- konnen ha youchuui �� yoru toshinami ni sakara wazuno maipe^su ��
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/1008kotarou/e/5bfd4ce57a5de8964fa49aca62e131a5 And, alongside the Miyamae river to east to east Und, neben dem Miyamae Fluss zum Osten zum Osten
- 2011 - >2012 year
http://ameblo.jp/ri-nu/entry-11123643623.html , a liberal translation Und, die ältere Schwester heiratete
- 2012 year's first visit to the shrine.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/natural0731/e/ade607fb0e1319dba9e827a50f48acb8 And, everyday it passes slowly, a liberal translation Und, täglich überschreitet es langsam
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/wakabahamuyome8686/e/d6e66b451fb001bf91bff7bb47f107cf And, it went to [imuzu Und, es ging [imuzu
- New year
http://ameblo.jp/3rd-place-life/entry-11125317262.html And, year you opened and you came to the point of doing to countryside early Und, Jahr öffneten Sie und Sie kamen zum Punkt von früh tun zur Landschaft
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,