- Long ago 2012
http://ameblo.jp/jidoriya1mayu/entry-11130708412.html If the right elbow which it can hurt from 2011 furthermore it does not cure no matter what during 2012 pain becomes strong 此外如果它可能从2011年伤害它的右手肘不治疗,不管在2012期间痛苦变得强
- The area of semantic obscurity, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/urisukeusagi/entry-11133250602.html Snow scratching to 2010 抓到2010年的雪
- 2012, sound of start
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tresorminami/archives/1594720.html From 2011 to 2012…, a liberal translation 从2011年到2012年…
- 2012 the year when it passes
http://blog.livedoor.jp/depp2nd/archives/51794107.html 2011 was various things, they were agitated 1 years, a liberal translation 2011年是各种各样的事,他们是搅动的1年
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,