- Return, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/happy-hassi/entry-11127246729.html With traveling of such such, my homecoming end, a liberal translation 旅行的这样这样,我的归乡末端
- It became slow, but…
http://ameblo.jp/yumitimu/entry-11127153742.html With such a such oh with while saying, as for the day off 6 days 这样这样哦与,当说,至于在休息日6天时
- Opening, increasing, ww
http://ameblo.jp/jasmine1128go/entry-11128100104.html With such a New Year early it is such feeling such a, but the ♪ which is [yoroshiku, a liberal translation 早期这样一个的新年它是这样感觉这样a,但是的♪ [yoroshiku
- Año Nuevo temprano.
http://ameri-style.at.webry.info/201201/article_2.html It ended also busy New Year's Day with such such, calm everyday life returned at last, a liberal translation 它也结束了与这样这样的繁忙的新年,安静日常生活返回在为时
- Winter vacation
http://ameblo.jp/karwe-go/entry-11127082013.html With as for such a such a, [ayane] however it started from heat, well 2012 starts vigorously 与至于为这样这样a, [ayane]然而它从热,井2012开始了有力地开始
- 2012 the year when it passes
http://blog.livedoor.jp/depp2nd/archives/51794107.html When the consequence which passed the end of year beginning of the year which has with such a inexperienced strain such a, it returns, terrible physiology dying being attacked painfully, it increased 当通过年年底初期时有与这样无经验的张力这样a的后果,它返回,可怕的生理死的痛苦被攻击,它增加了
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