- 2012
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cheese1201cheese/archives/51812271.html Evening you drink from 5 o'clock,… the beer in the laughing world being even, the [te] varieties you drank and searched Sie glättend, trinken Sie von 5 Uhr,… das Bier in der lachenden Welt, die sogar ist, die [te] Vielzahl, die Sie tranken und suchten
- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://teate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-c26d.html The school starts from tomorrow Die Schule fährt von morgen ab
- As for thinking @ [samugarepo] of suffering area visit and live of this year @ [sutosuma] hardness or the ~☆ which becomes live it is enormous
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-11124726502.html Turn declaration kana of being frightened sp of tomorrow, in program Nabi name Drehen Sie Erklärung kana des Seins erschrockenes SP des Morgens, im Programm Nabi Namen
- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://blog.livedoor.jp/road_to_crown/archives/52236518.html It is work from tomorrow,… Es ist Arbeit vom Morgen,…
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,