- [pi]., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/retro-chestnutsgray/entry-10645086047.html However you think, that at the time of [betsuki] and the jack it is the plain [me], percentage the make-up it was enormous distantly, don't you think? it is ¿No obstante usted piensa, eso a la hora de [betsuki] y el gato él es el llano [yo], porcentaje el maquillaje que era enorme distante, usted no piensa? es
http://hoshino-memi.at.webry.info/201110/article_7.html [betsuki] “you call and the way of [tsu] thing speaking densely, by your [betsuki] “usted llama y la manera de cosa [del tsu] que habla denso, por su
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/redwood2000/entry-10644714695.html [betsuki] clothes changing cambio de la ropa [del betsuki
- weblog title
http://itemcoconoone.blog37.fc2.com/blog-entry-485.html [betsuki] has done cm, [nanotsukusukosuta] of the lion [betsuki] ha hecho el cm, [nanotsukusukosuta] del león
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