups including Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hamas and according to US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks ON Sunday. As for Saudi Arabia, Sunday as for Wikileaks according to the American diplomacy cable which is announced, [arukaida], Taliban, it is [rashiyukari] electronic [taiba] and the important source of fund for the Islamic radical group group which includes Hamas Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/242073 Wednesday and 30 December 2009, 13:28 S E C R E T STATE 131801 NOFORN SIPDIS FOR TFCO EO 12958 DECL: 12/28/2019 TAGS EFIN, KTFN, PTER, PINR, PREL, PK, KU, AE, QA and SA SUBJECT: TERRORIST FINANCE: ACTION REQUEST FOR SENIOR LEVEL ENGAGEMENT ON TERRORISM FINANCEREF: A. (A) STATE 112368 B. (B) RIYADH 1499 C. (C) KUWAIT 1061 D. (D) KUWAIT 1021 E. (E) ABU DHABI 1057 F. (F) DOHA 650 G. (G) ISLAMABAD 2799Classified By: EEB/ESC Deputy Assistant Secretary Douglas C. Hengel for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). -------Summary-------1. (U) This is an action request cable. Please see para 3.2. (S/NF) Summary: In August 2009, Special Representative to the President for Afghanistan and Pakistan (S/SRAP) Ambassador Richard Holbrooke in coordination with the Department of Treasury established the interagency Illicit Finance Task Force (IFTF). The IFTF is chaired by Treasury A/S David Cohen. It focuses ON disrupting illicit finance activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the external financial/logistical support networks of terrorist groups that operate there, such as al-Qa'ida, the Taliban and Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LeT). The IFTF's activities are a vital component of the USG's Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af/Pak) strategy dedicated to disrupting illicit finance flows between the Gulf countries and Afghanistan and Pakistan. The IFTF has created a diplomatic engagement strategy to assist in the accomplishment of this objective. The strategy focuses ON senior-level USG engagement with Gulf countries and Pakistan to communicate USG counterterrorism priorities and to generate the political will necessary to address the problem. The IFTF has drafted talking points for use by all USG officials in their interactions with Gulf and Pakistani interlocutors. These points focus ON funding for terrorist groups t 2009 December 30th (Wednesday), 1:28 PM SIPDIS for ECRET state TFCO electroendosmose 12958 declination 131801 NOFORN S: As for TAG EFIN 2019 December 28th, KTFN, PTER, PINR and [pureru], PK, as for Ku, the subject of AE, Quality Assurance and SA: Terrorism % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
http://www.france24.com/en/20101114-muslim-pilgrims-begin-annual-hajj-pilgrimage Hundreds of thousands of Muslims began the main rituals of the annual pilgrimage ON Sunday and heading from Mecca to the camp of Mina with no major incidents reported since they descended ON the holy city. There are no official figures yet for the total number of pilgrims but some estimates put the number as high as 2.5 million this year. Authorities say permits have been granted to 1.7 million foreign pilgrims and with a further 200,000 or so issued to pilgrims from within Saudi Arabia and from neighbouring Gulf states. As for them holy city. Since getting off in There, the main ceremony of pilgrim of every year common usage where the Muslim was not done, as for any no 100,000 human things as for total number of the pilgrim person, the still official number in principal incident and camp of [mina] discovered from mecca, with announced as for start several estimates 2500000 these year. Because Authorities, permission, or, furthermore is granted to 200,000 person and 1700000 pilgrim people, in order from in Saudi Arabia to be issued in the pilgrim person from Gulf countries and neighborhood, the high number was inserted Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese talking
