- Shrine year's first visit to the shrine.
http://pure-pure.air-nifty.com/ai/2012/01/post-aaee.html The photograph is the God horse of the shrine (the grommet [me]), a liberal translation La fotografía es el caballo de dios de la capilla (el ojal [yo])
- Ten day god of wealth shrine
http://blog.livedoor.jp/umechan_blog/archives/51764358.html As for the photograph, being defeated to temptation, the jumbo callous burning which you ate En cuanto a la fotografía, siendo derrotado a la tentación, el burning calloso enorme que usted comió
- New Year's Day, a liberal translation
http://hongous-factory.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-bbb6.html Furthermore as for the photograph, from the foot warmer which enters with the treat of New Year's Day, for the first time, putting out the [chi] [yo] [ro] [ri] and the face, rapture [chibi]……, a liberal translation Además en cuanto a la fotografía, del calentador del pie que entra con el convite del día de Año Nuevo, poniendo por primera vez hacia fuera la [ji] [yo] [ro] [ri] y cara, éxtasis [chibi] ......
- The Nagoya promenade (white forest zen buddhism temple), a liberal translation
http://odori.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-01-04 The photograph is the crowd of ten thousand pine temples ago La fotografía es la muchedumbre de pino de los diez milésimos hace los templos
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,