- Seeing lottery
http://ameblo.jp/noborimai/entry-11124962456.html x'mas x'mas
- Year's first visit to the shrine (*´∇ `)
http://ameblo.jp/muuua/entry-11124965943.html x'mas (* …, a liberal translation x'mas (* …
- Gap
http://ameblo.jp/ehriiro/entry-11124346052.html x'mas …, a liberal translation &hellip de los x'mas;
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/umeumeumeo0921/entry-11117943892.html x'mas …, a liberal translation &hellip de los x'mas;
- 26: There is no sneeze [hanpa
http://ameblo.jp/sasagurigirl/entry-11118164670.html x'mas …, a liberal translation &hellip de los x'mas;
Hatsumode, Reportage, japanese culture,