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○■ キアーロ 31日(日) 都8... [kiaro] 31 day (day) Kyoto 8r (start 13: 40) In lower d1800m 15 head stands of 3 years old or more 10,000,000 it starts running with the Watanabe Kaoru 彦 55.0㎏, a liberal translation
○■ 3/6(日)中山11r報知 弥... 3/6 (Sunday) Nakayama 11r information cup March prizes (g2) Koshi Kitamura 1 framework 1st Roosevelt (56.0) healthy genuine (56.0) 6 framework 7th [uinbariashion] Hukunaga Masaru oneself (56.0) 6 framework 6th [sadamupatetsuku] Iwata three (56.0) 5 framework 5th [oruazuwan] Ando Satoru sea (56.0) 4 framework 4th [debonea] Sato Masa justice (56.0) 3 framework 3rd play Matsuoka 2 framework 2nd upper yeast Ebina 祐 one (56.0) 7 framework 8th toe plug mars Yoshida Yutaka (56.0) 7 framework 9th target machine Tanaka Masaru spring (56.0) Hiroshi 8 framework 10th [giyusutavukurai] UchidaHappiness (56.0) 8 framework 11th [shiyounanmaitei] Hamanaka 俊 (56.0), a liberal translation
○■ [rorerurevuata] 25 day (t he Saturday) Osaka and Kobe under the 12r 3 years old or more 10,000,000 (mixing) the d1800m 16 head stand 7 framework 13th c. Williams 56.0㎏ horse weight 458㎏ (- 2) with to start running in, in time 1 minute 53 seconds 9 6 arrivals of 1.1 second difference
○■ 新潟
エイ... The Niigata 1115 thornback thin panther, a liberal translation
○■ 表示はポイント上 5頭の順で... Indication is the order point superior 5, a liberal translation
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