- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kiyokunmama/entry-11121353854.html The ♪ where the meat reaches, a liberal translation O ♪ onde a carne alcanga
- …Cold [tsu]* 彡
http://ameblo.jp/ellie719/entry-11121771482.html The flower reached* 彡, a liberal translation O 彡 do reached* da flor
- Already a little New Year's Day
http://mizyukumonokazumi.cocolog-nifty.com/blogtawagoto/2011/12/post-49f5.html Also New Year's Day homecoming was from January 7th Igualmente o regresso a casa do dia de ano novo era janeiro de ő
- Heroic deed, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mikamaru1214/entry-11120163752.html After becoming New Year's Day, it tries when probably to print the printer being broken, the thing which it ran to buying in [ya] ○ [da] electricity of the [te] first sale Após o dia de ano novo tornando-se, tentar quando provavelmente imprimir a impressora que está sendo quebrado-sea, a coisa que funcionou à compra na eletricidade do ○ [do ya] [a Dinamarca] [te] da primeira venda
- New Year's Eve
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/magupika51/e/bafc092704e5e80d6bad074b0e233c01 The coming which this year it has from the mother-in-law who does the New Year's Day decoration you built and the large quantity received the rice cake A vinda que este ano tem da sogra que faz a decoração que do dia de ano novo você construiu e da grande quantidade recebida o bolo de arroz
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,