- Among 〓 pines
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/siran13tb/61673661.html Advancing away, the odor [hi] of the rice cake which it bakes and inland water Hara Siyuuousi of the pine, a liberal translation Avançando afastado, o odor [olá!] do bolo de arroz que coze e água interior Hara Siyuuousi do pinho
- While “the tsumugi meeting, say that you live, everyday [kokoro]”, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gogokoniyan/52943659.html It was morning of a certain day Era manhã de um determinado dia
- 謹 celebration New Year, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tomojinotumuji/52716205.html It was possible to make evening of 2 days, kana? So is, when the seeing lottery was pulled, it was Daikiti, a liberal translation Era possível fazer uma noite de 2 dias, kana? É assim, quando a lotaria considerando foi puxada, era Daikiti
- 2012 nen �� nentou no kakizome
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taefuru/e/7493a07dbd179b5e55470915546cfd5c On January 1st the beginning it went to the arm in the small shrine of local end, asked securely, a liberal translation Janeiro em ø o começo foi ao braço no santuário pequeno da extremidade local, pedido firmemente
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/h-kimm/e/572b89856bb5dd69f193eead7cd83c17 As for present bulletin board this Quanto para à placa de boletim atual isto
- 謹 celebration New Year - this year to be possible
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yumeji_2008/e/6b60998b38374971fb431b8c4696a9d0 To the Asama shrine walking from the pad, they are 15 minutes with the foot of the adult, but the granddaughter in 1 said Ao santuário de Asama que anda da almofada, são 15 minutos com o pé do adulto, mas a neta em 1 dito
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,