http://www.france24.com/en/20100529-saudi-moves-cut-muslim-burials-holy-cities Saudi Arabia's interior ministry has moved to halt the increasingly popular practice of Muslims seeking burial in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, a Saudi newspaper said Saturday.A recent ministry circular said all Muslims, whether Saudis or foreigners, should be buried in the place where they die and the Arab News reported. It added that the country's top Muslim scholars of the Council of High Ulema agreed that families should not ship the corpses of loved ones to the holy cities for burial and the newspaper said. That, as for the Saudi Arabian Department of the Interior seeking the burial at the holy city of the newspaper of Muslim mecca and Medina and Saudi Arabia, more and more Saturday.A which moved practice of popularity to the discontinuance recently the same ministry whether or not Saudi Arabia and the foreigner, should bury the circular all Muslim, in the place express the deathplace they who, the Arabian news reported. As for It, as for the scholar of the Muslim of the top of the country of board of directors high [urama], the corpse of the person whom the family loves in the holy city for burying bundled was done and thing agreed, it conveyed the same paper Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/197842/saudi-embassy-denies-visa-claims Saudi Arabia does not link the state of its diplomatic relations with any country to the process of issuing visas for Muslims wishing to make the haj pilgrimage and Saudi charge d'affaires Nabil Hussein said in a statement released ON Thursday. As for Saudi Arabia, pilgrim of mecca pilgrim, d of the Saudi Arabian electric charge. . u0026#39; Desires thing President Nabil Hussein who does not link the state of diplomatic relations with some country in the process which issues the visa for the Muslim according to the declaration which is announced in Thursday the ambassador Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/197439/kasit-saudi-embassy-still-opens Saudi Arabia has not closed its embassy in Thailand and has not cancelled the visas of Thai Muslims who plan to make the Hajj this year and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said ON Tuesday morning. Saudi Arabia Muslim mecca pilgrim of the tie which does not close the tie and that embassy, has not cancelled the visa of the schedule which this year is done, you called to diplomacy commerce department manager official [kashitsuto] Piromya Tuesday morning, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
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- weblog title
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- Japanese weblog
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/Al-Qaida-denies-plot-to-target-Muslim-haj-pilgrims/articleshow/6923933.cms Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula denied ON Sunday it would stage any action to coincide with the Muslim haj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia after a Saudi minister said such an operation could not be ruled out. As for Yemeni based [arukaida] of the Arabic peninsula after Saudi Arabian minister of state adjusting to the pilgrim of mecca pilgrim of the Muslim in Saudi Arabia, you expressed that it cannot remove the kind of operation of being denied in the Sunday which produces optional action Yemen-gegründeter al-Qaida in der arabischen Halbinsel, die am Sonntag würde es verweigert wurde, jede mögliche Tätigkeit inszenieren, um mit der moslemischen haj Pilgerfahrt nach Saudi-Arabien übereinzustimmen, nachdem ein saudischer Minister sagte, dass solch ein Betrieb nicht durchgestrichen werden könnte. Wie für jemenitisches gegründet worden [arukaida] von der arabischen Halbinsel nach dem saudi-arabischen Staatsminister, der auf den Pilgerer des Mekkapilgerers der Moslems in Saudi-Arabien justiert, drückten Sie aus, dass es die Art des Betriebes von im Sonntag verweigert werden nicht entfernen kann, der wahlweise freigestellte Tätigkeit produziert
- Japanese weblog
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/16/eid-billion-muslims-celebrate recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Iran: Keep talking | Editorial
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/dec/07/iran-nuclear-editorial To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/mar/24/al-qaida-linked-militants-saudi Reports say dozens of people accused of planning to attack oil plants and other Saudi infrastructure have been detainedSaudi security services have arrested dozens of suspected militants believed to be linked to al-Qaida and the country's state-run media reported today. The suspects included 47 Saudi nationals and 51 people from other countries, the Saudi reports, quoted by Reuters and said. They are accused of planning attacks ON oil plants and other infrastructure. Among the foreign nationals were dozens of people from Yemen and which has been the focus of increasing security concerns since the failed December bombing of a plane over Detroit by a Nigerian man with links to the country. Most of those held were arrested in the southern province of Jazan, near the border with Yemen and the reports said. Explosives belts, apparently intended for use in suicide attacks and were also reported to have been