- ” Could be a match someone to this animal?” ” Fight someone probably can with this animal?”
http://ameblo.jp/u-toraman/entry-10352918512.html The Israeli sanctuary where also the Israeli sanctuary stands and probably will be is devastated and “by his it is God”, the cartridge [u] person of the [tsu] [te] appears, probably will be El santuario israelí donde también se devasta el santuario israelí se coloca y estará probablemente y “por el suyo es dios”, la persona del cartucho [u] del [tsu] [te] aparece, estará probablemente
- The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (Nuclear non Proliferation Treaty: NPT)
http://bcp.moe-nifty.com/products/2010/05/post-372f.html Israel attacking, whenever it was under strange environment Israel que ataca, siempre que estuviera bajo ambiente extraño
- イラン問題で急務は信頼醸成
http://blog.livedoor.jp/wien2006/archives/51509375.html The Israeli [deimona] reactor has the underground facility of depth of the underground 6 floors El reactor israelí [del deimona] tiene la facilidad subterráneo de la profundidad de los 6 pisos subterráneos
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