http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tetu_kun_99/27978885.html Every year avoiding 1st, you worship on the 2nd Chaque année évitant le ęr, vous adorez sur le 2ème
- January 2nd year's first visit to the shrine
http://dokinyan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-7e5b.html Every year the rubber block print persevering, it increases Chaque année la copie de bloc en caoutchouc persévérant, il augmente
- View of Takao mountains top
http://precious-blue.cocolog-nifty.com/kouunryusi/2012/01/post-282e.html It has gone to the Takao mountain in order every year to receive the New Year protection 摩 Il est allé à la montagne de Takao dans l'ordre chaque année recevoir le 摩 de protection de nouvelle année
- Present suffering animal protective center (December 27th), a liberal translation
http://masterfm.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-d34d.html When every year it becomes coming to an end, being installed in important point, it increases Quand chaque année il devient se terminant, étant installé à l'aspect important, il augmente
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,