- Beginning taking New Year's Day diamond of Nara line
http://nakkacho.cocolog-nifty.com/main/2012/01/post-3f16.html Because remainder it does not ride, it is not to become aware, but because also the foam/home of the god of harvest station has done the curve, the shank 由于它不乘坐的剩下的人,它不是发觉,但是,因为也收获驻地的神的泡沫或家做了曲线,小腿
- The large queue like the concert of [jiyanizu]!!!???
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/craftmen/e/632d12a57ad36907cdd41d5de21e290f We would not like to call excessive many, but as for here the clothes and is not, it was to question, you applied, is, a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- The end of year beginning of the year
http://ameblo.jp/codacara/entry-11128231949.html In abundance of the person of remainder, feeling becomes bad 富有剩下的人的人,感觉变得坏
- 謹 celebration New Year. 2012.01.04
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gee00405/archives/65619699.html Remainder, was not tasty, is, but when you eat with the float, it is tasty 剩下的人,不鲜美,是,但是,当您吃与浮游物时,它鲜美
- 2011-2012
http://ameblo.jp/piaggioblue/entry-11124773638.html , a liberal translation 自行车,它到达了一点前面与他们比较是情况不是过份热情它可能少许熟练地乘坐的点,因为, [隋] ~ [tsu]它是宜人[ge
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,