seized. The militants were organised in three cells and Reuters said. Two of the cells were planning to attack facilities in the east of the country and one included a Yemeni national described by security officials as a prominent member of al-Qaida.There was no immediate way of verifying the claims made in the reports. Saudi Arabia is the world's biggest oil exporter and therefore central to the global economy. While its monarchy is an ally of the US and it is seen as a stronghold of al-Qaida activity. Fifteen of the 19 people who plotted the September 11 attacks were Born in the country. Saudi Arabia has also experienced attacks. In 2003, Islamist militants opposed to the monarchy killed almost 200 people and including foreign residents. Saudi Arabiaal-QaidaGlobal terrorismYemenPeter Walkerguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditio The petroleum plant of the people of the report and the several of defendants of the plan which attacks the other Saudi Arabian infrastructure ten being done, as for detainedSaudi [sekiyuriteisabisuarukaida], condition of the country % Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese Letter
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- Japanese talking
http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2010/nov/22/archive-king-feisul-iraq These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
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- Japanese Letter
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90863/7116858.html Seven years after the foundation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 'Sharjah-based Air Arabia, the first budget carrier in the Middle East and another low-cost carrier in the region suspended its services Tuesday. Sama Airlines from Saudi Arabia grounded its fleet and as the airline was running out of cash. Sama and founded in 2005, flew to 10 destinations within Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries and offering 164 flights per week with six Boeing 737-300 planes. In February this year and it already ha… The United Arab Emirates (UAE). . u0026#39; Difference inside air Arabia, the Middle East and area of [shiyarujiyabesu] on the 22nd, service was stopped low after the fundamental 7 year of carrier of first budget of carrier of cost Sieben Jahre nachdem die Grundlage des Vereinigte Arabische Emirates (UAE) 'Luft Arabien Scharjah-gründete, verschoben die erste Etatfördermaschine im Mittlere Osten und eine andere preiswerte Fördermaschine in der Region seine Dienstleistungen Dienstag. Sama-Fluglinien von Saudi-Arabien erdeten seine Flotte und während die Fluglinie aus Bargeld heraus lief. Sama und gegründet 2005, flog zu 10 Bestimmungsörtern innerhalb Arabien-und Anliegerstaat und des Angebots 164 Flügen pro Woche mit sechs Boeing von 737-300 Flächen. Im Februar dieses Jahr und es bereits ha… Das Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (UAE). u0026#39; Unterschied innerhalb der Luft Arabien, des Mittlere Ostens und des Bereichs von [shiyarujiyabesu] auf dem 22., Service wurde niedrig nach der Grundlage 7 Jahr des Trägers des ersten Etats von Träger von Kosten gestoppt
- original letters
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- Japanese Letter
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- Japanese Letter
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/195048/saudis-explained-over-somkid-rise Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya ON Tuesday called ON the charge d'affaires of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and explained to him about the Police Commission's decision to promote Provincial Police Region 5 commander Pol Lt-Gen Somkid Boonthanom as assistant national police chief. Minister of Foreign Affairs [kashitsuto] Piromya Tuesday it was called in the [hajisun] embassy Saudi Arabian ambassador, national chief of police decisive assistant of police commission Lieutenant Junior Grade 5 command Pol - explained [jiensomukitsuto] Boonthanom concerning the method of promoting local National Police Agency John Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/197052/pm-clarifies-somkid-promotion May be linked to more detailed information.. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- original letters
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- original letters
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/sep/25/iran-us-ahmadinejad-obama Mahmoud Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
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- Analysts upbeat ON cooperation with ExxonMobil and Saudi Aramco
