- Invasion!? Squid daughter 6th story thought, a liberal translation
http://yasuto07.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-1405.html The squid [chi] [ya] - it is!! Although it is not touched yet, it is beaten, [chi] [ya] [u] Sanae [tsu] [te]…, a liberal translation O calamar [qui] [ya] - é!! Embora não seja tocado ainda, é batido, [qui] [ya] [u] Sanae [tsu] [te]…
http://sigerublog.txt-nifty.com/utakata/2011/10/post-a261.html The eye being attached of the teacher of the charge which 嫉 apparent does the squid falling ill completely, although the [ru] ww which is blown O olho que está sendo unido do professor da carga que o 嫉 aparente faz a queda do calamar doente completamente, embora o ww [ru] que é fundido
- As for being two degrees there are three times., a liberal translation
http://purple-diary.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-09-28 The squid is lovely! O calamar é encantador!
- Invasion!? Squid daughter 7th story thought
http://sigerublog.txt-nifty.com/utakata/2011/11/post-e8ee.html It tries probably to take advantage to the amnesia of the squid Sanae whom thin D…, a liberal translation Tenta provavelmente tomar a vantagem à amnésia do calamar Sanae quem dilui D…
- Japanese Letter
http://tori-toki.at.webry.info/201012/article_14.html The [tsu] [te] which the squid ends? Without being able to be, [geso]! ...... The [u] it is, without being able to be, [geso [Tsu] [te] que o calamar termina? Sem poder ser, [geso]! ...... [U] é, sem poder ser, [geso
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cuzmachupichu/e/9f68a990201fab6cd7812a09b70b5e4d The squid it shines well the squid daughter who had squid www luminous ability O calamar brilha bem a filha do calamar que teve a habilidade luminosa de WWW do calamar
- Japanese talking
http://inocybe.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/11/post-3f1f.html It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Irmã mais idosa do calamar, poço bastante nesta praia a prateleira que é popularidade nas crianças
- Japanese weblog
http://tori-toki.at.webry.info/201010/article_13.html The squid [tsu] [te] being well enough strong existence?...... O calamar [tsu] [te] que é existência forte boa bastante? ......
The invader comes from the bottom of the sea!, Anime, Manga,