- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://ken-g.txt-nifty.com/015/2012/01/post-c26d.html After getting married, three as for day with the just it moves to the respective parents' home, the pad which does not have the fact that it does to year's first visit to the shrine properly, a liberal translation Após a obtenção casado, três quanto para ao dia com o justo move-se para os pais respectivos home, a almofada que não tem o fato de que faz ao ano primeiramente visita ao santuário corretamente
- Year's first visit to the shrine -> birthday
http://marukohajime.air-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-1a1f.html In day of 3 days going into the Yutaka national shrine of the Osaka castle in year's first visit to the shrine Em um dia de 3 dias que entram no santuário nacional de Yutaka do castelo de Osaka no ano primeiramente visite ao santuário
- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kurarin916/diary/201201050001/ On the 3rd, it went to year's first visit to the shrine from afternoon, a liberal translation No ó, foi ao ano primeiramente visita ao santuário da tarde
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http://mblg.tv/hibizare/entry/913/ … But as for truth when the store whose animation is blue we would like to go, it is, somehow three as for day was suspension of business, it seems … Mas quanto para à verdade quando a loja cuja a animação é azul nós gostaria de ir, é, de algum modo três quanto para ao dia se realizava a suspensão de negócio, parece
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,