- The butter is continued shortage of goods.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/oyatu83_ykok/33094093.html Such in, some days ago submitted rushingly the result of “product inspection” returned, a liberal translation Tais dentro, certos dias há submetidos rushingly o resultado do “da inspeção produto” retornaram
- It is note, but…
http://shibano-koumuten.cocolog-nifty.com/ikiikiclub/2011/11/post-8611.html Because it is such a high school, the fool is many Porque é uma High School tão, o tolo é muitos
- Topsy-turvydom
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/saicyan_loghouse/64586618.html Finding among such is the wool, a liberal translation Encontrar entre tais é a lã
- [chiyoi] tired tend
Entre tais, espera raramente na família Japonês-Chinesa, (?)Fêz
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,