- Aspiration
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/berry214/diary/201112310000/ In addition next year such a feeling kana 另外明年这样感觉kana
- 2011- 12.31 New Year's Eve
http://ameblo.jp/snow-4068/entry-11122045102.html In addition we ask also next year may 另外我们要求明年也可以
- On busy end of year it was 2 years old!, a liberal translation
http://binbiro.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-12-30 In addition also next year it could meet 另外明年这样感觉kana
- [reko] Ooide [chi] [ya] now it does, the seed… and greeting
http://exex.at.webry.info/201112/article_37.html In addition we ask also next year, may!!, a liberal translation 另外我们明年也要求,可以!!
- ” Revolution buying and selling which is seen in most jump stocks SXL!”, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/byacco555/e/1dd13d36d01737387254acacc4533784 Well, but, this year “I gained on the stock market, this 1919.sxl!”It jumps there and that with the expectation where also the investor which is said you are to be many, in addition completed amount 6,713 ten thousand stocks you attach for 8/14. high price 116 Yen the investor which is bought indicates many thing, but 116 Yen those high prices it jumps and also the investor which is bought after that, makes a profit sufficiently to at high price 217 Yen and” profit decision sells and” judges as the thing which it is possible 那么,但是, “我在股市,这1919.sxl上今年获取了! ”它跳跃那里和那与也投资者说您将是许多的期望,另外您为8/14附有的完整数额6,713一万股票。 高价116日元被买表明许多事,但是116日元那些高价它跳跃的投资者并且在那以后被买的投资者,十分地做赢利对以高价217日元,并且”赢利决定卖,并且”判断作为是可能的事
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