Sinopec, Chinas größter Ölabscheider, erwägt, Kräften mit zwei globalen Ölkonglomeraten sich anzuschließen, um eine Erdölraffinerie zu errichten, die fähig ist, 12 Million Tonnen Rohprodukt pro Jahr in Fujian zu verarbeiten und ein Quellvertrautes mit der Angelegenheit sagte am Montag. Das Projekt würde Sinopecs vorhandene integrierte Erdölraffinerie und petrochemischen Komplex in der Provinz erweitern. Das Projekt würde umfassen Mitarbeit mit ExxonMobil US und Saudi-Aramco, der nationale Ölkonzern von Saudi-Arabien und besagter ehemaliger Vicegoverneur… Die Industriechemie des chinesischen Erdöls, das chinesische größte Ölraffinieren, zwei weltweite Erdölunternehmen und das Ölraffinieren Fujian-Ministerium werden gut zum Problem der Quelle geversifiziert und 12.000.000 Tonnen Rohölproduktionsvolumen, das von den Jahren jedes ist, können überprüfenteilnahme am Aufbau, es vorgeschrieben verarbeiten bildeten klar
- Profile: Sir Dick Evans and BAE chairman
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/05/dick-evans-bae-arms-deal Said by some to have secured the biggest arms deal in British history by his ability to swallow sheep's eyeballsSir Dick Evans was said by some to have secured the biggest arms deal in British history by his ability to swallow sheep's eyeballs as though they were cocktail canapes at banquets. He knew how to shmooze Middle East clients and his al-Yamamah deal - under which jets were sold to Saudi Arabia - was the mid-1980s contract which secured his later position as executive chairman at BAE Systems.The bluff Evans always denied any wrongdoing though he was interviewed by the Serious Fraud Office during its longrunning investigation into bribery. The Guardian learned that, initially and Lord Goldsmiththe then attorney general, believed the SFO could bring charges over allegations involving backdoor gifts to the then head of the Saudi air force and Prince Turki bin Nasser. But the inquiry was dropped three years ago. Educated at the Royal Masonic school in Bushey, Hertfordshire and he joined the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation before Ferranti and then British Aircraft Corporation. He spent the rest of his career with what had become British Aerospace and the forerunner of BAE Systems and he was appointed chief executive and then chairman. Evans left in 2004after a period of upheaval. The BAE filesBAE SystemsArms tradeTerry Macalisterguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds In several English just the cocktail canape has risen by swallowing eyeballsSir of the [deitsukuebansu] sheep of that ability in several English the [te] are history, history that talent. Largest weapon transacting guaranteeing by swallowing the eyeball of the sheep, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- La ráfaga de bomba mata el muchacho y las heridas cinco en S Filipinas
Ein siebenjähriger alter Junge wurde getötet und fünf andere als ein improvisierter Sprengkörper (IED) verletzt, Explosionsmontag, der nahe einem Polizeivorposten in der südlichen philippinischen Provinz von Maguindanao und in den Beamten glättet, sagte. Musib UY und Datu Piang Stadtstädtischer Verwalter, Reportern erklärt, dass Moktar Masdal in der Böe um 7:30 P.M. getötet wurde, während die verletzten zu regionalem Cotabato und zum Gesundheitszentrum hier gehetzt wurden. Sie wurden genannt als Nasser Kempao, die Bezirksaufsichtskraft von Datu saudisches Ampatuan und Magui… Der Junge von 7 Jahren alt, zum, was 5 Leute anbetrifft, zu der Zeit [magindanao] der Zustandverletzung zu sterben die Vorrichtung IED () der Böe der improvisierten Explosion. Südliches Teil des Zustandes vor den Philippinen. Nacht Montag der Polizei, drückten die Behörden bald aus
- British defense secretary in Saudi Arabia to revive aircraft deal
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90863/7150784.html British Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Japanese weblog
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90861/7000662.html Two subway trains made in China have been successfully delivered to Saudi Arabia, representing the first A-type metro export PROGRAM of China and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) announced yesterday The two subway trains are the first batch made by Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd (CRC) of China for Saudi Arabia's Makkah light rail project. They were entirely designed and manufactured by CRC. The Makkah light rail project includ… As for the streetcar of two subways, being exported a certain program of China which was done in China, normally in transmission metro Saudi Arabia and typical first A type Saudi Arabia, as for government-owned property supervision, the state of control board board of directors (the national portfolio management committee) because of project of the light/write rail of the Saudi Arabian mecca by China the first batch Nagaharu railroad vehicle limited responsibility company which is two subways of yesterday which announces the train (CRC) the work and others, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- original letters
