- New Year, a liberal translation
http://chanmari2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-01-05 The Meiji shrine of this year when you compare to ordinary year, seems that the people are fewer???, a liberal translation O santuário de Meiji deste ano quando você compara ao ano ordinário, parece que os povos são menos???
- In cold brain and body [kochinkochin
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/amaamamikann/e/d6ffb1103474f05d8877a7515fae5fdb This year, - we want everyone and everyone good thing full year Este ano, - nós queremos todos e todos ano cheio da boa coisa
- January 4th
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ustu67/e/80c40fe158887a5d51682d2861cabd15 This year, being eight ones 塞 it probably will put out Este ano, sendo oito uns 塞 provavelmente põr para fora
- Opening, you question with the [me], it is!
http://ameblo.jp/flowerday/entry-11124961563.html This year, it became truly good opening Este ano, transformou-se abertura verdadeiramente boa
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yamanokiokuhutatabi/e/2fdc155efbbc0013beb8c957e4e13170 Mt. Fuji of this year the snow is little abnormally O Mt. Fuji deste ano a neve é pouco anormalmente
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,