- The Osaka capital structure thinking, it is difficult to know so?
http://yula22.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2531244/ (The part where it has made a mistake indication), a liberal translation (零件它做了一个差错征兆)的地方
- Finally the 躁 period explosive of the master & surprise inn flight & childbirth of the sister-in-law, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kisho178/entry-11105759367.html (As for me, thing something which accumulates in these two days? The [tsu] [te] you thought, don't you think? it is but with, as said, when you did not do, although even yesterday even the day before yesterday nothing was said, why? Becoming sad, it cried (关于我,事在这两天积累的事? [tsu] [te]您想法,您是否不认为? 它,但是与,如说,当您为什么没有做,虽然甚而甚而什么都前天昨天未说, ? 变得哀伤,它哭泣
- Hobby
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ru-a_a-ru/e/590b34880da80787cd320a55651ed07e (Speaking wasted, perhaps, it is thought, but), a liberal translation 或许, (被浪费的讲话它是想法,但是)
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,