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- weblog title
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- weblog title
http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/business-10905020 An agreement has been reached between the Saudi authorities and the Canadian maker of the Blackberry smart phone averting a ban ON the service, officials in Saudi Arabia say. Contract has reached with the Saudi Arabian authorities and the Canadian manufacturer which can evade the prohibition of Blackberry smart phone service, the Saudi Arabian authorities person says, a liberal translation Eine Vereinbarung ist zwischen den saudischen Behörden erreicht worden und dem kanadischen Hersteller des Blackberry-intelligenten Telefons ein Verbot AUF dem Service, Beamte in Saudi-Arabien abwendend sagen Sie. Vertrag hat mit den saudi-arabischen Behörden erreicht und der kanadische Hersteller, der dem Verbot Blackberry-des intelligenten Telefonservices ausweichen kann, die saudi-arabische Behördenperson sagt
- weblog title
http://www.scmp.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=714eb3fd6325a210VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&s=business&ss=asia world
Eine einleitende Vereinbarung zwischen dem Hersteller des populären Blackberry-intelligenten Telefons und dem Königreich von Saudi-Arabien, dem Regierungsbeamte Bewilligungen sie etwas Zugang zu den Daten der Benutzer sagen und ein Verbot am Telefon in diesem Land abwenden werden. Der Hersteller des Blackberry-intelligenten Telefons der Popularität, Saudi-Arabien, die Regierungsbehörden, die Person die Bewilligung zu den Daten des Zugangs jener einiger Benutzer ist, weicht Rahmenabkommen und dem beweglichen Telefonverbot dieses Landes zwischen den Königreichen aus
- Japanese Letter
http://www.france24.com/en/20100807-blackberry-services-remain-functional-ban-saudi-arabia-privacy-canada It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- weblog title
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/saudi-watchdog-backtracks-on-blackberry-ban-20100810-11y3k.html Saudi Arabia ON Tuesday postponed indefinitely a BlackBerry messenger ban after a deadline passed for finding a solution allowing authorities to monitor the service ON the popular smartphone. As for Saudi Arabia Tuesday to perpetual the time limit solution as for the authorities it can watch service by the smart phone of popularity, finds after covering, prohibition of the messenger of BlackBerry was postponed Saudi-Arabien am Dienstag schob unbestimmt ein Blackberry-Kurierverbot hinaus, nachdem ein Stichtag für das Finden einer Lösung überschritt, Behörden den Service am populären smartphone überwachen lassend. , nach der Abdeckung, Verbot des Kuriers von Blackberry, was Saudi-Arabien anbetrifft Dienstag zu unaufhörlichem die Grenzzeitlösung was die Behörden anbetrifft kann es Service durch das intelligente Telefon der Popularität, Entdeckungen aufpassen wurde hinausgeschoben
- UAE's BlackBerry services ban 'final'
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- Japanese talking
Eine private saudische Fluglinie wird eingestellt, um die ersten direkten Flüge vom Königreich nach den Irak diese Woche zu starten, verbindet die Wiederherstellung von Luftfahrt zwischen den zwei Ländern nachher in 20 Jahren der Lücke und der saudi-arabischen Nachrichtenzeitung, die Dienstag berichtet werden. Alwafeer Luft startet am Donnerstag einen Flug von Jeddah nach irakisches Hauptbaghdad an Donnerstag und am ersten, da das Königreich Flüge nach den Irak nach Saddam Husseins Invasion von Kuwait 1990 verschob. Die Fluglinie lässt zuerst einen wöchentlichen Flug von Jedda… laufen Was private alte saudi-arabische Luftfahrt anbetrifft, der Anfang, der vom Flug durch England zur Unterbrechung eingestellt werden und der Irak, direkt an diesem Jahr des Beginnens 20 später, Verbindung der Wiederherstellung beider Länder zwischen Luftfahrt, 1 Wochen, Dienstag, den Saudi-Arabien und das arabische Nachrichtenpapier verkündeten
- original letters
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- weblog title
