- Good Times Bad Times
http://ameblo.jp/nao-need-baby/entry-11122506828.html Well, living, the [wa] [tsu] lever which is the [ri] [ya] various, a liberal translation Bem, vivendo, [wa] [tsu] a alavanca que é [ri] [ya] vário
- , a liberal translation
http://watashinouta.at.webry.info/201112/article_15.html Well, because it is pre-harvest season of time of sight-seeing, probably will be Bem, porque é estação pre-harvest da época de sight-seeing, provavelmente seja
- Year forgetting 1 human [bakuchi] conference (length
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kuro_demekin/archives/1537819.html To well, the [pa] - it does it limits busy day even with [tsu] and [bakuchi, a liberal translation Bem, [pa] - fá-lo limita o dia ocupado mesmo com [tsu] e [bakuchi
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiramekarei/e/a601e1e8722b039bed026b8df324d8eb Well, if even then, it can enjoy, you think that it is possible to be that, Bem, se mesmo então, pode apreciar, você pensa que é possível ser aquele,
- End of year march 3, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hisui_no_natu/e/38121f5deb2cbfc789652417015bf35e Well, usual end of year condition kana Bem, fim usual do kana da condição do ano
New Year's Eve, japanese culture, Leisure,