- Kite lifting
http://ameblo.jp/haru-2409/entry-11124606694.html (The °∀°) the b kite lifting it could prepare, it is during [tsu] ♪ fighting (laughing) (the no ´▽ `) the no like this doing, it does, it is, don't you think? the ~ child grasps secret is quick, the ~ enjoying, ♪o which it increases (゜∇゜*o) (o*゜∇゜) the o~♪ snack buying, the ~☆ (゚ ▽ ゚;)......... It is, is contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation (°∀°) змей b поднимая его смог подготовить, оно во время бой ♪ [tsu] (смеяться над) (`´▽ нет) нет как этот делать, оно делаете, оно, вы не думаете? секрет хваток ребенка ~ быстр, ~ наслаждаясь, ♪o которое он увеличивает (゜∇゜*o) (o*゜∇゜) приобретение заедк o~♪, ~☆ (゚ ▽ ゚;)......... , Вклад от носить android
- The ♪ you walk love…However so it is not
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/szkhanio/diary/201201020001/ (' Ω) Well calling and (Добро 'Ω) вызывая и
- Unless the cartridge it is, it was decided, it is w which is (゚ ∀ ゚) w, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/tamainu/entry-11124439784.html (´∀ `*) [uhuhu (`´∀ *) [uhuhu
- Year's first visit to the shrine
http://chobi-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/arinkurin/2012/01/post-c26d.html (* `д´*) slyly - it is, (slyly nothing saying? ) (* д´* `) slyly - оно, (slyly ничего говоря? )
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,