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90860/6981807.html recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument, Sinopec, Chinas größter Abscheider und in Betrieb einen 34 MilliardeYuan ($4.98 Milliarde) petrochemischen Komplex in Tianjin offiziell gesetzt AUF Dienstag und eine Bewegung entwarf, wachsende Nachfrage nach Heizöl und Chemikalien zu klopfen. Die Anlage in der Lage ist, 10 Million Tonnen Rohprodukt pro Jahr zu verfeinern und eine Million Tonnen Äthylen jährlich zu produzieren. Das Äthylenherstellungsprojekt ist ein Jointventure 50-50 zwischen Sinopec und Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC), ein petrochemischer hauptsächlichproduzent in den larges der Welt… Wie was [shinopetsuku], die chinesische größte Verfeinerung, Beamter, der Petrochemie einsetzt
- weblog title
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- original letters
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/02/witchcraft-execution-saudi-arabia Ali Sibat was sentenced to death for witchcraft in Saudi Arabia after making predictions ON an Arab satellite TV channelThe lawyer of a Lebanese man condemned to death for witchcraft said today Saudi Arabia would not go ahead with the beheading. Attorney May al-Khansa said she was told by Lebanon's justice minister that Ali Sibat would not be executedtoday. She said it was still unclear whether the beheading had been waived or only postponed. Al-Khansa and Sibat's wife have both appealed to the Saudi king for Sibat's release. Sibat made psychic predictions ON an Arab satellite TV channel from his home in Beirut.He was arrested by the Saudi religious police during his pilgrimage to the holy city of Medina in May 2008 and sentenced to death last November for witchcraft. Saudi ArabiaLebanonguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Sentence of capital punishment of the Lebanese human man magic of ant Sibat dying Saudi Arabian magic with attorney of Arabian satellite television channelThe, as for present Saudi Arabia ahead beheading. As for her who the estimate that it goes with Attorney 5 [arukanza], after doing, is sentenced as for Lebanese administration of justice minister of state who was said, as for ant Sibat executedtoday. Unless She it is possible, whether or not as for the word [wa] as for that still obscurity, the 斬 neck or only postponed. Al - [kanza] and Sibat. Release of the both Sibat which are abandoned. It appeals to the Sibat Saudi Arabian king, % Nach der Herstellung der Vorhersagen AUF einem arabischen Satellitenfernsehen channelThe Rechtsanwalt eines libanesischen Mannes, Ali, den Sibat zum Tod für Hexerei in Saudi-Arabien verurteilt zum Tod für Hexerei verurteilt wurde, sagte, dass heute Saudi-Arabien nicht voran zur Enthauptung passen würde. Rechtsanwalts-Mai Al-Khansa sagte, dass sie des Libanons vom Gerechtigkeitminister erklärt wurde, dass Ali Sibat nicht executedtoday sein würde. Sie sagte, dass es noch unklar war, ob die Enthauptung aufgegeben worden war oder nur hinausgeschoben worden. Al-Khansa und Sibats Frau haben beide dem saudischen König um Sibats Freigabe gebeten. Sibat bildete psychische Vorhersagen AUF einem arabischen Satellitenfernsehenkanal von seinem Haus in Beirut.He wurde festgehalten von der saudischen frommen Polizei während seiner Pilgerfahrt zur heiligen Stadt von Medina im Mai 2008 und verurteilt zum Tod letzter November für Hexerei. Saudisches ArabiaLebanonguardian.co.uk © Wächter-Nachrichten u. Mittel begrenzten 2010 | Gebrauch von diesem Inhalt ist abhängig von unseren Ausdrücken u. Bedingungen | Mehr zieht ein Satz der Todeßtrafe der libanesischen menschlichen Mannmagie von Ameise Sibat sterbender saudi-arabischer Magie mit Rechtsanwalt des arabischen Satellitenfernsehen channelThe, wie für anwesendes voran enthauptendes Saudi-Arabien. Was sie anbetrifft, die nach dem Handeln, die Schätzung, dass sie zu Rechtsanwalt 5 [arukanza], gehört, was libanesische Verwaltung anbetrifft des Gerechtigkeit-Staatsministers verurteilt wird, der gesagt wurde, wie für Ameise Sibat executedtoday. Es sei denn sie es möglich ist, ob was das Wort anbetrifft [wa] was diese ruhige Unbekanntheit anbetrifft, der 斬 Ansatz oder nur hinausgeschoben. Al - [kanza] und Sibat. Freigabe von beiden Sibat, die verlassen werden. Wird dem Sibat saudi-arabischen König dass die Geistesschätzung appelliert, die sie vom Haus von Beirut.He mit arabischem SatellitenFernsehsender die saudi-arabische Religionpolizei der Medina Schongebietpilgerer erfolgt war
- German arms lobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber jailed for eight years
