- Movie appreciation, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jawa-blog/e/8b8c6fc9a8614c5ba11b281781e36471 “Bosom it forces, -!!”“It has come here, with the daughter well!”With you could rejoice very and they were wooden pail circumstances “Peito que força, -!! ” “Veio aqui, com a filha bem! ” Com você poderia exultar muito e eram circunstâncias de madeira do balde
- First crying. (After a little)
http://ameblo.jp/harahettazo/entry-11139737997.html “It is [aitsu] what with something,…” With you thought, but the result mother coming, excessively, because it does not change, it was the same “É [aitsu] o que com algo,…” Com você o pensamento, mas a mãe do resultado que vem, excessivamente, porque não muda, ele era o mesmo
- 2012 and 2012, a liberal translation
http://detch-hoopla.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/201224-d3cb.html “You got angry? All right?”With, a liberal translation “Você começ irritado? Toda para a direita? ” Com
- 2012 New Year
http://hinatabokko.cocolog-nifty.com/henachoco/2012/01/2012-a9bd.html “Being New Year, it increased!” It was the suitable end of year beginning of the year “Sendo ano novo, aumentou!” Era o fim apropriado do começo do ano do ano
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,