- Older sister and younger sister and crimson demon 卿 EX
http://yatsu-hamamatsu.at.webry.info/201002/article_3.html As for [bakatesu], you say or that in 々 you can read smoothly, because letter [bitsushiri] it is not plugged to page 1 to there, it is easy to read, don't you think?
- Fool and test and summons animal 5 story “map and treasure and striker sigma V”
http://ameblo.jp/777888999000/entry-10450208179.html As for [bakatesu] Himeji favorite shelf
- The lever it groaned
http://mblg.tv/pandora07/entry/173/ Kubo it got [bakatesu] at last!
- ピンク
http://yatsu-hamamatsu.at.webry.info/201001/article_11.html After animation ending [bakatesu], reading, you think as the kana which you will see
- デュラララとバカテス
http://yaplog.jp/planetpure/archive/1630 Comentarios sobre este ,
- 明けましておめでとうございます♪
http://ameblo.jp/beigaru/entry-10426244780.html [bakatesu] seems that keeps making me steadily useless
- シルバーウィーク終了
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nanakafaith0503/21256242.html Buying, it read through [bakatesu] in the day, but as for one more with the direction which is stacked…
Bakates, Anime, Books,