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/05/schreiber-jailed-for-tax-evasion recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument, Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Timeline: The world's worst air disasters
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- African leaders: countries for old men
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/28/african-leaders-countries-old-men Robert Mugabe is the eldest statesman ON a continent where age is seldom a barrier to powerLet them eat cake. That is one of the likely headlines after an all-night birthday gala for Robert Mugabe, the autocratic president of Zimbabwe and which was due to finish in the early hours of yesterday. Mugabe and who last week turned 86 in a country where average life expectancy stands at 45, is the eldest statesman ON a continent where age is seldom a barrier to POWER. But events confronting both Nigerians and Nigeriens in the past week have demonstrated that the next generation of African leaders might find it somewhat harder to crush all comers. President Mamadou Tandja of Niger, who had rewritten the constitution rather than quit when his term expired and paid the penalty when soldiers stormed the presidential palace and spirited him away in a military coup. Diplomats were ambivalent about whether to condemn the means or praise the ends. President Umaru Yar'Adua of Nigeria, who created a POWER vacuum when he disappeared in November for medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, returned at dead of night to a country where politicians, lawyers and media and ordinary citizens have made their demands for accountability and transparency clear. Yar'Adua's deputy, Goodluck Jonathan and remains at the helm while questions linger over the president's health. In recent times, the objections raised to the likes of Menzies Campbell and John McCain in recent British and American election campaigns rarely keep politicians awake here. Africa's club of leaders of pensionable age includes Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, 81, Cameroon's Paul Biya, 77, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia, 73, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and believed to be 67, Eduardo dos Santos of Angola and also 67, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville and thought to b In the continent of [robatomugabe] president as for age it is the politician of the eldest son who the barrier is done in powerLet where the majority eats the cake Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- BAE Systems pays $ 400m to settle bribery charges
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Can Gulf states really help Yemen? | Brian Whitaker
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/feb/10/can-gulf-states-help-yemen Keeping Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 300 lashes for filing complaint
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10629791&ref=rss Human Rights Watch yesterday called ON Saudi Arabia to quash a sentence of 18 months in jail and 300 lashes issued against a woman for filing harassment complaints without being accompanied by a male guardian. Tribal custom and… Penal servitude 18 month, 300 the man of the [ge] which it waits the guardian without being accompanied in order it was issued to cancel decision, vis-a-vis the woman for complaint submitting of [sekuhara] it requested [hiyumanraitsuuotsuchi], in Saudi Arabia of yesterday Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Saudi endorses dollar as reserve currency
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10626381&ref=rss JEDDAH Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Guangdongu0026#39;s GDP exceeds Saudi Arabia
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90862/6905037.html Guangdong's GDP has exceeded that of Saudi Arabia and Argentina and South Africa in 2008, said a report released by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) February 28. The report pointed out that judging from per capita GDP, Shanghai and Beijing and Tianjin's GDP were no less than some of the G20 countries. While the GDP of Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong and Zhejiang provinces exceeded some G20 countries. China has entered the second half of the middle stage of industrialization. The next ste… As for the report which as for GDP of the Guangdong Province, 2008, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and the Republic of South Africa, with you expressed and exceed, the Academy of Social Science (social sciences institute) as for the report due to February 28 in indication release GDP which is done, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjing GDP it judges from per 1 in comparison with several G20 countries below, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Umaru Yaru0026#39;Adua returns to Nigeria
