- Test copying meeting, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/manaty2420/entry-10799858753.html Persevering, the [ru] human [tsu] [te] shining, the [ru] [wa] ~ seeing, the movie whose [te] feeling is good Perseverança, [ru] [tsu] [te] o brilho humano, [ru] [wa] o ~ que vê, o filme cujo o sentimento [do te] é bom
- yappa �ӣͣ��� saikou �� nakai kun daisuki �� na �� hou e hou eakeome ������ warai �ˡ�
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10754571921.html It has persevered, with you think Perseverou, com você pensa
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10507177922.html You ask, doing even in Nakai, the ~ [tsu] [te] you thought even, solid it is with the [ru] the ~~ it is well Você pede, fazendo mesmo em Nakai, o ~ [tsu] [te] você pensou mesmo, sólido que é com [ru] o ~~ é bem
Becky, Entertainment, Broadcast,