- Greeting
http://soyo-g2rabbit1975.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-0c30.html By all means, don't you think? next year please come to play in the green2 division!!!! 尽一切力量,您是否不认为? 请明年来使用在green2分裂!!!!
- This year one year, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hoohoofukurou/43678003.html Then general cleaning ♪ your good year ♪♪ 然后一般清洁♪您的好年♪♪
- The end of year beginning of the year you inform
http://motorabi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-e556.html Then everyone your good year!! 然后大家您的好年!!
- About the reservation within year
http://imiu.blog48.fc2.com/blog-entry-1106.html Then everyone, please pass the end of year which please persevere is good to the dishes for the New Year making in general cleaning 然后大家,请通过请坚持是好对盘做在一般清洁的新年的年底
- New Year's Eve
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/magupika51/e/bafc092704e5e80d6bad074b0e233c01 Then greeting of the conclusion of 1 years… this year many ones coming to play in such a by degrees diary, encouraging the mail, very this it was pleasant, is, a liberal translation 然后今年招呼1年结论…来许多的部分使用在这样a由程度日志,鼓励邮件,非常这是宜人的,是
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,