- Prestige store?
http://imasan.cocolog-nifty.com/kurodai/2012/01/post-5a26.html And the new year when it is work from today started, the steering wheel heart which grasps to be light the [u] - the pedal are heavy! When it arrives to the workplace, always [a] where I where most companions have already come am last the aged person is quick anyhow! Rivaling, the [a] “senior where front of the commencement of work 30 minute which comes quickly is common sense! Everyone it comes quickly with something, it is?” “Everyone [kami] is noisy, it is, we something the bulky refuse it handles and it is what!” We would not like to be “in the house!”“To [e], the kind of air which is understood does”, (laughing) after work ends, doing to meet with main water 之 mediating/helping, the photograph of the father who many degrees was seen with the television were pasted in the wall where it goes to eating at the super famous Chinese noodles store, when you eat, main water 之 mediating/helping under the counter with the finger as a à imprinting [mazu]! Both two people % 并且新年,当它是从今天开始时的工作,掌握是轻的方向盘心脏[u] -脚蹬是重的! 当它到达到工作场所,总是[a]多数伴侣有最后已经来临年迈的人的地方的I无论如何是快的! 抵抗, [a] “前辈工作开工的前面迅速的地方来的30分钟是常识! 它迅速来与某事的每个人,它是?” “大家[kami]是喧闹的,它是,我们它处理的某事庞大的废物,并且是什么!” 我们不会希望是“在房子里! ” “对[e],被了解在工作末端以后”的这空气, (笑),做遇见帮助主要水的之斡旋或,许多程度在墙壁看见与电视被黏贴它努力去做吃在超级著名中国面条商店父亲的照片,当您吃,主要水之斡旋或帮助在与手指的柜台之下的作为à 印[mazu]! 两二个人每次1/3离开,它从商店出来,至于为“[mazu] [ku],然而它是大概将是,装腔作势地说已经不是好附上的我们是否…口味超级年轻的人的下次”
- 2012 starting., a liberal translation
http://nonninnin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/2012-00dc.html The school started from today 从今天开始的学校
- The cat of the service perfect score it is distant the brother of the fatigue tendency.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/lovely_piyo_co/35901560.html Because work starts from today, it kept returning, a liberal translation 由于工作从今天开始,它继续返回
- As for fortune of this year,
http://margueritekiyoshi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-9bcf.html From today the first day of the year for work, 从今天年的第一天工作的,
- 辰 year, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hibiscus5775/e/bf4877d0a45b80a0925806fb030c3a0f From today as for master work, a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,