http://blog.livedoor.jp/cool_change40/archives/51683852.html And, it is December Und, es ist Dezember
- Radio broadcast of New Year's Eve
http://hidetoshi-iwasaki.cocolog-nifty.com/1/2011/12/post-8418.html And 14th time was broadcast to today and the night of New Year's Eve, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Normally, the [ji] [yo] which finishes going to bed, is
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pollonpapa/33147708.html And this it is every week not just end of year, but the laundry of the dog Und dieses ist es jede Woche nicht gerade Jahresende, aber die Wäscherei des Hundes
- Including appreciation in 2011, a liberal translation
http://masumi-kobayashi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/2011-46a0.html And, in by your, you made one answering Und, innen durch Ihr, bildeten Sie antwortendes ein
- New Year's EveⅡThis year bird photographing entire collection of one year
http://okamphoto.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-b2c8.html And, true hitting [akashiyoubin, a liberal translation Und, zutreffendes Schlagen [akashiyoubin
- Someone success or failure is argued
http://izumosaku.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-1977.html And, the sad appeal of the village headman the chest was struck in indomitable attitude Und, der traurige Anklang des Dorf Headman der Kasten wurde in der indomitable Haltung geschlagen
- Year taking ([otoshitori])., a liberal translation
http://izumosaku.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-1982.html When and it is defeated in all, “year opening”, it stops, “opening in New Year's Eve, you question with the [me], it is”, that it greets, a liberal translation Wenn und es in allen besiegt wird, „Jahröffnung“, stoppt sie, „Öffnung in Des Sylvesterabends, Sie fragt mit [ich], es ist“, dieses es grüßt
New Year's Eve, japanese culture, Leisure,