- Sleeping cell
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cube8141/archives/52041873.html You could rise early in New Year's Day how occurrence… of the distant former times when, a liberal translation 您怎么可能及早在新年起来发生…遥远的前时代,当时
- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://teate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-c26d.html I in New Year's Day went into the Suwa shrine of local end in the family, a liberal translation 我在新年进入地方末端Suwa寺庙在家庭的
- shinnen sousou ��
http://akameno.at.webry.info/201201/article_1.html Because it is the quantity where learning/repairing would like to move excursion whether serious with, from the house by the car being able to go in about 15 minutes, made the hotel where play place of the child has been attached, a liberal translation 由于它是数量学会或修理希望移动游览的地方严肃与,从房子乘的汽车能在大约15分钟之内进来,是否做了孩子戏剧地方附上的旅馆
- 2012 emperor cup deciding Kyoto vs FC Tokyo (national)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/lime-bee/e/6cde7dcb8c4acb6fe0f63b822b83a394 It went to hitomi and emperor cup deciding observation before the New Year's Day and the year's first visit to the shrine 它去hitomi,并且在首先新年和年的之前皇帝杯子决定的观察参观对寺庙
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,