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/24/president-yaradua-back-in-nigeria Three-month absence for medical treatment ends after parliament sends deputation to Saudi ArabiaPresident Umaru Yar'Adua arrived back in Nigeria early today after three months in Saudi Arabia and undergoing medical treatment for a heart problem. Yar'Adua flew in separately from a delegation of Nigerian government envoys - sent by parliament last week to check ON his health, an official told Reuters.The 58-year-old leader had left Nigeria in late November to receive medical treatment at a clinic in Jeddah for pericarditis, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart and which can restrict normal beating. Rumours swirled about his health and his prolonged absence led to protests about the lack of clear lines of authority in a country of 150 million people. This month, the parliament voted to transfer POWER to Goodluck Jonathan, the vice-president and until Yar'Adua was fit to resume his duties. At the time, many Nigerians doubted that Yar'Adua would ever be well enough and casting a question mark over the leadership of the ruling party in the run-up to next year's presidential election. Even though Yar'Adua is returning to Nigeria, questions about his health are bound to persist and so the political uncertainty is unlikely to lift quickly. Nigeria's cabinet last week rejected a motion to declare him unfit to hold office and deciding instead to send a delegation to Saudi Arabia for an update ON his health. Yar'Adua would have ceased to hold office if a two-thirds majority had declared him incapacitated and the verdict had been confirmed by a medical panel. Yar'Adua, who has also suffered kidney problems and left the country several times for what his advisers called medical checkups before he went to Saudi Arabia in November. He was admitted to a hospital the day after he arrived and rem For three remedys after mosquito month the Nigerian beginning which returns to national assembly Saudi Arabian ArabiaPresident [umaruyaradoua], in present Saudi Arabia 3 months later, heart problem. Yar. . u0026#39; Medical treatment for Adua Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Red teddy bears on Valentineu0026#39;s black market in Saudi
http://www.france24.com/en/20100213-red-teddy-bears-valentines-black-market-saudi With a waist-high, lipstick-red teddy bear poised outside his shop, it was hard for Mohammed to hide his Valentine's Day black market goods inside a mall in the Saudi port city of Jeddah.It was Saturday, the eve of Valentine's, and he was worried that the Saudi religious police, who call the holiday a heretical practice in Islamic society, would confiscate his red and pink and white stuffed bears and other gifts. In the waist, outside that store of the high lipstick red Teddy bear, hard of [muhanmado] at the Jeddah.It Saudi Arabian is done port city, the Saturday posture bear which in the black market of that Saint Valentine's Day inside the shopping mall makes the commodity non indicatory, Saint Valentine's Day of preceding day, as for him holiday of the person, in Islamic society as for the Saudi Arabian religion police who calls the practice of heresy, it was worried that gift such as sewing involving bear of that, pink, red and white is confiscated, Wenn ein waist-high, Lippenstift-roter Teddybär außerhalb seines Geschäftes balanciert ist, war es hart für Mohamed, seine Schwarzmarktwaren des Valentinstags innerhalb eines Malls in der saudischen Hafenstadt von Jeddah.It zu verstecken war Samstag, der Vorabend des Valentinsgrußes, und er war besorgt, dass die saudische fromme Polizei, die den Feiertag eine häretische Praxis in der islamischen Gesellschaft nennen, seine roten und rosafarbenen und weißen angefüllten Bären und andere Geschenke konfiszieren würde. In der Taille außerhalb dieses Speichers des hoher Lippenstift roten Teddybären, hart von [muhanmado] am Jeddah.It, das ist getane saudi-arabisch ist, Hafenstadt, der Samstag-Lagebär, der im Schwarzmarkt dieses Heilig-Valentinstags innerhalb des Einkaufszentrums das Gebrauchsgut nicht anzeigend bildet, Heilig-Valentinstag des vorhergehenden Tages, was ihn anbetrifft Feiertag der Person, in der islamischen Gesellschaft, was die saudi-arabische Religionpolizei anbetrifft, die die Praxis der Ketzerei benennt, war es besorgt, dass Geschenk wie nähender mit.einbeziehenbär von dem, von Rosa, von Rot und von Weiß konfisziert wird,
Saudi Arabia, Politics , Business,