http://tremor.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/618/ Certainly as the Japanese movie persevering, you think that it is [ru] one,, a liberal translation Ciertamente como la película japonesa que persevera, usted piensa que es [ru] una,
- Thought @NHK Saturday drama “chase - national tax inspector -” 1st time: The Caribbean conjurer * there is [netabare],
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-18 Certainly, as for someone's suffering however another someone's chance is, there is no this, you thought that is,, a liberal translation , Como para alguien que sufre sin embargo otro alguien la ocasión es, allí es ninguna esto, usted pensó ciertamente es decir,
- PCより愛をこめて
http://ameblo.jp/tsune-tsune/entry-10345737706.html You think that “Aniya” was fixed certainly and was useful Usted piensa que “Aniya” fue fijado ciertamente y era útil
Eguchi Yosuke, Drama,