- , a liberal translation
http://kozy-123.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-2475.html Simply, when we would like to convey one what to the audience, as a whole story? You did not understand in me 完全,当我们希望转达一什么对观众,整体上故事? 您在我不了解
- 映画「となり町戦争」と新書「日本辺境論」にみる日本の「KY民主主義」、ロケ地は愛媛県の東温市と大洲市。
http://location.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-bd74.html Perhaps that and, surely manner of accomplishment of the business which administration seems, was funny 或许那和,肯定事务的成就方式管理似乎,是滑稽的
- 「GOEMON」試写会。
http://ameblo.jp/midorigamemidorigame/entry-10248689570.html The simply, cruel scene was many 完全,残暴的场面是许多
Eguchi Yosuke, Drama,