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○■ Because you can sign with anonymity, signing by all means by all means, please see the one which has interest, a liberal translation
○■ このサイトで代わ にメッセー... Message is delivered to substituting with this sight
○■ Because even in shyness h eart it had become the just a little air, it is we would like to keep observing to future trend
○■ たくさんの参加あ がとうござい... Many participation thank you! DREPT (* ' - '*) How - you saw and the ~ it is it gave an advise agreed! (^-^) Then the totaling result announcement stripe ~ it does! Is the fact that it may do test study properly in o (^o^) o 'shyness heart, who?' Naoki 1st rank 'field Kubo' was
○■ The knock which Naoki fie ld Kubo, you question is with your birthday [me] and is thought, furthermore the day when also the day when you laugh cried, now with favor of the knock where everything is important memory, I favorite him and love last month the various thinking is complicated truly it can encounter the friend, thank you the fact that complicated every day was passed is fact, but “questions with the [me]”, being able to call today, it was good, don't you think?, the cartridge and others in love - the [zu] - the [tsu] it keeps being attached to the [zu], even from now on is it became the [tsu] slow, but way. the collar do it is cute 1 years,[hatsupisu
○■ *26時間tv大阪イベ ト?... *26 time tv Osaka event? */Extent and [satsuki] which are not defeated to either the singing of the [hurenzu] chord older brother rub [chi] [ya] song it was good, 2 people the good [tsu]!!! Consequently when 'the hardness loyal retainer of m'/chord never you sing, because the thought cup you applied, being raw, being able to hear, singing of the [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] impressed chord older brother the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] echoing the [te], was splendid and is 26 hours, opening, is unit inside [hekisagon] with the member of the shyness heart which you mention earlier, popularity came out although and also exposure it has become many, when -, hardness loyal retainer you of the chord of the member, the upper area male 輔 you compare certainly to you, oh you cannot know difference high in some popularity and, as for the frequency which recently it notices with the television whether it was less, perhaps doing, [atashi] it is boy fg of the [chi]? [atashi] it is boy picture collection of the [chi] * national Yutaka…Hardness loyal retainer all of chord
○■ つるの剛士挙式延 ??... Hardness loyal retainer ceremony postponement of chord??, a liberal translation
○■ : New information: Broadc ast day modification: There is a possibility time becoming modification --------------------------------- Becoming slow, the [me] it is do
○■ The village rice field wi ll not in [hekisagonmenba], Mari Kimi Tsuji and Yaguti and the original halo professional member are to be many, a liberal translation
○■ 『野久保直樹応援 ッセージ 』... 'Field Kubo Naoki support message', a liberal translation
○■ [buroguneta]: If you get married, which show biz celebrity? While participating as for me Tumao wood. When group it is you say densely among them, inside the hardness loyal retainer or the upper area male of the chord 輔 Naoki field Kubo or Okada associate one calls even with the Tumao wood and (laughing) may make everyone important the producing chord older brother really has made the lady important, die the [tsu
○■ 理由…『連絡先が しい』 『... The reason… 'we want ahead communicating,' 'the suit form parenthesis it is good 'with the sunflower attachment',' 'with the upper area male 輔 also return being playing help with God child playing help with we want, is,' '[meado] we would like to know!' Hardness loyal retainer of the 2nd rank 'chord' was
○■ Although it can meet to f ield Kubo, it could not meet easily and the [te] [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] fell and looked at [ru] dream… The eye awakened, 'it could not meet even now with something, it is the [ro]… which is' the [tsu] [te], we would like to meet to tear eye field Kubo rather, is…
○■ Field Kubo Naoki photogra ph collection sale day well the fact that it comes to my place is ahead rear several days, but the mail from Amazon yesterday which it waits it was the schedule where cast size reaches at last, but being absent, that it is to think whether re-delivery you probably will ask, but to the post office the stripe it does in going to receiving and passes to be today is sale day of commodity which lines up into the shop front as Naoki field Kubo, don't you think? it is, it cannot go to the meeting place of everywhere in handshake meeting however and it cannot go to either talk show, celebrating selfishly, the cake buying, it probably will return, the insertion which thinks that this which [a] [te] real campaign will prepare it is good you found, but it is,Kana? The [tsu] [te] thinking, tasting, to insert, amount tomorrow buys the card which you try to purchase, because it is packed, you have avoided going to the Kurashiki station, purchase schedule
○■ 野久保直樹&木下 樹菜... Naoki field Kubo & Kinoshita Yutaka tree greens
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