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○■ ちなみに2007 の大賞は... As for grand prix 2007 'the proposal large maneuvers', last year as for grand prix 2008 'rust [hurenzu]' and, in each case the work “of month 9” has been awarded grand prix by the way
○■ それぞれが、それ れの思惑を... Each one, the administration alternation game which is received with the respective thought
○■ The bubble owed haji [ke] [te] 500,000,000 Yen that time, so, that time, “you talk”, or “it dies”, with the selection whether of “you talk”, it chose, so is
○■ そです!そです! 、またちょ... The sleeve it does! The sleeve it does! With, in addition just a little delightfully so was, a liberal translation
○■ これからのますま の御活躍を... We would like to enjoy more and more participation, future,, a liberal translation
○■ As for your this store th e brown leaf of 12 types is put, you insert the brown leaf of the taste by your and drink is, the ~
○■ この映画は パンフ レットの抜... This movie is excerpt of the pamphlet, but the image expression which is full in the story and the force which is unexpected characteristic
○■ Alchemy teacher completio n of woman steel of popularity article Arakawa [andazaburitsuji] themovie dragon [tatou] of this [burogu
○■ このドラマは、1999 年に起... This drama, the book of the reporter and the gate rice field Takashi military officer person who chase the optical city mother and child murder incident which occurred in 1999 'is the drama where why you whether despair and fighting you obtain on the basis of (the Shinchosha Company publication) were made 3300 days of Motomura ocean' with fiction, a liberal translation
○■ When going to the friend and the movie which do not come and are, the movie pamphlet which becomes matter of concern which is received
○■ きっと寒くなった 止めるだろ... When certainly it becomes cold, you stop, probably will be
○■ There is no [tsu] and a h orsefly!! Because in the news item being discovered of goemon the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] it stops here and others solves, a liberal translation
○■ お話は終了したわ なんであり... Story is reason what which ends, but, a liberal translation
○■ 『相棒』なども結 社会派の話... 'Also the partner' and so on rose well enough in the story of social group, a liberal translation
○■ 'The 20th century boy' th ere is an interest,…, the ・・・^^ which does not go to seeing; ; ; Because as for that there is some chapter, one air we would like to do to see, whether… after all, dvd,… one air we would like to do to see at the cinema, but… separately fee as for being taken however the painful [tsu] >< well, such plan itself, you have not heard, the ^^;, a liberal translation
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