- Be disheartened a little the work
http://ameblo.jp/baronnikoniko/entry-10480116423.html Today will try doing abruptly even in the story of animation or, (; ´▽ `a ``
- 日誌
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kokugakuinsc/archives/65362602.html As for animation of the present term only [bakatesu] viewing
- 遅くなった
http://blog.livedoor.jp/afron1124/archives/51964993.html The present term as animation seen by degrees, increases.
And, it is not overtaken completely with overhead game description digestion, however it is, don't you think?.
- この傷跡が、俺の誓いだ!
http://yaplog.jp/mayuka1227/archive/329 Only [deyurarara] videotaping, increase the animation of the present term it is
- バカとテストと召喚獣 第1話 「バカとクラスと召喚戦争」
http://30320328.at.webry.info/201001/article_12.html Whether with animation of the present term the one which can be expected
- 冬アニメ一覧&2010年公開予定アニメ映画
http://45841259.at.webry.info/201001/article_5.html The present term chaos it is little with as winter animation, so is, but when the image that funny animation it can excavate, something it is dense, it is delightful, is, (the ´ω `)
Bakates, Anime, Books,